User Manual

ES8 User Manual

Before Driving

Before driving, you should:

  • Check tires

  • Check lights

  • Ensure that your surroundings is free of obstacles

  • Ensure that there is no liquid under the vehicle

  • Ensure that there are no warnings or alerts

Remote Settings

You can remotely control and set certain features on NIO app before getting in the vehicle (update the NIO app to the latest version to access the most complete features).

Open My Car on the NIO app to access the following features:

  • Navigation

  • Car locating (Find My Car)

  • Climate control

  • Doors

  • Windows

  • Trunk

  • High voltage battery pre-conditioning

  • Seat heating

  • Seat ventilation

  • Steering wheel heating

Caution 车内无人且动力电池电量大于 10% 才可操作。

This operation is only available when no occupant is in the vehicle and the high voltage battery is no lower than 10%.

Finding My Car in the Distance

After completing the trip preparations, you or an authorized user can conveniently view the vehicle's location on the NIO app.

When the vehicle is connected to the Internet, you can view its location in the top-left corner of My Car on the NIO app. Click on this information to view the vehicle's location on the map.

Caution 车辆定位及网络服务

To use vehicle positioning and network services (such as the remote control features via the NIO app, battery swap, and NFC), enter the settings page from the left side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and selectConnectto enable vehicle positioning and network services.

Finding My Car in Close Proximity

When the vehicle is not being driven and the authenticated key fob is within 10 meters to the vehicle, press and hold the car locating button on the smart key fob for more than three seconds (or double-click the button within three seconds). The vehicle's horn will honk and the turn signals will flash to indicate the vehicle's exact location. Press the button again after five seconds to clear the location prompt. Otherwise, the location prompt will turn off automatically after 10 seconds.

When the vehicle is connected to the Internet, you can also locate it using Find My Car under My Car on the NIO app. The vehicle's horn will honk and the turn signals will flash to indicate its location. Press the car locating button on the smart key fob to clear the location prompt.

Unlock From Outside

Unlocking with Smart Key

Before entering the vehicle, you need to unlock it with a Smart Key. When the Smart Key’s battery level is displayed in blue or green (battery level above 20%), the effective range of the Smart Key is within 10 meters outside the vehicle.

The Smart Key has the following buttons:
  1. Unlock button

    When the vehicle is in P gear, press the button to unlock the vehicle. If successful, the turn signals on both sides will flash three times, and the exterior door handles will extend automatically.

    When all four doors are unlocked with Smart Key, the tailgate can be opened from the outside without a key.

    Press the unlock button, then press and hold the button again within 3 seconds (hold for 1.5 seconds) to open all the windows, sunroof and sunshade at the same time; releasing the unlock button while the windows, sunroof and sunshade are in motion will leave the windows, sunroof and sunshade in their current position.

    You can set the unlocking mode for your Smart Key on the center display. Enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Doors & Windows > Unlock with Key Fob. Choose "All Doors" to unlock all doors at once by pressing the Smart Key. Choose "Driver Door" to unlock the driver's door first by pressing the Smart Key once, and then the remaining three doors by pressing the Smart Key again.

  2. Lock button

    When the vehicle is in P gear and all doors (including the hood and the liftgate) are closed, press the button to lock the vehicle. If successful, the turn signals on both sides will flash once, and the vehicle's horn will honk once. Then the exterior door handles will retract, and the side mirrors will fold automatically (to turn on the side mirror auto-fold, enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driving > Side Mirrors > Auto-Fold When Vehicle is Locked).

    After locking, the liftgate can only be opened from the outside using the Smart Key.

    To enable/disable the lock confirmation sound, enter Settings from the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Sound > Ringer & Alerts > Lock Confirmation Sound.

    Press the lock button, then press and hold the button again within 3 seconds (hold for 1.5 seconds) to close all the windows, sunroof and sunshade at the same time; releasing the lock button while the windows, sunroof and sunshade are in motion will leave the windows, sunroof and sunshade in their current position.

  3. Lifegate button

    When the liftgate is closed, press the button, then press and hold the button again within 3 seconds (hold for 1.5 seconds) to open the lifegate. When the liftgate is open, repeat the steps above to close it.

  4. Smart Key charging indicator

    The Smart Key's power level is shown by the color of the ring indicator. Blue indicates more than 70% power, green indicates 20%-70% power, and red indicates less than 20%.

  5. Find My Car button

    When the vehicle is not being driven and the authenticated Smart Key is within 10 meters of the vehicle, press and hold the button for more than 3 seconds (or press the button twice in a row within 3 seconds). The vehicle's horn will honk, and the turn signals will flash to indicate the vehicle's location. Pressing this button once again after 5 seconds, Find My Car will not remind you again; otherwise, it will turn off on its own after 10 seconds.

Warning 在您离开车辆时如果有人或宠物留在车内,请务必携带智能钥匙,钥匙留在车内可能造成车内人员意外伤害。

When leaving the vehicle with people or pets inside, be sure to take the Smart Key with you. Leaving the Smart Key inside the vehicle may result in accidental injury.

Caution 当智能钥匙在车外,但离车辆较近且车门开启一定角度时,智能钥匙仍可能会被有效感应

When the Smart Key is outside the vehicle but in close proximity and the doors are opened to a certain angle, the Smart Key may still be effectively detected. In such cases, please be mindful of the behavior of persons within the vehicle to avoid unintentional activities that could result in a sudden vehicle startup and potential injury.

Caution 智能钥匙为电子零件,请避免撞击、拆卸或放置于高温、潮湿及强烈震动的场所。
  • 智能钥匙为电子零件,请避免撞击、拆卸或放置于高温、潮湿及强烈震动的场所。

  • 若您将有效的智能钥匙留在车内,下车后使用另一把有效的智能钥匙、手机 APP 或 NFC 从车外对车辆进行上锁后,车内的智能钥匙将失效。再次使用有效的智能钥匙或手机 APP 解锁车辆后,车内智能钥匙的功能即可恢复。

  • 如果在解锁后 30 秒内未打开任何车门或尾门,所有车门及尾门都自动重新上锁。

  • 若钥匙遗失或损坏,请立即联系蔚来汽车服务中心,携带当前所有钥匙进行钥匙的解/授权操作,申领新的钥匙。

  • 若长时间静置智能钥匙,请每隔一段时间(约两个月)为智能钥匙充电以保持钥匙性能的良好。

Note 为防止儿童玩耍钥匙解锁功能,若在10秒钟内连续按压上锁或解锁铵钮达到9次,15秒内智能钥匙仅可解锁一次车辆且无法上锁车辆。

To prevent children from playing with the “Unlock with the key” feature, if the lock or unlock button is pressed repeatedly 9 times in 10 seconds, Smart Key will only unlock the vehicle once in 15 seconds and will be unable to lock the vehicle.

Smart Key Binding with Account

When the vehicle is first activated and passes the verification process, the Smart Key is automatically bound to the owner's account. Subsequently, when using the key to unlock the vehicle, it will automatically load the owner's account data.

The owner can use the mobile App's key management interface to bind the Smart Key with authorized accounts. As a result, when authorized users use their corresponding Smart Keys to unlock the vehicle, the bound authorized account's content will be automatically loaded. The owner can view the bound account information and perform unbinding operations on the mobile App. Both the owner and user of the bound account will receive SMS and mobile App notifications upon successful binding or unbinding.

Note 钥匙与账户绑定
  • The Key's binding to the account can only be modified by the vehicle's owner. Before being bound to the Key, additional NIO accounts need to be authorized first.

  • The bond between the authorized user and the key is automatically lifted synchronously if the owner ceases authorizing.

  • Guest Mode is only available for Smart Key that is bound to the owner's account. When a Smart Key bound to the authorized user's account is used to unlock the vehicle, the authorized user's information will be automatically loaded.

Charging the Smart Key

You may check the Smart Key's power level via its power indicator. When the Smart Key's power is low (as indicated by the red ring power indicator), you can charge it using the central control wireless charging board or a home wireless charger.


Enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Connection > Wireless Charging to enable the feature, and the current charging status will be displayed.

The Wireless Charging feature on the central control wireless charging board will be unavailable under the following circumstances:
  1. The vehicle is undergoing a software update;

  2. The vehicle's Anti-Theft Alarm System is activated (i.e., the vehicle is fully locked from the outside); or

  3. An error occurred during the charging process, or the vehicle's power supply voltage was too low.

Caution 智能钥匙电量不足时将会影响到遥控解锁车辆功能,此时可尝试靠近车辆进行解锁,若未成功解锁请使用其他方式(如手机 APP 或物理应急钥匙)进行解锁。

When the Smart Key battery is low, it will affect the remote unlocking feature of the vehicle. In this case, you can try to move closer to the vehicle to unlock it. If it fails to unlock, please use other methods (such as the mobile App or a physical emergency key).

Caution 智能钥匙的功能将会受到周围无线电波的干扰,需将其他电子设备(如手机、电脑、平板等)离开钥匙至少 30 厘米。

Radio waves can interfere with the Smart Key. Other electronic devices (such as phones, computers and tablets) should be kept at least 30 centimeters away from the Smart Key.

Note 无线充电功能开启后,若有金属物品(如普通钥匙或硬币)放置在无线充电板处,将会影响充电效果。智能钥匙在长时间充电后会发热,此为正常现象。
  • 无线充电功能开启后,若有金属物品(如普通钥匙或硬币)放置在无线充电板处,将可能影响充电效果,甚至造成灼伤风险。

  • 智能钥匙或手机等在长时间充电后会发热,此为正常现象。充电设备充满电后请勿继续放置在充电板上,以免引起过热问题。

  • 请勿同时对两个及以上设备进行无线充电。

Keyless Unlocking

When you carry an authenticated smart key fob (in your pocket or bag), you can unlock the vehicle by pressing the rear end of any exterior door handle.

Note 进行无钥匙解锁操作时,车辆需挂 P 挡且车门、前盖及尾门均关上。

To unlock the vehicle without using a key, ensure that the vehicle is in PARK and that all doors, hood and liftgate are closed.

Warning 为避免心脏起搏器和无钥匙解锁系统的天线相互干扰,体内植入心脏起搏器的人员应确保与车内天线保持 22 厘米以上的距离。

Patients who are dependent on pacemakers should stay at least 22 centimeters away from the interior antennas, to avoid their cardiac pacemakers from being interfered by the keyless unlocking system’s antenna.

Locations of the interior antennas are as follows:

  1. Under the center armrest cup holder

  2. Behind the safe box

  3. Under the left floor

  4. Under the right floor

  5. At the rear

  6. Under the trunk

Walk-Up Unlocking

The vehicle automatically unlocks when you are within 1.4 meters of the B pillar and carrying an authenticated key fob.

To enable/disable Walk-Up Unlocking, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Doors and Windows > Walk-Up Unlocking.

Unlocking With the NIO App

You can remotely unlock the doors when you are still away from the vehicle by tapping Doors in My Car on the NIO app.

To unlock the doors on the NIO app, ensure that the following conditions are met:
  1. The user must be the vehicle's owner or a user authorized by the owner.

  2. The vehicle is in PARK and all doors are closed.

  3. The vehicle is connected to the Internet.

Note 如果用户因故无法使用手机 APP 执行解锁操作,可以呼叫蔚来汽车服务中心寻求帮助。

If you or an authorized user cannot unlock the vehicle using the NIO app, please contact NIO for assistance.

Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth

The Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth feature enables you to easily and quickly unlock/lock the vehicle without a smart key fob.

First, open the NIO app. Tap My Vehicle > Settings > Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth to create an Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth service. Then enable this service and Bluetooth on your phone, and keep your phone close to an unlocked vehicle to pair the vehicle with your phone and activate this service. After successful activation, the top of the My Vehicle page will show that your phone has been connected to the vehicle via the Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth feature, and then you can use the feature to replace the smart key fob for unlocking and locking your vehicle. Then your phone will be automatically connected to your vehicle when approaching. You can also go to the Key Management page to manage the Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth service or delete it as needed.

If the vehicle is in PARK, when you approach it (about 30-70 meters) with your phone's Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth enabled, you can perform the following operations:

  • Tap the Unlock/Lock button on the My Vehicle page of the NIO app to unlock/lock the vehicle, with the door handles extending automatically.

  • After unlocking your vehicle successfully with the Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth feature, you just need to get seated and close the driver's door and then press the brake pedal to start the vehicle.

  • You can press the trunk switch or go to the My Vehicle page of the NIO app to open/close the truck.

Caution 手机蓝牙解锁启动-NT1
  • If you fail to lock or unlock the vehicle via Bluetooth due to a Bluetooth connection error, fix the error and try again.

  • If the Bluetooth connection between your phone and the vehicle fails when you try to start the vehicle by using the Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth feature, please reconnect via Bluetooth and try again.

  • The Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth feature is only available for a paired phone. If you use a new phone, create a new Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth service, and the service on the previous phone will be disabled automatically. To log in to the account, you need to reactivate the Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth service.

  • Both the vehicle owner and authorized users can create a Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth service, but the number of Unlocking and Starting via Bluetooth services that can be paired with the vehicle is limited.

Unlocking With NFC

You or an authorized user can unlock the vehicle using or NFC card. In this case, the liftgate can be opened from the outside.

Place the NFC card close to the NFC detection zone on the driver’s side B pillar and hold it for 10 seconds to unlock the vehicle automatically. If successful, the door handles will extend automatically.

Caution NFC卡片功能的检测距离小于 10mm,建议将手机贴近 NFC 识别处上方并停留 2 秒,以进行 NFC 解锁操作。
  • The NFC's detection range is less than 10 millimeters. It is recommended to place your mobile phone or NFC card near the NFC detection area for a short period of time to unlock the vehicle.

  • After unlocking the vehicle via NFC, you can still lock it using other methods (e.g. your smart key fob or emergency key). We recommend carrying your smart key fob with you.

  • Please keep your NFC card safe. Protect it from impact, bending, high temperatures, strong vibration and damage from liquids.

  • You cannot use the NFC feature during vehicle updates. Please carry the smart key fob with you to unlock the vehicle.

Unlocking From the Inside

Central Lock

You can lock or unlock the vehicle by pressing the central lock button.

When the vehicle is unlocked and all doors are closed, you can lock the vehicle from the inside by pressing the central lock. After locking, a Vehicle Locked icon appear on the center display and the button LED light turns green.

When the vehicle is locked from the inside or only the driver’s door is unlocked, you can unlock the vehicle from the inside by pressing the central lock. After unlocking, a Vehicle Unlocked icon appears on the center display and the button LED light turns off.

Auto Unlock in PARK

The vehicle automatically unlocks in PARK.

If the vehicle is locked automatically while driving (at a speed over 15 km/h), the vehicle will unlock the doors automatically when you stop the vehicle by pressing the brake pedal and shifting into PARK. After unlocking, the liftgate can be opened from the outside without a key.

To set which door(s) can be automatically unlocked in PARK, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Doors and Windows > Auto Unlock in PARK.

  • Choose All to allow all doors to unlock automatically in PARK. In this setting, the liftgate can be opened from the outside.

  • Choose Driver to allow only the driver’s door to unlock automatically in PARK.

  • Choose Off to turn off the feature.

Authorized Unlocking

If you want to lend your vehicle to others, you can authorize users registered on the NIO app. An authorized user can access authorized features by using their NFC key or verified NIO app.

Owner Authorization

To manage authorization, go to the settings page on the NIO app

You can authorize a user and set authorization by entering his/her user name on the NIO app. Up to nine users can be authorized. After setting the user's authorization, tap the profile photo or user name to view the user's information and authorization details (e.g. media, video, safe box). If the current authorization is active, you can also edit the scope of authorized access or disable the user's authorization. An authorized user can only access authorized features, and cannot manage authorization or set Guest Mode.

If you unlock the vehicle using your smart key fob, the vehicle will automatically log into the owner's account.

Note 出于安全考虑,当被授权人正在行驶中, 停止授权需等被授权人停车并锁车后解除授权才可正式生效。

For safety reasons, if you cancel authorization when an authorized user is driving the vehicle, it won’t take effect until the authorized user stops and locks the vehicle.

Note 若添加的被授权用户为蔚来账号用户时,则添加授权过程完成后授权即时生效;若添加的被授权用户为非蔚来账号用户时,需等此用户注册好蔚来账号后授权方可生效。

If the authorized user has a NIO account, the authorization will take effect immediately after it is completed. If the authorized user doesn’t have a NIO account, the authorization will become effective only after the user registers a NIO account.

Unlocking by An Authorized User

An authorized user can unlock the vehicle using their NFC key or remote control on the NIO app.

  • NFC unlocking: Open the NFC app on your phone and place it close to the B pillar on the driver’s side.

  • NIO app remote unlocking: Choose My Car > Doors on the NIO app.

Guest Mode

If you want to lend the vehicle to others by giving them a smart key fob, tap your profile photo on the center display and choose Guest Mode to protect your privacy (e.g. navigation history, contacts, videos, photos). Only default features such as climate controls, weather and navigation (with no access to History or Favorites) are available to guests.

If Guest Mode is set, the vehicle will automatically switch to Guest Mode when it is unlocked with a smart key fob. To exit Guest Mode, you need to enter your vehicle gesture password.

Caution 仅在非驾驶状态可设置访客模式若钥匙绑定车主账户而您未设置访客模式,用户使用此钥匙进入车辆后将自动登录车主账户,并以车主权限操作车辆。
  1. You can only set Guest Mode when the vehicle is not being driven.

  2. If a smart key fob is linked to the owner’s account and your vehicle is not in Guest Mode, the vehicle will automatically log into the owner’s account when a user unlocks the vehicle using a smart key fob.

Service Authorization

You or an authorized user can send a service request to NIO on the NIO app. NIO manages and authorizes service specialists to temporarily access the vehicle and conduct the requested service (e.g. One Click for Power). NIO retrieves the authorization after the service is completed.

After obtaining authorization, service specialists can unlock the vehicle using an NFC key within a specified time frame and use authorized features. The center display shows the account information of the authorized service specialist and the authorized features available to them. Authorized service specialists cannot manage authorization, set Guest Mode, link the vehicle to a key fob, or switch accounts.

Caution 服务结束后车门及尾门应该全部上锁,如果没有上锁则手机 APP将通知您,提醒您及时进行上锁。

After the service is completed, all doors and the liftgate should be locked. If a door or the liftgate is not locked, you will be notified on the NIO app.

Emergency Unlocking

Unlocking From the Outside

When you are unable to unlock the vehicle from the outside with one of the aforementioned methods, you can use the emergency key to unlock the driver's door. All other doors will be unlocked at the same time.

Caution 请将物理应急钥匙带出车外并妥善保管,以备紧急解锁或上锁时使用。

Do not leave the emergency key in your vehicle. Please keep it safe in case of emergency.

To use the emergency key:
  1. Push the front end of the exterior handle on the driver’s door.

  2. Pull the door handle and insert the emergency key into the lock. Rotate the key counterclockwise to lock the driver's door.

  3. To lock the driver's door, rotate the key counterclockwise.

Unlocking from the Inside

In case of emergency, you can pull the interior door handle twice to open the corresponding door if the central lock is engaged.

Caution 车辆蓄电池亏电时,使用物理应急钥匙仅可解锁主驾驶侧车门,其余车门只能通过连续两次拉动车内门把手进行解锁。
  • If the low voltage battery is drained, you can only unlock the driver's door using the emergency key. Other doors can be unlocked and opened from the inside by pulling the corresponding interior door handle twice.

  • When Child Lock is on, the rear doors cannot be opened from the inside and can only be opened from the outside when the vehicle is unlocked.


After locating your vehicle, the headlights will automatically light up to illuminate objects and the road in the front when you approach it.

Headlights switch to auto mode every time you start a new trip. If you unlock the vehicle or come within 5.5 meters of it while carrying an authenticated key fob, the vehicle will turn on the position lights in bright environments, or the low beams and position lights in dark environments. The headlights will turn off automatically when you open any door, or after 30 seconds.

Smart Wheel Arch Lights

When the vehicle is unlocked, the wheel arch lights turn on automatically. The white breathing lights illuminate the environment around the wheels.

To turn on/off the wheel arch lights, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Lights > Wheel Arch Lights.

The wheel arch lights also function as:
  • Software update indicators

    The blue breathing lights indicate that an update is in progress.

  • Follow Me Home Lighting

    When the Follow Me Home feature is on, the white breathing lights also light up.

Exterior Door Handle Lights

Each exterior door handle is equipped with a light. When the vehicle is unlocked, the door handles automatically extend and the lights turn on to illuminate the surrounding environment.

Opening the Liftgate Hands-Free

When your hands are occupied, or it’s inconvenient to use a key fob, the kick-activated liftgate can assist you.

To open the liftgate with a kicking motion, stand within a range of 1.5 meters behind the rear bumper and quickly move your foot back and forth (at least 10 centimeters) one time under the center of the rear bumper.

You must carry a key fob to use this feature.

Note 不要将您的脚从一侧摆到另一侧。 不要将您的脚停在保险杠下方,否则尾门将不会启动。在尾门停止移动前,不要触碰尾门。
  • Do not sweep your foot from side to side.

  • Do not keep your foot under the bumper. Otherwise, the liftgate will not open.

  • Do not touch the liftgate before it stops moving.

The feature may be temporarily disabled for reasons including but not limited to:

  • The liftgate is frequently opened or closed

  • The foot is not taken back in time

  • The kicking motion is not in the effective detection range

If the liftgate is unresponsive, you can try again after several seconds, or use another approach to open or close the liftgate.

Caution 车辆需处于静止状态。脚踢的范围大约为车尾中间0.5米。
  • Ensure that the vehicle is stationary.

  • Ensure that the range of the kicking motion is less than 0.5 meters from the center of the rear bumper.

Warning 不要在尾门开启时驾驶。 在打开或关闭尾门前,确认无人在尾门旁,否则会有被夹住的危险。
  • Do not drive the vehicle when the liftgate is open.

  • To reduce the risk of being pinched, ensure that no one is near the liftgate operating area when opening or closing the liftgate.

Liftgate Button

When you are carrying a smart key fob, you can open the liftgate by gently pressing the button on the liftgate handle.

While the liftgate is opening, press and hold the button to automatically save the current liftgate height.

Caution 打开尾门前需清除尾门上的附着物,如雪和冰。否则可能导致尾门打开后再次突然关闭。

Before opening the liftgate, ensure that it is clear of objects such as snow and ice. Otherwise, the liftgate may suddenly close on its own.

Opening the Liftgate With a Smart Key Fob

To open the liftgate using a smart key fob, short press the liftgate button once. Then, within three seconds long press the button on the left side of the smart key fob for 1.5 seconds.

Caution 打开尾门前需清除尾门上的附着物,如雪和冰。否则可能导致尾门打开后再次突然关闭。

Before opening the liftgate, ensure that it is clear of objects such as snow and ice. Otherwise, the liftgate may suddenly close on its own.

Opening the Liftgate With NFC

You or an authorized user can unlock the vehicle using an NFC-enabled phone without having to carry a key fob. In this case, the liftgate can be opened from the outside.

First, unlock the vehicle with the NFC key. Then, tap and hold the liftgate icon on the center display, or press and hold the button on the liftgate to open it.

Roof load and loading on load holder

When loading onto the roof of the vehicle, a load holder recommended by NIO should be used.

The aim of this is to reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle, and to maintain safety while traveling.

Carefully follow the mounting instruction supplied with the load holder.

  • Distribute the load evenly over the load holders. Place the heaviest load at the bottom.

  • Check regularly to ensure that the load holders and load are secured properly. Lash the load securely using bungees.

  • If the load extends beyond the front of the vehicle such as a cance or kayak, fit the towing eye in its front socket and use it to attach a bungee to.

  • The larger the load, the more the vehicle is exposed to the wind, thereby increasing its energy consumption.

  • Drive gently. Avoid violent acceleration, heavy braking and hard cornering.

Warning The centre of gravity and driving characteristics of the car change when carrying a load on the roof.

The centre of gravity and driving characteristics of the car change when carrying a load on the roof.

Comply with the car's specifications with regard to weight and maximum permitted load.

Warning The car's driving properties change depending on the weight and positioning of the load.
  • The car's driving properties change depending on the weight and positioning of the load.

  • A loose object weighing 20 kg (44 pounds) can, in a frontal collision at a speed of 50 km/h (30 mph) carry the impact of an item weighing 1000 kg (2200 pounds).

  • Leave 10 cm (4 inches) space between the load and the side windows if the car is loaded to above the top edge of the door windows. Otherwise, the intended protection of the inflatable curtain, which is concealed in the headlining, may be compromised.

  • Always secure the load. Always secure the load. During heavy braking the load may otherwise shift, causing personal injury to the car's occupants.

    Cover sharp edges and sharp corners with someting soft.

    Use the parking brake when loading/unloading long objects.

Lowering Ride Height

You can lower the vehicle's ride height to make cargo loading/unloading easier.

Go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driving > Easy Loading to enable or disable the feature.

Caution 车辆降低到最低位置后,无法再次降低。 只有当车速低于5 公里/小时,车身悬架高度降至最低。
  • The ride height cannot be lowered further if it is already set to Very Low.

  • The ride height can only be lowered to Very Low when you are driving below 5 km/h.

Warning 降下时,请确保车辆下方没有人、动物或任何物体。否则会造成人身伤害及车辆或物品损坏。

When lowering the ride height, ensure that the area underneath your vehicle is clear of people, animals or any objects. Failure to do so may result in injury or damage to the vehicle or other objects.

Trunk Lighting

When you open the liftgate, the trunk lighting automatically lights up.

The trunk lighting automatically turns off when closing the liftgate or after 10 minutes.

Trunk Storage

Carrying Accessories

The ES8 towing package has a hitch receiver that can support an accessory carrier.

The hitch receiver is designed to support vertical loads of up to 75 kg.When carrying bicycles or other items on the ES8 hitch, always check to ensure that the maximum weight is not exceeded. When calculating weight ,remember to include the weight of the accessory carrier.

When towing, keep the rear tire pressure at 2.8 bar and the driving speed under 100 km/h. When towing, the maximum uphill gradient allowed is 12%.

Towing a trailer and carrying accessories increases vehicle weight and drag. As a result,driving range can decrease significantly. Plan trip length and charging destinations accordingly.

Please pay attention to the followings when towing:

Before towing:

  • Please change the suspension setting into Normal before use this Trailer mode

  • Please make sure the trailer lights can work properly

  • Please make sure vehicle and trailer combination mass and front/rear axle load are not exceeding maximum permissible value specified in Weights information table

  • Please Make sure the trailer is attached securely (not to attach trailer on slope) and get harness connected

  • Please do not use the Trailer mode when there is no trailer is attached

During towing:

  • Please pay attention to the driving speed and follow the regulation requirement

  • Please Keep proper following distance

  • Please Do not turn sharply

  • Please note that Suspension level control is disable during Trailer mode on

  • Please note that the tailgate only can open by manual operation or pressing the button in centre screen

  • Please note that Some function performance is disabled/reduced due to additional loads (rear sensor and lateral intervention related)

After towing:

  • Please make sure the vehicle is parked in level ground when vehicle is with trailer attached

  • If parked on slope, please make sure the trailer is blocked by chocks by someone and driver keep pressing the brake pedal in this phrase

  • When fitted,the hitch receiver must always be removed or repositioned when it is not in use.

Caution Do not attempt to install a carrier on a ES8 that is not equipped with the towing package.Doing so can cause significant damage.
  • Do not attempt to install a carrier on a ES8 that is not equipped with the towing package.Doing so can cause significant damage.

  • Do not exceed the legally prescribed maximum speed for vehicle/trailer combinations in relevant country.

Caution 使用拖挂装置时,请将线束接头连接正确,以免造成安全问题。
  • Make sure that the wires are correctly connected to avoid safety issues.

  • When a trailer is hitched, the LED taillight of the trailer might flash very slightly. This is a normal situation.

To provide power for trailer, a built-in wiring connector is attached to the tow bar near the hitch housing.The wiring plugs on most types of trailers can be attached to this connector.

  1. Left Tum Signal(Yellow)

  2. Rear Fog(Blue)

  3. Ground for Pins 1-8(White)

  4. Right Turn Signal(Green)

  5. Right Tail Lamp(Brown)

  6. Stop Lamps(Red)

  7. Left Tail Lamp(Black)

  8. Reverse Lamps(Pink)

  9. 12V Power-Permanent (Orange)

  10. 12V Power-Switched/Ignition(Grey)

  11. Ground for Pin 10(Black/White)

  12. Trailer Brake Control Output(Light Grey)

  13. Ground for Pin 9(Red/White)

Warning Use only the electrical connection designed by NIO.Do not attempt to directly slice or attempt to connect a trailer`s electrical wiring using any other method. Doing so can damage the vehicle electrical system and cause malfuctions.

Use only the electrical connection designed by NIO.Do not attempt to directly slice or attempt to connect a trailer`s electrical wiring using any other method. Doing so can damage the vehicle electrical system and cause malfuctions.

Note Some pins have 12V power.
  • Some pins have 12V power.

  • It is the driver`s responsibility to ensure that all electrical connections are working and all trailer lights are operating before and during towing. You must perform manual checks.

  • Loss of trailer lights when towing may be the result of a blown fuse. ES8 dose not provided a warning if the fuse is blown.

Caution Always ensure that the trailer electrical cable does not contact or drag on the ground and there is enough slack in the cable to allow for turns.

Always ensure that the trailer electrical cable does not contact or drag on the ground and there is enough slack in the cable to allow for turns.

Trailer Mode

Make sure to enable the Trailer mode when towing a trailer. When you connect a trailer electrically, the Trailer mode is automatically enabled. When you disconnect a trailer electrically, the Trailer mode is disabled. To enable/disable the Trailer mode manually, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Trailer Mode. One of the following indicators will be displayed on the instrument cluster:

Icon Description

Car detects a connection for trailer lights but Trailer Mode is disabled. It is likely that a carrying accessory has been connected.

Car detects a faulty electrical connection for the trailer lights. Some, or all, trailer lights may not be functioning. Pull over as soon as safety permits and inspect the trailer lights for faulty cabling or connections. If the issues are resolved and the red icon still persists, turn Trailer Mode off and on again.

Warning trailer mode 1
  • Do not rely on Car to detect the trailer and automatically engage Trailer Mode. Always check that Trailer Mode is engaged before towing a trailer.

  • Under no circumstances should you exit Trailer Mode when towing a trailer. Doing so can cause serious injury and/or death.

  • Do not use the suspension setting to appropriately match the height of the hitch with the height of the trailer.

Caution trailer mode 2
  • Please connect the trailer when the ride height is "Normal". Otherwise, the ride height will switch to "Normal" automatically.

  • Some ADAS features, as well as kick sensor\easy entry\ultrasonic sensor functionality, may not be available when Trailer Mode is enabled.

Trunk Storage

You can store your objects and luggages in the trunk.

The trunk has two compartments:

  • Storage above the trunk floor

  • Storage under the trunk floor

Caution 存放液体物品时需注意密封保管,以免液体渗漏对车辆造成损坏。 若发生渗漏,请及时清理。

When storing liquids in the vehicle, ensure that the container is sealed. Spills or leakages may damage the vehicle. If a spill or leakage occurs, please clean up the liquid as soon as possible.

Load Anchoring Eyelets

The load anchoring eyelets are used to attach a net or ropes to secure cargo in the trunk. There are four eyelets in the trunk, with two on each side.

Note 单个折叠式载荷固定扣环的承重大约为450公斤。

The maximum load capacity of a load anchoring eyelet is approximately 450 kilograms.

Caution 如果未固定或未充分固定物品,则其可能会滑动、翻倒或被抛起,从而撞到车辆驾驶员及乘客,尤其是在制动或突然转向时,可能存在伤害风险。 请务必妥善存放物品,以防其被抛起。行车前请牢固固定物品,以防其滑动或翻倒。较大较的物品务必使用安全带或固定带固定。
  • Objects that are not secured or improperly secured may slide around, turn over or be thrown around in the cabin, which may result in injury to occupants. Sudden braking or turns may increase the risk of injury.

  • Ensure that all objects are properly stored in the vehicle to avoid them being thrown around. Ensure that all objects are securely fastened before driving to avoid objects sliding around or turning over. Ensure that large or heavy objects are properly secured with belts or straps.

Folding Rear Row Backrests

When you need to store a large object in the trunk, you can increase the trunk storage by folding the rear row backrests.

Folding the second row: press the button on the backrest to unlock it, and push forward to fold the backrest.

Folding the second row: pull the handle located on the seat's exterior and push forward to fold the backrest.

Folding the third row: pull the release ring on the backrest and push forward to fold the backrest.

Caution 为能够放平第三排座椅靠背,需改变第二排座椅的位置和角度。当向下折叠座椅靠背时,确保后排座椅上没有任何物品,且座椅安全带也未连接。否则,可能损坏后排座椅。
  • To fold the third row backrests flat, you need to adjust the position and backrests of the second row seats first.

  • When folding a backrest forward, ensure that no objects are on the seat and the seat belt is not fastened. Failure to do so may result in damage to the third row seats.

Trunk Power Socket

A 12V power socket is located on the right side of the trunk. It can supply power to accessories.

Closing the Liftgate With a Smart Key Fob

To close the liftgate, short press the liftgate button once. Then, within three seconds long press the button on the left side of the smart key fob for 1.5 seconds until the liftgate is closed.

Caution 如果智能钥匙电量不足,则无法执行该操作,需及时充电。

This feature is unavailable when the smart key fob battery is low. Please charge the key fob first.

Closing the Liftgate With the NIO App

To close the liftgate on the NIO app, make sure the vehicle is in PARK with four doors closed and tap My Car > Liftgate. You will be notified if the liftgate is closed successfully. If the liftgate is obstructed while closing, you will be notified that the liftgate has not closed successfully.

Caution 只有车辆处于联网状态下,才能执行该操作。

This operation is only available when the vehicle is connected to the Internet.

Liftgate Anti-Pinch

The liftgate has the anti-pinch feature.

If a solid object prevents the liftgate from opening or closing, the liftgate will stop its upward or downward motion and anti-pinch will be engaged.

  • If the liftgate is obstructed when opening, it will stop and sound a long alert.

  • If the liftgate is obstructed when closing, it will stop, sound a long alert, and move in the opposite direction for a short distance.

Warning 在打开或关闭前,确认无人在尾门旁,以防夹住可能导致人员受伤。

To reduce the risk of being pinched, ensure that no one is near the liftgate operating area before opening or closing the liftgate.

Opening the Liftgate on the Center Display

When arriving at the destination, swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access and tap the liftgate icon to open the liftgate.

When the liftgate is closed, press and hold , and the liftgate will open automatically.

When the liftgate is open, press and hold again, and the liftgate will close automatically.

Exterior Door Handles

When the vehicle is unlocked, the exterior door handles extend automatically. You can open the door by pulling the corresponding door handle. The exterior door handles retract automatically when the vehicle is locked, driving over 3 km/h, or the door handles have been extended for over 20 seconds. If a door (or liftgate) is open, the exterior door handles will not retract automatically, but will retract 20 seconds after all doors are closed.

Caution 门把手自动收回过程中,请避免乘客(尤其儿童)将手放入,以免造成手部伤害。

When the exterior door handles automatically retract, ensure that occupants (especially children) keep their hands away from the door handles. Failure to do so may result in injury.

If the vehicle is unlocked and the door handles are retracted, you can press the rear end of any door handle to extend all door handles.

Caution 若外门把手无法展开,可按住对应外门把手前部区域,即可手动展开车外门把手。

If the exterior door handles cannot extend automatically, push the front end of the exterior door handle to deploy the corresponding handle.

You can also pull the interior door handle twice to open the corresponding door.

Note 若车速超过 5 公里/小时时任一车门打开,车辆将会发出警示音提醒您尽快关闭此车门,注意行车安全。
  • If a door is opened when you are driving over 5 km/h, the vehicle will sound a chime to remind you to close the door as soon as possible and be mindful of your safety.

  • If any door, the liftgate, or the hood is opened when the vehicle is in DRIVE, the vehicle will sound a chime to remind you of opened doors. Close all doors, the liftgate and the hood, or shift to a non-DRIVE gear to stop the chime. No chime will be sounded when the charge port is opened and the vehicle is in DRIVE.

Easy Entry

Easy Entry offers the driver and passengers multiple options and settings to make entering and exiting the vehicle more convenient.

Driver Easy Entry

After initializing the driver’s seat on the center display, you can set the most convenient exit position for you to get out of the vehicle. With the vehicle stopped and in PARK, the driver's seat will move to the preset exit position when you open the driver’s door, (including the seat cushion position and backrest inclination), and the steering wheel will move to the uppermost position. This will provide you with a larger space to get in and out of the vehicle conveniently.

To enable/disable this feature, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat Comfort > Driver Easy Entry. You or an authorized user can personalize the exit position for the corresponding account. After manually adjusting the driver's seat to your desired exit position, tap Seat Comfort > Driver Seat Memory and select Exit Position to save the current settings. Every time you open the driver's door to get out of the vehicle, the driver's seat will move to the corresponding exit position.

Caution 设置离车位置时,请勿将座椅调节至最后、靠背调节过低,避免影响后排乘客使用。

When setting the exit position, do not move the seat to the rearmost position or recline the backrest to the lowest position. Doing so may adversely affect the rear passengers. You can set the recommended optimal exit position on the center display.

Note 开启主驾驶轻松进出功能后,若您在驾驶座就座并关闭主驾车门(或踩下制动踏板),主驾驶侧座椅、方向盘、外后视镜、HUD 高度将自动设置到中控屏记忆界面设置的驾驶位置。

After turning on Driver Seat Easy Entry, when you sit in the driver’s seat and close the door (or press the brake pedal), the driver’s seat, steering wheel, side mirrors and HUD height will automatically adjust to the settings saved in the system.

Front Passenger Easy Entry

If a passenger opens the front passenger door when the vehicle is stopped and in PARK, the front passenger seat will move to the preset exit position (the position of the seat cushion and inclination of the backrest will move to the rear, and the leg support will automatically move to its lowest position) to make entering and exiting the vehicle more convenient.

To enable/disable this feature, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat Comfort > Front Passenger Easy Entry. Front Passenger Easy Entry has two setting options:

  • Exit Only: when the passenger unfastens the seat belt and opens the passenger door, the seat will move to the default position; when the passenger gets into the vehicle and closes the passenger door, the seat will remain unchanged from the default exit position.

  • Exit + Entry: when the passenger unfastens the seat belt and opens the passenger door, the seat will move to the default position; when the passenger gets into the vehicle and closes the passenger door, the seat will automatically move to the default position saved in the corresponding account (which can be edited from the center display).

Caution 开启副驾驶轻松进出功能后,请注意周围环境及后排乘客的安全。

When using Front Passenger Easy Entry, it is recommended that you set the default position appropriately, and pay attention to the surrounding environment and the safety of any passengers in the second row.

Caution 需将副驾长滑轨移动至最前端方可正常使用此功能。
  • To use this feature, ensure that the front passenger seat is in the foremost position.

  • When moving the seat, please pay attention to the position of the footrest and leg support to avoid injury.

Third Row Easy Entry

Pull the handle on the backrest of the second row seat to fold the backrest slightly forward. Next, release the handle and push the second row seat forward to allow for convenient entry and exit to the third row.

Once the passengers are seated in the third row, recline the second row backrest until you hear a click to restore the seat to its original position.

Caution 如有必要可适当调整第一排座椅位置,以便第二排座椅能顺利向前推动。

If necessary, you can also adjust the front seats, so that the second row seats can be moved forward further.

In case of emergency, passengers in the third row can pull the strap on the back of the second row seat to fold the backrest forward and exit the vehicle immediately.

Third Row Easy Entry

Passengers can conveniently reach the third row via the aisle between the second row seats. When seated, passengers can also move the second row seats forward or backward for a more comfortable experience.

Ride Height Easy Entry

When the vehicle is locked, the suspension automatically adjusts to the lowest setting for more convenient loading/unloading of cargo and passengers. When the vehicle is being driven, the suspension automatically raise to the height corresponding to the current drive mode.

To enable/disable this feature, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Ride Height Easy Entry.

Warning 开启悬架轻松进入功能前,请务必确认车辆下方无人,路面平整且无异物,避免造成人身伤害或车辆损伤。

Before turning on Ride Height Easy Entry, ensure that the area underneath the vehicle is clear of people and any objects, and is on a flat road. Failure to do so may result in injury to people or damage to the vehicle.

Auto Reading Lights

When you unlock the vehicle or open any door (or liftgate), the reading lights turn on automatically to illuminate the cabin. The reading lights turn off automatically if any of the following conditions are met. In this case, you can turn on the reading lights by touching the switch on the headliner.

  • The vehicle is being driven

  • The vehicle is locked from the outside

  • A door is open for over 10 minutes

  • All doors are closed for over 15 seconds

Note 未外部锁车时,若通过顶棚处触摸开关手动打开前排阅读灯,则前排阅读灯不会自动熄灭,需手动关闭。

When the vehicle is not locked from the outside and you turn on a front reading light by touching the switch on the headliner, the reading light can only be turned off manually.

To turn on/off the reading lights, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Lights > Auto Reading Lights.

Controlling the Front Reading Lights

You can manually turn on the reading lights to illuminate the cabin when placing objects, viewing a map, or reading documents. Two touch switches controlling the front reading lights are located on the front headliner. To turn a reading light on/off, touch the corresponding switch; to turn all of the reading lights on/off, touch the master switch in the center.

  1. Driver’s side reading light switch

  2. Passenger side reading light switch

  3. Reading light master switch

When the vehicle is locked from the outside (with a smart key fob or NIO app), all reading lights will be turned off.

Note 若前排阅读灯通过顶棚处单独的开关打开,则不能通过阅读灯总开关来控制前排阅读灯的打开或关闭,只能由单独开关控制;若前排阅读灯关闭,则可通过阅读灯总开关来控制前排和后排阅读灯同时打开或关闭。

If a front reading light is turned on via the touch switch on the headliner, the reading light cannot be controlled by the master switch and will need to be turned off manually; if the front reading lights are off, you can control both front and rear reading lights using the master switch.

Puddle Lights

Each door is equipped with a puddle light and the liftgate features two puddle lights. The puddle lights illuminate the ground at night to prevent you and passengers from stepping into a puddle.

The puddle light turns on when a corresponding door or the liftgate is opened, and turns off after it remains open for 10 minutes or is closed.

Footwell Lights

The footwell lights illuminate the footwell for you and passengers to enter and exit the vehicle.

When the vehicle is stopped, all footwell lights automatically turn on if any door is opened and will turn off in any of the following conditions:

  • The vehicle is in DRIVE or REVERSE.

  • The vehicle is locked from the outside (with a smart key fob, keyless locking, NFC, NIO app, etc.).

  • A door is opened for 10 minutes.

  • All doors are closed for three minutes.

Smart Ambient Lighting

The smart ambient lights are located on the instrument panel, doors and headliner. You can set your preferred ambient lighting and enjoy the delightful atmosphere it creates.

You can turn on ambient lighting on the center display. In this case, the default ambient lighting effect for the current drive mode will be turned on. Swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access, tap Ambient Lighting to choose you desired color and brightness for the current drive mode and save it to your settings.

Door Sill Inlay Lighting

In order to provide a delightful entry and exit, when you or a passenger opens any door, the door sill inlay lighting for the corresponding door will light up to illuminate the cabin and surrounding environment.

Driver’s Seat Memory

When you or an authorized user unlocks the vehicle and takes the driver’s seat (with the driver’s door closed), the driver’s seat, steering wheel, side mirrors and HUD height will automatically adjust to your or the authorized user’s preferred settings saved to the corresponding account.

Shift into PARK, go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Seat Comfort > Driver Seat Memory to customize your settings. After adjusting the steering wheel, driver’s seat, side mirrors and HUD height, go to Driver Seat Memory and select Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other to customize and save the new settings to the corresponding user account.

After unlocking the vehicle and sitting in the driver’s seat (with the driver’s door closed), retrieve the latest driver’s seat settings by swiping right on the home page to visit Quick Access, or going to Driver Seat Memory and selecting Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other.

If you or an authorized user manually adjusts the settings (e.g. driver’s seat position) while using the vehicle, press and hold the corresponding seat icon on the center display to update the settings, which will overwrite the existing settings saved to the corresponding account.

Caution 进行主驾驶座椅记忆初始化设置前,请确保车辆周围环境安全并处于 P 挡,且座椅和方向盘附近无异物,后排无乘客,请将座椅高度降低,头枕降至最低以防触碰顶棚。
  • Before initializing the driver’s seat memory, ensure that the vehicle is in PARK in a safe environment, the seat and steering wheel are clear of obstacles, and the rear seats are unoccupied. Please also lower the seat height, and adjust the headrest to the lowest position to avoid damaging the headliner.

  • While driving, do not short press any buttons on the memory page on the center display to adjust the driver's seat, steering wheel or side mirrors and be mindful of your safety.

  • While driving, you cannot save the current position of the driver’s seat, steering wheel or side mirrors to a corresponding account by long pressing any buttons on the memory page on the center display.

Note 开启主驾驶轻松进出功能后,若您在驾驶座就座并关闭主驾车门(或踩下制动踏板),主驾驶侧座椅、方向盘、外后视镜、HUD 高度将自动设置到中控屏记忆界面设置的驾驶位置。

After turning on Driver Seat Easy Entry, when you sit in the driver’s seat and close the door (or press the brake pedal), the driver’s seat, steering wheel, side mirrors and HUD height will automatically adjust to the settings saved in the system.

You or an authorized user can switch user accounts on the center display to load the corresponding settings. Tap the profile photo or user name on the center display to view valid accounts (including the owner's account and all authorized user accounts). Tap the profile photo or user name you want to switch to, and log into the account after completing verification (by scanning the QR code with the NIO app, gesture, and email password).

Caution 只有在非驾驶状态可以进行切换账户的操作
  • You can only switch accounts when the vehicle is not being driven.

  • In Guest Mode, the vehicle will not save any customized settings (such as the driver’s seat position).

Driver’s Seat Memory

To set the driver’s seat memory for the first time, shift into PARK and follow the initialization instructions on the center display to operate the driver’s seat and the buttons on the steering wheel. After completing the initialization settings, go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Seat Comfort > Driver Seat Memory to customize your settings. After adjusting the seat position and backrest, go to Driver Seat Memory and choose Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other to customize and save the settings to the corresponding user account.

After unlocking the vehicle and sitting in the driver’s seat (with the driver’s door closed), retrieve the latest driver’s seat settings by swiping right on the home page to visit Quick Access, or going to Driver Seat Memory and selecting Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other.

If you or an authorized user manually adjusts the settings (e.g. driver’s seat position) while using the vehicle, press and hold the corresponding seat icon on the center display to update the settings, which will overwrite the existing settings to the corresponding account.

  1. Adjusting seat position

    To move the seat forward or backward, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

  2. Cushion tilt

    To tilt the seat cushion up or down, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

  3. Seat height

    To move the seat up or down, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

  4. Lumber support

    To adjust the lumber support, press the corresponding position on the switch.

  5. Backrest inclination

    To adjust the backrest, move the switch forward or backward. The backrest can be reclined up to 73 degrees and is set to 20 degrees by default.

Warning 车辆行驶中禁止调节座椅位置,防止发生意外事故。

To prevent accidents, do not adjust your seat position while driving.

Caution 进行主驾驶座椅记忆初始化设置前,请确保车辆周围环境安全并处于 P 挡,且座椅和方向盘附近无异物,后排无乘客,请将座椅高度降低,头枕降至最低以防触碰顶棚。
  • Before initializing the driver’s seat memory, ensure that the vehicle is in PARK in a safe environment, the seat and steering wheel are clear of obstacles, and the rear seats are unoccupied. Please also lower the seat height, and adjust the headrest to the lowest position to avoid damaging the headliner.

  • While driving, do not operate any buttons on the memory interface on the center display to adjust the driver’s seat, steering wheel or side mirrors and be mindful of your safety.

Steering Wheel Memory

To set the driver’s seat memory for the first time, shift into PARK and follow the initialization instructions on the center display to operate the driver’s seat and the buttons on the steering wheel. After completing the initialization settings, go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Seat Comfort > Driver Seat Memory to customize your settings. After adjusting the steering wheel, go to Driver Seat Memory and choose Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other to customize and save the settings to the corresponding user account.

After sitting in the driver’s seat (with the driver’s door closed), go to Driver Seat Memory and choose Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other, after which the steering wheel will automatically adjust to the latest settings saved in the corresponding account.

If you or an authorized user manually adjusts the settings (e.g. steering wheel position) while using the vehicle, press and hold the corresponding position icon on the center display to update the settings, which will overwrite the existing settings saved to the corresponding account.

Warning 方向盘位置调节不当或坐姿不当会带来人身伤害,建议方向盘与胸部之间距离不小于25厘米。
  • To prevent accidents, do not adjust the position of your steering wheel while driving.

  • Improper adjustment of the steering wheel position or an improper sitting posture can cause injury. It is recommended that the distance between the steering wheel and your chest be no less than 25 centimeters.

Caution 进行主驾驶座椅记忆初始化设置前,请确保车辆周围环境安全并处于 P 挡,且座椅和方向盘附近无异物,后排无乘客,请将座椅高度降低,头枕降至最低以防触碰顶棚。
  • Before initializing the driver’s seat memory, ensure that the vehicle is in PARK in a safe environment, the seat and steering wheel are clear of obstacles, and the rear seats are unoccupied. Please also lower the seat height, and adjust the headrest to the lowest position to avoid damaging the headliner.

  • While driving, do not operate any buttons on the memory interface on the center display to adjust the driver’s seat, steering wheel or side mirrors and be mindful of your safety.

Side Mirror Memory

To set the driver’s seat memory for the first time, shift into PARK and follow the initialization instructions on the center display to operate the driver’s seat and buttons on the steering wheel. After completing the initialization settings, go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Seat Comfort > Driver Seat Memory to customize your settings. After adjusting the driver’s side or passenger side mirror, go to Driver Seat Memory and choose Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other to customize and save the settings to the corresponding user account.

After sitting in the driver’s seat (with the driver’s door closed), go to Driver Seat Memory and choose Drive, Alternate, Relax or Other, after which the side mirrors will automatically adjust to the most recent settings saved in the corresponding account.

If you or an authorized user manually adjusts the settings (e.g. side mirror position) when using the vehicle, press and hold the corresponding position icon on the center display to update the settings, which will overwrite the existing settings saved to the corresponding account.

  1. Driver’s side mirror

    Turn the side mirror knob to the driver’s side and press it to adjust the side mirror’s position. Upon releasing the knob, the side mirror will stop at its current position.

  2. Passenger side mirror

    Turn the side mirror knob to the driver’s side and press it to adjust the side mirror’s position. Upon releasing the knob, the side mirror will stop at its current position.

Warning 车辆行驶中禁止调节外后视镜,防止发生意外事故

To prevent accidents, do not adjust the side mirrors while driving.

Caution 进行主驾驶座椅记忆初始化设置前,请确保车辆周围环境安全并处于 P 挡,且座椅和方向盘附近无异物,后排无乘客,请将座椅高度降低,头枕降至最低以防触碰顶棚。
  • Before initializing the driver’s seat memory, ensure that the vehicle is in PARK in a safe environment, the seat and steering wheel are clear of obstacles, and the rear seats are unoccupied. Please also lower the seat height, and adjust the headrest to the lowest position to avoid damaging the headliner.

  • While driving, do not operate any buttons on the memory interface on the center display to adjust the driver’s seat, steering wheel or side mirrors and be mindful of your safety.

When the vehicle is in REVERSE, the side mirrors will automatically tilt down to provide a better view during reverse parking. You can go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driving > Auto-Tilt In Reverse to enable this feature. When the side mirrors tilt down, you can use the knob to adjust their positions. The new positions will be automatically saved to the corresponding account (this means that you don’t have to manually save the settings on the center display). The side mirrors will automatically tilt down to the saved positions the next time the vehicle is in REVERSE. The side mirrors will revert back to Drive Position when the vehicle is not in REVERSE.

Note 若在外后视镜自动调整至保存位置的过程中,用户通过旋钮手动调整了外后视镜位置,则外后视镜自动调整过程中止,保存新的位置到此用户账户下。

When the side mirrors are automatically tilting to a saved position, if you adjust a side mirror using the side mirror knob, the side mirrors will stop tilting and save the new position to the corresponding account.

Passenger Seat Memory

To set the front passenger seat memory, shift into PARK, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat Comfort > Passenger Seat Memory (default position cannot be customized). After adjusting the seat position and backrest, go to Passenger Seat Memory and choose Frequent, Alternate , or Rest to customize and save the settings to the corresponding user account.

To retrieve the latest passenger seat settings after sitting in the front passenger seat, press the corresponding seat icon on the center display.

If you or an authorized user manually adjusts the front passenger seat while using the vehicle, press and hold the corresponding seat icon on the center display to update the settings, which will overwrite the existing settings to the corresponding account.

Caution 进行副驾驶座椅记忆初始化设置前,请确保车辆周围环境安全并处于 P 挡,且座椅附近无异物,后排无乘客,请将座椅高度降低,头枕降至最低以防触碰顶棚。

Before initializing the driver’s seat memory, ensure that the vehicle is in PARK in a safe environment, the seat is clear of obstacles, the footrest is stowed, and the rear seat is unoccupied. Please also lower the seat height, and adjust the headrest to the lowest position to avoid damaging the headliner.

Caution 需将副驾长滑轨移动至最前端方可正常使用此功能。
  • When moving the seat, please pay attention to the position of the footrest and leg support to avoid injury.

Front Storage

The vehicle comes with a variety of convenient storage areas.

Door Side Storage

Each door has a storage area to place beverages or other objects. It is also equipped with a storage light to illuminate the corresponding door in dark environments or when the position lights are on. On the driver’s side, the instrument panel has a storage space for ID cards (e.g. driving license).

Assist Grips

Each door has an assist grip above the door frame for occupants to grab when the vehicle is driven at high speeds or bouncing.

Card Holders

Each sun visor has a card holder for you to store cards such as name cards or toll cards.

Cup Holders

Your vehicle has two cup holders in the center console.

Warning 请勿在杯托中放置未盖紧的热饮,以防车辆行进过程中烫伤。请勿使用易碎的杯具,车辆发生事故时易碎杯具会带来二次伤害。
  • Do not put any hot beverages in an open container. A spill can increase the risk of injury.

  • Do not place any fragile items, or they may cause injury when broken.

Center Storage Box

The center storage box comes with two compartments, namely upper storage and a safe box. You can open the compartments by pressing the corresponding button on the center armrest.

  1. Upper storage

    To open the upper storage, press the button and lift up the armrest cover. The upper storage is used to store smaller objects like phones.

  2. Safe box

    To open the safe box, press the button and lift up the armrest cover. When the safe box is locked, you need to enter your gesture password on the center display to open the safe box. The storage keeps your objects safe and organized.

  3. Safe box USB 3.0 port

    Able to transfer data at high speeds and charge mobile devices.

  4. Safe box USB 2.0 port

    Able to transfer data and charge mobile devices.

  5. Storage box

    Able to keep small objects organized and prevent them from moving around.

The safe box password is turned off by default, and can only be turned on under the owner’s account. To turn on the safe box password, swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access, and choose Safe Box. Next, you will need to enter your vehicle gesture password. The safe box password will be turned on when you enter the correct password.

The vehicle's owner or an authorized user can use gesture password to unlock the safe box.
  • Owner's account

    The owner can tap the Safe Box icon on the center display and enter their gesture password to unlock it. The safe box locks automatically when closed.

    To turn off the safe box password, tap Safe Box and choose Turn Off Password. The safe box password will be turned off after you enter the correct gesture password.

  • Authorized users

    After logging in, an authorized user can tap the Safe Box icon on the center display and set a gesture password (which will be saved to the authorized user’s account). After this, the authorized user can unlock the safe box by entering their gesture password. The safe box will lock automatically when it is closed.

Note 若车主未设置安全箱加密,当服务授权用户或访客进入车辆时,安全箱会自动进行加密。安全箱在解锁后30秒内未打开将自动进行上锁。
  • If an authorized user is not authorized to access the safe box feature, the safe box will be disabled.

  • When an authorized service specialist or guest enters the vehicle, the safe box will be disabled.

  • The safe box will automatically lock if it is not opened for 30 seconds after unlocking.

Connecting to Mobile Devices

You can connect the vehicle to a mobile device (e.g. phone, laptop) via Bluetooth, and sync your mobile device (e.g. phone contacts, music) to the vehicle on the center display for an optimal infotainment experience. The mobile device will be automatically synced to your vehicle the next time it is connected. You don’t need to re-allow the connection.

To connect to your mobile device via Bluetooth, tap the Bluetooth icon at the top of the center display:
  1. Turn on Bluetooth on your mobile device (e.g. phone, laptop).

  2. To enable Bluetooth, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Connect.

  3. Choose the mobile device you want to connect to on the center display to pair the device manually.

Alternatively, you can connect a mobile device via Bluetooth with one tap by placing it on the wireless charging pad and following the instruction below (this approach is only available for certain phones):
  1. Turn on NFC and Bluetooth on your phone.

  2. Place the phone on the wireless charging pad on the center console.

  3. Enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Connect, select Bluetooth, then NFC Quick Connect.

    Note 进行蓝牙或热点连接过程中请勿移开手机。

    Do not remove your phone from the charging pad when it is connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth.

Wireless Charging

You can charge your device by placing it on the wireless charging pad on the center console.

Wireless charging is enabled by default. To disable this feature, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Connect > Wireless Charging. The current setting will be saved in the corresponding account. The current charging status is shown on the center display.

When the wireless charging pad is occupied by a mobile device connected via the Bluetooth NFC quick connect, charging will stop.

Under the following conditions, charging will stop and the center display will display a status notification:
  • Charging is complete.

  • A fault occurs during charging. For example the charging voltage is too high or too low.

Note 无线充电功能开启后,若有金属物品(如普通钥匙或硬币)放置在无线充电板处,将会影响充电效果。智能钥匙在长时间充电后会发热,此为正常现象。
  • When wireless charging is enabled, any metal object (such as a metal key or coin) placed on the wireless charging pad may affect its charging efficiency or even lead to a burn.

  • It is normal for the key fob or phone to become hot after being charged for a long period of time. Do not place a fully charged device on the charging pad. Doing so can cause overheating.

  • Do not charge two or more devices wirelessly at the same time.

Driver’s Seat

The power driver’s seat is an 8-way adjustable seat, with 4-way power lumber support and a 4-way power headrest.

  1. Seat position

    To move the seat forward or backward, push the switch in the corresponding direction. The driver’s seat can be moved forward up to 190 millimeters and backward up to 60 millimeters.

  2. Cushion tilt

    To tilt the seat cushion up or down, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

  3. Seat height

    To move the seat up or down, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

  4. Lumber support

    To adjust the lumber support, press the corresponding position on the switch.

  5. Backrest inclination

    To adjust the backrest, push the switch forward or backward. The backrest can be reclined up to 73 degrees and is set to 20 degrees by default.

  1. Headrest

    To adjust the headrest, press the left button under the headrest. The headrest is 5-way adjustable along a vertical axis. When the headrest is adjusted and fixed at a set height, you will hear a “click”.

    To remove the headrest, gently tilt the seat back, press the buttons on the both sides of the headrest, and pull out the headrest.

  2. Headrest inclination

    You can adjust the inclination of the headrest by pulling it forward. To reset the headrest to an upright position, pull the headrest to the foremost position and release it.

Please adjust the driver’s seat according to your height and seating position. While driving, make sure that the backrest is upright and the highest point of the headrest is in the center of your head so that your body and head are sufficiently supported, and the seat belt and airbag may function correctly.

Warning 行驶时必须正确佩戴座位上的安全带,坐姿不当可能会导致严重后果。座椅靠背请勿过于向后倾斜,否则会严重影响安全带及安全气囊的保护作用。
  • When driving, your safety belt should be worn correctly. An improper seating position may result in severe injury.

  • Do not drive with the backrest reclined to an extreme degree. Doing so may impair the protective function of the seat belt and air bags.

  • To provide the best protection, make sure the headrest is set to an appropriate height according to the occupant’s height.

  • Do not adjust the seat while driving. Doing so may result in injury.

  • Make sure your chest is at least 25 centimeters from the steering wheel. Failure to do so can impair the protective function of the air bags and result in severe injury.

  • Do not place any objects under the seat.

Steering Wheel

When seated in the driver’s seat, you can adjust the 4-way power steering wheel by pushing the button.

Warning 方向盘位置调节不当或坐姿不当会带来人身伤害,建议方向盘与胸部之间距离不小于25厘米。
  • Do not adjust the steering wheel position while driving. Doing so may result in an accident.

  • An improper steering wheel position or seating position may result in injury. Make sure your chest is at least 25 centimeters from the steering wheel.

Double-button Restart of Steering Wheel

If the center display shows some abnormalities, such as screen stuttering or unresponsive screen, try resolving by quickly restarting the vehicle system.

Instructions for Double-button Restart:
  1. Turn on the hazard warning lights;

  2. Park your vehicle in a safe area and put into P gear;

  3. Press the distance increase button ① on the left side of the steering wheel and the volume decrease button ② on the right side at the same time, and hold for about 8 seconds.

  4. After about 30 seconds, all screens will light up and the system can resume operation.

If the system has not returned to normal, please contact the NIO Service Center as soon as possible.

Caution 车辆双键重启必须在驻车状态,请确保车辆停靠在安全区域;
  • The vehicle must be in PARK to use Dual-Button Restart. Please ensure that the vehicle is parked in a safe area;

  • It is strictly forbidden to perform Dual-Button Restart while the vehicle is moving;

  • Keep the hazard warning light on while the vehicle is in the system restart process;

  • Do not perform Dual-Button Restart when the vehicle software is being upgraded;

  • During the restart process, the vehicle status display, safety warning, surround view image, map interface, and other information cannot be seen;

  • If the screen fails to resume normal operation after Dual-Button Restart, you can try to lock the vehicle and put the vehicle to sleep. If the problem persists, please contact NIO.

Side Mirrors

When seated (with the doors closed or the brake pedal pressed once), you can adjust the side mirrors by using the knob on the driver’s door. Turn the side mirror knob to the driver’s side or passenger side, and press the knob to adjust the corresponding side mirror. Release the knob to stop the side mirror at their current position.

  1. Driver’s side mirror

  2. Passenger side mirror

Warning 车辆行驶中禁止调节外后视镜,防止发生意外事故

Do not adjust the side mirrors while driving. Doing so may result in an accident.

Front Passenger Seat

The passenger in the front can adjust the passenger seat. The power passenger seat is a 6-way adjustable seat, with 4-way power lumber support and 5-way power headrest.

  1. Seat position

    To move the seat forward or backward, push the switch in the corresponding direction. The passenger seat can be moved forward up to 190 millimeters and backward up to 60 millimeters when in normal mode.

  2. Seat height

    To move the seat up or down, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

  3. Lumber support

    To adjust the lumber support, press the corresponding position on the switch.

  4. Backrest inclination

    To adjust the backrest, move the switch forward or backward. The backrest can be reclined up to 73 degrees and is set to 25 degrees by default.

The front passenger seat also features leather-wrapped power leg support, providing your passenger with a relaxing experience on par with first class. To move the leg support up or down, push the switch in the corresponding direction.

To adjust the front passenger seat, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat Comfort > Passenger Seat Memory. Press and hold an icon to adjust the corresponding seat section. Release the icon and the seat will stop moving.

Please adjust the passenger seat according to the passenger’s height and seating position. While driving, make sure that the backrest is upright and the highest point of the headrest is in the center of the passenger’s head so that the body and head are sufficiently supported, and the seat belt and airbag may function correctly.

  1. Headrest

    To adjust the headrest, press the left button under the headrest. The headrest is 5-way adjustable along a vertical axis. When the headrest is adjusted and fixed at a set height, you will hear a “click”.

    To remove the headrest, gently tilt the seat back, press the buttons on the both sides of the headrest, and pull out the headrest.

  2. Headrest inclination

    You can adjust the inclination of the headrest by pulling it forward. To reset the headrest to an upright position, pull the headrest to the foremost position and release it.

Warning 行驶时必须正确佩戴座位上的安全带,坐姿不当可能会导致严重后果。座椅靠背请勿过于向后倾斜,否则会严重影响安全带及安全气囊的保护作用。
  • When driving, your safety belt should be worn correctly. An improper seating position may result in severe injury.

  • Do not drive with the backrest reclined to an extreme degree. Doing so may impair the protective function of the seat belt and air bags.

  • To provide the best protection, make sure the headrest is set to an appropriate height according to the occupant’s height.

  • Do not adjust the seat while driving. Doing so may result in injury.

  • Do not place any objects under the seat.

Seat Comfort

When seated, the front passenger can store high heels or a handbag in the storage under the center console, which features two hidden utility hooks (holding up to five kilograms) and a 12V power socket for your convenience.

After taking off shoes (especially high heels), the passenger can place their feet on the foot rest. You can adjust the foot rest by pushing the switch in the corresponding direction. When stowed, the foot rest can be used to store documents and newspapers.

To adjust the foot rest, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat Comfort > Passenger Seat Memory. Press and hold the footrest icon to adjust the footrest. Release the icon and the footrest will stop moving.

Vanity Mirrors

The vehicle has illuminated vanity mirrors on the sun visors. The mirror automatically lights up when you open the sun visor.

Seat Massage

The vehicle offers a variety of features right at your fingertips to provide you, your family and friends with a joyful and comfortable experience.

Lumbar massage is available for the front seats and is set to off by default. Enter the settings page from the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat > Massage to select the desired massage mode (rolling, tapping, or gentle) for the driver or the front passenger.

With this feature on, the current heating level will be saved and the feature will turn off when the driver or front passenger leaves the seat for over 30 seconds; if someone is seated again after 30 seconds to 15 minutes, the feature will turn on automatically and resume the previously saved heating level; if someone is seated after 15 minutes, the feature will not turn on automatically.

Front Climate Control

Climate Control Bar Fixed Interface

You can adjust the temperature and air distribution inside the vehicle from the climate control bar fixed interface at the bottom of the center display.

  1. Vehicle settings

    Tap to access the Settings page to configure vehicle features such as door and window locks.

  2. Air circulation

    The current air flow mode is displayed. You can tap to select the following three modes in sequence: Recirculation GUM168489, Auto GUM168490, and Fresh Air GUM168491.

    By selecting the Auto or Fresh Air mode, if the external air pollution is severe, the system will automatically deactivate the Fresh Air circulation and switch to the Recirculation mode, ensuring automatic control of the air quality inside the vehicle.

  3. Driver side temperature display

    Displays the current temperature on the driver side. Tap to access the climate control panel.

    Swipe left or right to adjust the driver side temperature between 15-31℃.

    Tap the arrow to adjust the target temperature by 0.5℃.

    Tap “Sync” to apply the driver side temperature settings to the front passenger and rear seats. To stop temperature sync, manually adjust the temperature of the front passenger or rear seats on the center display.

  4. Current climate control status

    Displays the current climate control on/off status. Tap to access the climate control panel.

  5. Front passenger side temperature display

    Displays the current temperature on the front passenger side. Tap to access the climate control panel.

    Swipe left or right, up or down to adjust the target temperature on the front passenger side between 15-31℃.

    Tap the arrow to adjust the target temperature by 0.5℃.

  6. Front windshield defrosting and defogging

    To remove frost and fog from the front windshield as soon as possible, when the front windshield defrosting/defogging feature is turned on, the Manual mode (A/C) will be turned on simultaneously, the air distribution mode is set to Defrosting, and the air circulation is switched to the Auto mode.

    You can enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Cabin Comfort > Auto Defogging. The front windshield defogging feature will be automatically turned on when the front windshield fogs up inside.

  7. Rear windshield heating

    Tap to warm up the rear windshield. This feature automatically turns off after 15 minutes.

You can view the current cabin air quality in the top right corner of the center display and choose an air purification mode:

  • Off: turn air purification off;

  • Auto: allow the vehicle to automatically adjust the fan speed according to the concentration of PM2.5 in the cabin; or

  • Mute: clean the air in the cabin with low air velocity.

  • To further improve the air quality in the cabin through ionization, go to Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Cabin Comfort > Ionizer, which generates negative ions while cleaning the air, further increasing cabin comfort.

Climate Control Interface

Tap the temperature display or current climate control status button at the bottom of the center display to access the climate control panel when any interface is visible. This allows you to change the temperature in the front and back of the vehicle.

  1. Turning the front climate control on and off

    Tap the button to turn the front climate control on.

    Tap a second time to turn the front climate control off. In this case, the rear climate control will also be turned off.

  2. Air distribution

    If the Auto mode is not selected, you can manually control different air flows by tapping the corresponding air distribution color block button.

  3. Front fan speed

    Tap the "+" or "-" icon to adjust the front fan speed. The front vents operate at eight speed levels.

  4. Mode switch

    Tap this button to toggle the climate control mode between Cooling, Heating, Open and Auto modes.

  5. Auto mode

    Tap the button to turn on Auto mode. It automatically adjusts the temperature, fan speed, air distribution, and air circulation of the front and rear seats according to the temperature you set.

    Tap again to turn off Auto mode. The current climate control status will remain unchanged.

  6. Max Cooling mode

    Tap the button to turn on the Max Cooling mode. If Manual mode (A/C) is also on, the vehicle will automatically switch to Recirculation mode with the fan speed set to the highest level and air distribution set to Air on Face, to quickly cool the cabin during hot weather.

    Tap again to turn Max Cooling mode off and restore the climate control to the previous settings.

  7. Max Heating mode

    Tap the button to turn Max Heating mode on. If Manual mode (A/C) is also on, the vehicle will automatically switch to Recirculation mode with the fan speed set to the highest level and air distribution set to Air on Feet, to quickly warm up the cabin during cold weather.

    Tap again to turn Max Heating mode off and restore the climate control to the previous settings.

  1. Climate control main switch

    Tap the button to turn on or off the front and rear climate control.

  2. Air distribution

    If the Auto mode is not selected, you can manually control different air flows by tapping the corresponding air distribution color block button.

  3. Rear fan speed

    Tap the "+" or "-" icon to adjust the rear fan speed. The rear vents operate at six speed levels.

  4. Auto mode

    Press the button to turn on Auto mode, where the temperature, fan speed, and air distribution of the rear cabin will be automatically adjusted according to the temperature you set.

    Tap again to turn off Auto mode. The current climate control status will remain unchanged.

  5. Rear climate control switch

    Tap the button to turn on or off the rear climate control.

  6. Rear climate control child lock

    Tap this button to activate the rear climate control child lock. At this time, you cannot alter the rear climate control settings via the rear climate control panel, but you can control the rear climate control settings using the center display.

  7. Rear temperature adjustment

    Swipe left or right to adjust the target temperature of the rear passenger cabin between 15-31℃.

    Tap the arrow to adjust the target temperature by 0.5℃.

Air Vent Adjustment

The front air vents are located below the windshield, on the instrument panel and in the legroom underneath the instrument panel.

  1. Front windshield defrosting vents

  2. Face-level vents

  3. Foot-level vents

The vehicle’s front vent air distribution patterns are as follows:


Air distribution


Defrost mode

If used together with a high fan speed, it will quickly defog and defrost the front windshield in cold and humid weather conditions.


Face blowing mode

Heats or cools the front cabin.


Foot blowing mode

Heats or cools the footwell areas.

GUM168496 GUM168498

Defrost and foot blowing mode

Defrosts the front windshield while heating or cooling the footwell areas.

GUM168497 GUM168498

Face blowing and foot blowing mode

Conditions the front cabin including the footwell areas to a comfortable temperature.

GUM168496 GUM168497 GUM168498

Defrost, face blowing and foot blowing mode

Defrosts the front windshield while conditioning the front cabin including the footwell areas to a comfortable temperature.

The individual front air vent can be adjusted as follows:

  1. Air vent airflow adjustment

    Turn the dial to the right to close the air vent, and turn the dial to the left to open the air vent to the maximum airflow.

  2. Air vent direction adjustment

    Move the knob up, down, left or right to change the direction of the airflow from the vent. Directing the vent near the vehicle door on the instrument panel towards the windows can remove fog. Directing the vent towards the passenger area can provide a comfortable interior environment during hot weather.

Tips for Using Climate Control

  • Maintaining and replacing the air filter at the recommended service intervals will keep the air in the cabin fresh. After replacement, enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Cabin Comfort > Air Filter Reminder to reset the reminder.

  • Keep the grille clear of any obstructions (e.g., leaves, snow).

  • If the vehicle is parked in direct sunlight, it is beneficial to open the windows while turning on the climate control in Cooling mode. This allows for air circulation and helps in rapidly cooling down the interior.

  • In hot weather, when the vehicle is parked and the climate control is operating, some condensation water may drip from the front underside of the vehicle. Enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Cabin Comfort > A/C Odor Removal. When you leave and lock the vehicle, if residual water is detected in the climate control system, the blower will automatically turn on to the maximum speed to get rid of moisture in the evaporator and air duct, limiting the bacteria growth in the moist environment. You can choose from two drying modes, Standard (the blower continues to operate for about three minutes) and Strong (the blower continues to operate for about twenty minutes).

Note AC note
  • MicroAir pro Tect line/microAir blue with surface disinfection properties by means of a functional filter layer based on fruit extract (active ingredient CAS-Nr. 77-92-9 and/or 5949-29-1) for use in air handling/air conditioning systems: Bacteriostatic and fungistatic surface disinfection properties against a multitude of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeast and fungi as well as viral surface disinfection properties (excellent antiviral efficacy for influenza virus H1N1 and coronavirus HCoV 229E according to ISO 18184:2019) to prevent virus shedding/viral re-aerosolization. No additional precautions to be taken when placing the filter on the market.

  • URD Coating is a hydrophilic chemical that contains biocidal products. The evaporator could be protected by the hydrophilic coating, with surface disinfection properties by means of a functional layer based on active substances TBZ(CAS:148-79-8), SPT(CAS:3811-73-2), ZPT(Cas:13463-41-7) and/or OIT(Cas:26530-20-1). The coating also shows great antimildew properties for Aspergillus Niger, Penicillium sp. and antimicrobial properties for Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.No additional precautions to be taken when placing the evaporator on the market.

Seat Heating

Turn seat heating on in cold weather to enjoy a cozy and warm seating experience.

The seat heating is set to off by default. To turn it on, visit Quick Access from the bottom of the center display and tap Seat. You can choose to heat the driver’s seat or front passenger seat on this page. When the weather is hot, the vehicle will suggests you to “switch to seat ventilation with one tap” on the center display, after which you can choose to accept or decline by tapping the button.

For rear seats, you can choose to warm up the left or right seat in the second row.

Seat heating operates at three levels. It can reach the preconditioned level within 10 minutes and then maintain the same temperature.

With this feature on, the current heating level will be saved and the feature will turn off when the driver or front passenger leaves the seat for over 30 seconds; if someone is seated again after 30 seconds to 15 minutes, the feature will turn on automatically and resume the previously saved heating level; if someone is seated after 15 minutes, the feature will not turn on automatically.

Seat Ventilation

Turn on seat ventilation in hot weather to enjoy a cool and refreshing experience.

The seat ventilation is set to off by default. To turn it on, visit Quick Access from the bottom of the center display and tap Seat. Seat ventilation is available for both the driver’s seat and front passenger seat and operates at three levels. When the weather is cold, the vehicle will suggest to “switch to seat heating with one tap” on the center display, after which you can choose to turn seat heating on or off by tapping the button.

With this feature on, the current heating level will be saved and the feature will turn off when the driver or front passenger leaves the seat for over 30 seconds; if someone is seated again after 30 seconds to 15 minutes, the feature will turn on automatically and resume the previously saved heating level; if someone is seated after 15 minutes, the feature will not turn on automatically.

Steering Wheel Heating

Turn steering wheel heating on in cold weather to enjoy a comfortable driving experience. To turn it on, enter the Quick Access interface from the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Seat > Heating > Steering Wheel Heating. The steering wheel gradually warms up to a comfortable level within 10 minutes and then maintains that level.

Window Controls

Use the window switches on the four doors to open or close windows. The driver’s door has switches to control all of the windows.

  1. Driver’s side window

  2. Passenger side window

  3. Second row window – right

  4. Second row window – left

Each of the other three doors also has a switch on the armrest to control the corresponding window.

To partially lower a window, gently press the switch and release it once the window reaches the intended position; to lower a window fully, press the switch all the way down and immediately release it (Quick Window Opening). To partially raise a window, gently pull the switch and release it once the window reaches the intended position; to raise a window fully, pull the switch all the way up and immediately release it (Quick Window Closing). To stop the window from moving at any time, press or pull the switch again.

When the vehicle is in PARK and the driver's seat is unoccupied (with the doors, hood and liftgate closed), you can use the smart key fob to control the windows. To fully open all windows, press the unlock button and then within three seconds press and hold the button again (for 1.5 seconds); to fully close all windows, press the lock button, and then within three seconds press and hold the button again (for 1.5 seconds); if you release the unlock or lock button, the windows will stop at their current position.

All four windows feature anti-pinch protection. When an obstruction prevents the window from closing, the window will stop closing and move down slightly.

The window’s anti-pinch detection area is as follows:

Warning 关闭车窗时请确保儿童及其他乘客勿将头、手靠近。车窗虽有防夹功能,但关闭车窗时如不加留意或不加控制会带来意外的夹伤。

Before closing a window, ensure that all occupants, especially children, keep their heads and hands away from the window’s opening. Although the windows feature anti-pinch protection, they may cause injury if you do not pay attention or close the windows in a reckless manner.

Under the following conditions, anti-pinch protection for the corresponding window will be temporarily disabled and Quick Window Closing won’t be available (but will automatically be restored after 10 seconds):
  1. The window is frozen, which stops the window from moving up.

  2. Anti-pinch protection is activated three times within 15 seconds, which stops the window from moving up.

If a power window does not function and anti-pinch protection fails (e.g. due to restarting the low voltage battery after a power failure), you can initialize it as follows:
  1. Pull the corresponding switch until the window is fully closed.

  2. Release the switch, after which the window will move down slightly. In this case, pull the switch again until the window is fully closed.

  3. Press the switch to lower the window until it is fully open.

Controlling Windows on the Center Display

To control all windows, enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch Windows.

  • Close

    Tap to close all windows.

  • Ajar

    When turned on, the left front and right rear windows are 10% open, while the right front and left rear windows are closed.

  • Ventilation

    When turned on, all windows are fully open.

  • Favorite

    Press and hold to save the current positions of all four windows. Next time you tap Memory again, the vehicle will automatically adjust the windows to the saved positions.

Sunroof and Sunshade Controls

The vehicle features a panoramic sunroof, with switches located on the headliner for front occupants to conveniently control the sunroof and sunshade.

  1. Sunshade switch

    Press the front or rear part of the switch to fully open or close the sunshade respectively. Press the switch to stop the sunshade from moving at any time.

  2. Sunroof switch

    Press the rear part of the switch to flip up the sunroof. Press a second time to fully open the sunroof. To fully close the sunroof, press the front part of the switch. Press the switch to stop the sunroof from moving at any time.

Note 在天窗打开的同时遮阳帘将联动打开,天窗翘起时遮阳帘将不联动打开; 若天窗当前为部分打开,遮阳帘关闭时将以当前天窗位置作为关闭位置。
  • The vehicle opens the sunshade simultaneously when opening the sunroof. However, it does not open the sunshade when tilting the sunroof.

  • If the sunroof is partially opened, the sunshade will move to the same position when it is closed.

When the vehicle is in PARK and the driver’s seat is unoccupied (with the doors, hood and liftgate closed), you can use the smart key fob to control the sunroof and sunshade. To fully open them, press the unlock button and then within three seconds press and hold the button again (for 1.5 seconds); to fully close them, press the lock button and then within three seconds press and hold the button again (for 1.5 seconds). If you release the unlock or lock button, both the sunroof and sunshade will stop moving.

The sunroof features anti-pinch protection. When there is an obstruction preventing the sunroof from closing, the sunroof will stop closing and move backwards slightly.

If a power failure occurs when the sunroof is moving, you can initialize the sunroof as follows after powering on your vehicle:
  1. Press the front part of the switch forward to fully close both the sunroof and sunshade (the sunshade moves simultaneously with the sunroof during initialization). Then, press and hold the switch until the sunroof and sunshade move forward to the furthest possible position and then move back a little.

  2. Release the switch, and then press and hold the front part of the switch again within six seconds. The sunroof and sunshade will move back to the edge of the anti-pitch area, and then move forward until fully closed.

Warning 关闭天窗时请勿将身体或头靠近,天窗虽有防夹功能,但关闭天窗时如不加留意或不加控制会带来意外的夹伤。天窗上请勿放置物品,以免开闭天窗时掉落造成人员伤害。
  • When closing the sunroof, all occupants must keep their heads and hands away from the sunroof’s opening. Although the sunroof features anti-pinch protection, it may cause injury if you do not pay attention or close it in a reckless manner.

  • Do not place any objects on the sunroof. Doing so may result in injury if an object falls when you open or close the sunroof.

Making a Phone Call

Once your phone is paired with the vehicle via Bluetooth, you can make calls after allowing the vehicle to access your phone’s contacts and recent calls. You can access Phone from the home page or application launcher.

After syncing your phone’s contacts and recent calls to the vehicle, you can select a contact or recent call, or directly dial a number to make a call. During the call, you can switch between Private Mode and Hands-Free Mode.

On the Phone page, you can view recent calls, switch to other Bluetooth phones, or hide recent calls.

Switching Call Modes

The vehicle can automatically switch between call modes according to the current call status and Bluetooth connection:
  • During a phone call, you can switch between Private Mode and Hands-Free Mode either on your phone or the center display.

  • If you park and leave the vehicle with a phone call still in progress, Hands-Free Mode will automatically switch to Private Mode.

Steering Wheel Controls

You can use the buttons on the right side of the steering wheel to easily control media, drive mode, vehicle status and other features.

  1. Arrow buttons

    Press the corresponding button to switch to the desired option.

    When playing music, press the left or right arrow button to play the previous or next track; to control the volume, press the up or down arrow button.

  2. OK button

    Press to turn a selected feature on.

    When playing music, press the OK button to pause the music.

  3. Menu button

    Press the menu button to switch between options (including media, drive mode, and vehicle status). Press and hold the menu button to directly access to the Child Lock, Quick Video Record, and 360° Surround View. Enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Press and hold the menu button to select from the quick controls.

  4. Voice command button

    Press to activate NOMI, after which you can interact with NOMI and access multiple vehicle features via voice commands.

Personalized Entertainment

After you or authorized users log in, you or they can access rich personal resources smoothly in your vehicle, such as music, navigation, and the radio station. You can also customize your favorite content and store it in your personal account. The personalized content saved in your account can be displayed the next time you login in to your account. You can switch different accounts freely in your vehicle, and the customized content for different accounts will be presented to you.

You can select your desired functions (such as media or navigation) on the main page of the center display.

You can go to the Quick Access page by swiping right on the main page of the center display to access frequently used functions quickly and customize quick access functions.

There are buttons on the center console for easy access to the functions on the center display:

  1. Main page button

    Press this button on any interface that appears on the center display to return to the main page. You can also return to the main page by pinching your four or five fingers together on any interface that appears on the center display.

  2. Volume control button

    Press the volume button to mute the sound (NOMI will be muted at the same time). Turn the volume button to control the volume of the center display.

  3. Application button

    Press to enter the application center and view all applications, including Media, Phone, Navigation, Settings, etc.

  4. Quick Access button

    Press to enter the Quick Access interface. You can set the drive mode of your vehicle on this interface.


You can go to the Media interface from the main page of the center display to select the program for listening to music:

  • Select "Tidal" to discover and listen to your favorite music. You can also use it to build a library of your preferred songs or albums.

  • Select "Radio" to listen to and collect your favorite radio programs.

  • Insert a USB flash disk into the USB port in your vehicle to play the music in the USB flash disk.

  • After a mobile device is connected to your vehicle's Bluetooth, you can select "Bluetooth Music" to play the music in the mobile device.

You can go to the Settings page on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Sound to set the volume for media music. Select "Sound Field" to set the sound field effect in the passenger compartment. If necessary (for example, when a child is sleeping in the rear row), the rear mute function can be turned on.


You can select your navigation route on the navigation interface from the main page of the center display. Tap to set navigation options, such as route preference, navigation voice broadcast, and map display mode.


You can tap the Weather interface from the main page of the center display or the application center to view the weather of your current city during the next week, or you can view the weather of your destination when you select the navigation destination.


NOMI, NIO's in-car AI assistant, is located on the upper instrument panel. You and other occupants can directly communicate with NOMI and control certain features through voice commands. NOMI is an intimate companion for your journey.

When you enter the vehicle (with the driver's door closed or the brake pedal pressed once), NOMI will greet you warmly. To control certain features via NOMI, say the wake word (which is "Hey, NOMI" by default) or press the voice command button on the right side of the steering wheel to wake NOMI. After NOMI responds to your call (e.g. by saying "I’m here"), you can give a command. When a conversation ends or a task is completed, NOMI automatically switches to Standby Mode. You can wake NOMI anytime you want.

To customize a wake word, enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch NOMI > Set Wake Word. It will then be saved to your account and updated automatically the next time you are seated. You need to add “Hey” before a wake word with two Chinese characters; if the customized wake word consists of three to six Chinese characters, you can wake NOMI up by simply saying the word.

You can turn on the continued conversation for NOMI by entering Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and tapping NOMI > Continued Conversation. With its on, when NOMI is waked up by an occupant, the conversation can be continued in 20 seconds without using the wake word. If another occupant wants to communicate with NOMI, the occupant can reactivate NOMI. Tap Immersive Voice Conversation to hide the transcription of your and NOMI’s speech. Tell NOMI how we're doing by saying “I want to give my feedback”.NOMI will record your feedback for up to 30 seconds and send it to our product expert team, together with necessary information, including your vehicle ID, account ID and time stamp. The recording will be sent after the countdown.


Feature (more easter eggs coming soon)

Recommended commands

Basic features

Wake NOMI up

Hey, NOMI.

Introduce NOMI

What are you capable of?

Offer a suggestion

I have a suggestion.

I have some feedback for you.

Dismiss NOMI


Do Not Disturb Mode (When turned on, NOMI will not speak spontaneously but will still respond to your requests)

Do Not Disturb on.

Don't disturb me.

Do Not Disturb off.

Don't oversleep.

Wake up.


Adjust volume

Set music/media volume to maximum.

Set volume to 60%/minimum/50%.


Play music

Play a song for me.

Play ×××.

Next track.

Loop single song/Repeat playlist/Shuffle play.

Add this song to Favorites.

I don't want to listen to XX's songs.

Play a song from USB.


Make a call

Call XXX.

Answer a call



Tell a joke.

Tell me a joke.


Take a photo.

Take another photo.


Navigate to a place

I need navigation.

I need to charge.

I’m hungry.

I want to eat hot pot.

Plan route

Number one.

Take me to the nearest.


Save address or add to Favorites

Edit home address.

Save current location.

Change map settings

Zoom in on map.

Switch to 2D map.

Heading up.

View or end navigation

How much longer to work?

How's the traffic?

End navigation.

Stop navigation.

Climate controls

Adjust temperature

Set (driver’s side/passenger side/rear) temperature to 26 degrees Celsius.

Adjust fan speed

Lower driver’s side fan speed a bit.

Set fan speed to highest.

Turn climate control on/off

Turn (rear) climate control on.

Turn AUTO Mode on.

Adjust air distribution and air circulation

Air on face, air on feet, air on windshield, air on feet and windshield, air on face and feet.

(Turn on/off) front/rear defrosting.

Turn Recirculation Mode on.

Air purification

Turn on air purification.

What’s the PM2.5 level inside?

Silence the air purifier.


Window Controls

Open/close (driver’s, passenger, left rear, right rear, all) window(s).

Windows fully open.

Open the window by 20%.

Open rear windows a crack.

Control sunroof and sunshade

Open the sunroof.

Close the sunshade.

Open the sunroof halfway.

Open the sunroof to 50%.


Seat ventilation

Turn on (driver’s/passenger) seat ventilation.

Turn down seat ventilation a bit.

Seat heating

Turn on (driver’s/passenger/rear left/rear right) seat heating.

Turn up the seat heating a bit.

Seat massage

Turn on (driver’s/passenger) seat massage.

Increase the intensity a little.

Set seat massage to level 3.

Steering wheel

Steering wheel heating

Turn on steering wheel heating.


Ambient lighting

Turn on ambient lighting.

Change the ambient light color.

Controls on center display

Adjust screen brightness

Dim the center display a bit.

Raise the brightness to the maximum.


Turn on/off (Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/Hotspot).


Return to desktop.

Go to Media/Phone/Navigation/Music/Weather/Settings.

Warning Precautions for NOMI
  • Do not allow NOMI and its base to come into contact with liquids, acidic or alkaline solutions, dust, fibers, magnetic substances, or other similar materials.

  • Do not attempt to dismantle or repair NOMI and its base on your own.

  • Do not apply excessive force to push, pull, or twist NOMI. Refrain from impeding the movement of NOMI with external pressure.

  • Do not attempt to remove NOMI and its base by yourself.

  • To prevent damaging NOMI hardware, do not install hard helmets or caps on it. In the event of an accident, it will help you avoid personal injury.

Comfort Features

When the vehicle is in PARK (without being locked from the outside) and the driver’s seat is unoccupied, occupants can still enter the vehicle and access certain comfort features. The feature will automatically turn off after ten hours without any operations. To continue using a comfort feature, open any door, press the brake pedal, or sit in the driver's seat with the driver's door closed.

Comfort features mainly include:

  • Driver’s/passenger seat adjustments

  • Steering wheel adjustments

  • Wireless charging

  • Climate controls

  • Seat massage, heating and ventilation

  • Steering wheel heating

  • Window, sunroof and sunshade controls

  • Reading lights and ambient lighting

  • Entertainment and navigation

  • NOMI

Intelligent Fragrance System

An independent fragrance system is provided for you and your family. You can select the desired scent to enjoy a refreshing and pleasant experience while driving.

A variety of fragrances are offered, including Solar, Stellar, Wild and Haven. You can insert three fragrance cartridges with different scents into the fragrance holder located under the center console. You can replace the cartridges according to your preference.

To insert and replace the fragrance cartridges:

  1. Remove the cover of the fragrance cartridge, insert the cartridge facing up in the holder, and then press the bottom of the cartridge.

    Caution 安装香氛瓶过程中请勿旋转香氛瓶。

    Do not rotate the fragrance cartridge when inserting it.

  2. The cartridge will then be held in place by a magnet placed inside the holder.

  3. When the fragrance cartridge is in place, the vehicle will notify you that the fragrance system is available and indicate the exact scent of each cartridge on the center display.

  4. To replace the fragrance cartridge, hold the bottom of the cartridge with your fingers and pull it out slowly.

To turn the fragrance system on or off, control the intensity of a fragrance or select a different scent, successfully insert the fragrance cartridge and swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access and choose Fragrance.

Warning 香氛警告
  • Keep the fragrance cartridge out of the reach of children to prevent them from swallowing it accidentally, as this may be detrimental to their health.

  • Do not allow your child to insert their finger into the fragrance holder. Doing so may result in injury.

  • To ensure your safety, do not insert or replace the fragrance cartridge while driving.

  • If you or any passenger feels discomfort, disable the fragrance system immediately.

Caution 香氛注意
  • Please check the expiration date before inserting the fragrance cartridge. The fragrance has a shelf life of one year if the bottle remains unopened; after the bottle is opened, the fragrance can last three months. Stop using the fragrance and replace it after it expires.

  • Some fragrances (e.g. Wild) have a stimulating effect. Please use it only when needed.

  • When replacing the fragrance cartridge, keep your hands clean to ensure the fragrance system can function normally after it is replaced.

  • A magnet is placed in each fragrance holder. Keep your smart phone, tablet and other electronic devices away from the holder to avoid any interference between electronic devices and the fragrance system.

  • Chemical reactions may occur between the fragrance and organic substances. Keep the ceramic fragrance stuck in the fragrance cartridge and away from all plastic parts.

Note 香氛说明
  • The experience with the fragrance system may vary depending to the cabin temperature, fan speed, and user’s physical condition.

  • Only purchase genuine ceramic fragrance sticks and avoid damaging the fragrance cartridge to ensure its quality.

  • If the fragrance cartridge cannot be identified after it is inserted, please try again.


Tide is a physical and psychological health app that helps you sleep, meditate, relax, and stay focused. Inspired by travels, nature and meditation, Tide provides a wealth of audio resources such as sounds of nature and meditation exercises to help you escape from the fast-paced world for a quiet space of peace, where you can meditate for a while to relax your mind and sleep better with less anxiety and stress while staying focused and calm.

Tide offers three modes, namely Nap, Meditation, and Breathing.

Nap Mode

You and your family can fall asleep to the sounds of nature in the vehicle and wake up to a soft alarm to embrace a beautiful world.

You or your authorized users can enter the application launcher to open the Tide > Nap page where sound scenarios and alarm time for the nap can be set and memorized for the specific account.

  1. Nap by Time: You can set a nap countdown to wake you up at the set time. You can also choose to continue or end the nap upon the alarm.

  2. Nap by Charge: If the vehicle is in the DC charging process, you can set a battery level within the charging limit to have a nap until the set level is reached.

  3. More settings are provided, including volumes and timed playback of sleep aid sounds, alarm clock sounds and volumes, and seat position restoration switch upon the end of nap.

  4. Set sleep aid sound scenarios.

After the vehicle enters the Nap Mode, the in-vehicle lighting will be turned off, with windows and doors closed and locked, the climate control will be automatically set to the temperature comfortable for a nap, and the air purifier will be automatically turned on. If you sit in a front seat, the seat will automatically move to the relax position (if set previously) or the default position. NOMI will enter the Do Not Disturb Mode to create a relaxing atmosphere for you. After the nap ends, the vehicle will restore the settings before the nap.

Caution 小憩模式
  • Before entering Nap Mode, check that the vehicle is in PARK (P) gear and not in the Power Swap Mode.

  • Please close all doors and the liftgate before starting Nap Mode to ensure safety.

  • Any fault in the A/C system will affect the nap effect.

  • After a nap begins and when the front seats are moving backward, make sure to check the rear passenger space. If the front passenger seat is in a long track state, it will not move automatically after a nap starts.

  • If the vehicle is not charging, ensure that it has a remaining range of at least 60 kilometers. If the remaining range is less than 30 kilometers, the time alarm will be triggered automatically; if the charger is disconnected or a charging failure has occurred, the charging alarm will be triggered automatically, to alert you about the vehicle's battery level.

  • The vehicle will automatically exit Nap Mode in certain circumstances, such as when the vehicle is not in PARK (P) gear, the battery is at risk of ignition, during system updates, when the vehicle enters Power Swap Mode, is locked and asleep, the A/C fails, and the account is switched. At such a time, the seats cannot automatically return to their pre-nap state.

Meditation Mode

The Meditation Mode provides an immersive experience to give your brain break, so that you can feel your inner self and your surroundings and reduce your physical and mental exhaustion.

You or your authorized users can enter the application launcher to open the Tide > Meditation page where sound scenarios and sound volumes for the meditation can be set and memorized for the specific account.

After the vehicle enters the Meditation Mode, the in-vehicle lighting will be turned off, with windows and doors closed and locked, the climate control will be automatically set to the temperature comfortable for meditation, and the air purifier will be automatically turned on. NOMI will enter the Do Not Disturb Mode to create an immersive and quiet atmosphere for you. After the meditation ends, the vehicle will restore the settings before the meditation.

Caution Meditation and Breathing
  • Please verify that the vehicle is in the park gear and not in the power swap mode.

  • Please close all doors and the tailgate before starting the mode to ensure safety.

  • If the vehicle is not in charging process, it is necessary to ensure that the vehicle range is not less than 30 kilometers.

  • The vehicle will automatically exit the current mode in certain situations, such as if it is in a non-park gear, has a risk of battery fire, has software updates, has entered power swap mode, is locked and asleep, and is switching accounts.

Breathing Mode

The Breathing Mode helps you learn how to breathe properly, calm yourself down, and relieve stress.

You or your authorized users can enter the application launcher to open the Tide > Breathing page where breathing scenarios and background sound scenarios and volumes can be set and memorized for the specific account.

Caution Meditation and Breathing
  • Please verify that the vehicle is in the park gear and not in the power swap mode.

  • Please close all doors and the tailgate before starting the mode to ensure safety.

  • If the vehicle is not in charging process, it is necessary to ensure that the vehicle range is not less than 30 kilometers.

  • The vehicle will automatically exit the current mode in certain situations, such as if it is in a non-park gear, has a risk of battery fire, has software updates, has entered power swap mode, is locked and asleep, and is switching accounts.

Quick Access

You can tap Quick Access in the application launcher on the center display to freely combine apps for customized scenarios, or enter the Square interface to enjoy a personalized and automated intelligent experience using the recommended Quick Access templates.

Actions that support custom shortcuts include: time, media, weather, cabin comfort, driving, charge, doors, windows, seats, lighting, system settings and applications, and other common settings. You can also share custom scenarios with friends.

Child-Protection Locks

It is recommended that you engage the child-protection locks (including child lock and window lock) whenever a child is seated in the rear row, so that rear doors and windows cannot be opened from inside. Failure to do so may result in accidents if a rear window or door is opened by the child by accident.

The child lock and window lock are set to off by default. Once enabled, they will remain active until you turn them off manually. To turn them on, swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access and tap Child Lockand Window Lock.

Warning 后门/窗儿童安全锁启用时后排两侧车门及车窗均无法从内部打开,请勿单独将儿童留在车内,以免造成意外伤害。
  • When the child-protection locks are on, the rear doors and rear windows cannot be opened from inside. Never leave children unattended in the vehicle. Doing so may result in injury or death.

  • When enabling the child-protection locks on the center display, do not pull the rear interior door handles. Doing so may cause the child-protection locks to malfunction and result in injury or death.

Child Safety Seat

When a child under 12 years old or with a height less than 1.5 meters rides in your vehicle, always install a child safety seat or booster cushion. Please have the child sit in the child safety seat or booster cushion instead of holding him or letting him sit on an adult's lap to fully protect the child.

Only child safety seats that are approved for children and comply with relevant regulations or standards should be utilized. When selecting a child safety seat, carefully inspect the seat's markings to verify its compliance. When installing and using a child safety seat, follow the relevant laws and regulations, the instructions of the child safety seat manufacturer and the instructions on the safety of children in this User Manual.

Important Instructions for Using Child Safety Seats

Proper use of child safety seats will greatly reduce the risk of injury to children and reduce the severity of injury in accidents. Please be aware of the following when using child safety seats:
  • Children must use child safety seats, maintain a correct posture and have their seat belts fastened during their ride.

  • Never let your child ride without proper protection.

  • Do not seat more than one child in a child safety seat.

  • Never allow a child to be held in a passenger's arms.

  • Keep hard or sharp objects away from the child safety seat, as they can pose a risk of injury during an accident.

  • If a rearward-facing child safety seat is installed in the rear seat of your vehicle, it is necessary to adjust the corresponding front seat forward as appropriate. For a forward-facing child safety seat installed in the rear seat, consider adjusting the height of the seat headrest.

  • Children need to be supervised by adults when sitting in child safety seats. Never leave children unattended inside the vehicle.

  • It is prohibited to allow children to stand or kneel on seats while the vehicle is in motion. In the event of an accident, children may be thrown up and this can result in injuries or fatalities to the children themselves and other passengers.

  • The instructions of the child safety seat manufacturer on the correct use of the seat belt must be observed. Proper fastening of seat belts can make full use of the protection afforded by the child safety seat.

  • In case of collision or emergency braking, an improperly installed or unsecured child safety seat may move and injure other passengers in the vehicle. Therefore, even when the child safety seat is not in use, it must also be properly installed and secured in the vehicle.

  • When a child is riding in the child safety seat, it is important to prevent them from leaning their head or body against the door, side of the seat, pillar or below the roof beam. In case of an accident, side airbags or curtain airbags will deploy in those areas, increasing the risk of injury to the child.

Child Safety Seat Grouping

Only a child safety seat that is approved and suitable for the child is allowed to be used. Children taller than 1.5 meters can use the vehicle seat belts as would an adult. If a child safety seat needs to be used, it must comply with relevant regulations or standards.

6 Seat Seating Position
Weight groups allowed 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III
Seat position number 1 3 4 6 7 9
Passenger Airbag OFF Passenger Airbag ON
Seating position suitable for universal belted (yes/no) N/A Yes(*a) No Yes Yes Yes Yes
i-Size seating position (yes/no) N/A No No Yes Yes No No
Seating position suitable for lateral fixture (L1/L2) N/A No No No No No No
Largest suitable rearward facing fixture (R1/R2X/R2/R3) N/A No No R1/R2/R3 R1/R2/R3 No No
Largest suitable forward-facing fixture (F1/F2X/F2/F3) N/A No No F2X/F2/F3 F2X/F2/F3 F2X/F2/F3 F2X/F2/F3
Largest suitable booster fixture (B2/B3) N/A No No B2/B3 B2/B3 B2/B3 B2/B3
Suitable for support leg N/A Yes No Yes Yes No No

N/A: Not applicable

(a) Adjust the front passenger seat as high up as possible when install universal CRS on it.

7 Seat Seating Position
Weight groups allowed 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III 0, 0+, I, II, III
Seat position number 1 3 4 5 6 7 9
Passenger Airbag OFF Passenger Airbag ON
Seating position suitable for universal belted (yes/no) N/A Yes(*a) No Yes Yes(*b) Yes Yes(*b) Yes(*b)
i-Size seating position (yes/no) N/A No No Yes No Yes No No
Seating position suitable for lateral fixture (L1/L2) N/A No No No No No No No
Largest suitable rearward facing fixture (R1/R2X/R2/R3) N/A No No R1/R2/R3 No R1/R2/R3 No No
Largest suitable forward-facing fixture (F1/F2X/F2/F3) N/A No No F2X/F2/F3 No F2X/F2/F3 F2X/F2/F3 F2X/F2/F3
Largest suitable booster fixture (B2/B3) N/A No No B2/B3 No B2/B3 B2/B3 B2/B3
Suitable for support leg N/A Yes No Yes No Yes No No


N/A: Not applicable

(a) Adjust the front passenger seat as high up as possible when install universal CRS on it.

(b) It is forbidden to install a child safety seat with a support base or with a support leg on the middle seat of the 2 nd row and on the 3 rd row.

Seat Number Position in the vehicle
1 Front left
2 Front centre
3 Front right
4 2nd row left
5 2nd centre
6 2nd row right
7 3rd row left
8 3rd centre
9 3rd row right
Group Manufacturer Model Attachment
0 & 0+

Up to 13 kg

BeSafe iZi Combi X4 ISOFIX ISOFIX mounted with a support leg, rearward facing.

9-18 kg

BeSafe iZi Combi X4 ISOFIX ISOFIX mounted with a support leg, rearward facing.

15-25 kg

Britax Römer KidFix II S ISOFIX with a seat belt, forward facing

22-36 kg

Britax Römer KidFix II S ISOFIX with a seat belt , forward facing
NIO recommend to put your kids in corresponding CRS on the 2nd row outer seating position, and CRS should be mounted to the vehicle with ISOFIX, a support leg or a seat belt. In order to have the best protection for your younger kids, kids weight under 18kg please use recommended rearward facing CRS.
For group II child (weight from 15-25kg), NIO recommend to use KidFix II S with Secureguard. Please look at Britax Romer KidFix II S owner’s manual for details of how to use Secureguard.
For group III child (weight from 22-36kg), NIO recommend to use KidFix II S booster.

Selection of Child Safety Seat

Warning NEVER use a rearward facing child restraint on a seat protected by an ACTIVE AIRBAG in front of it, DEATH or SERIOUS INJURY to the CHILD can occur.

Never use a rearward facing child restraint on a seat protected by an Active airbag in front of it, death or serious injury to the child can occur.

Warning 若前排安全气囊启用,切勿让儿童坐于前排座位上或在前排座椅上放置后向儿童座椅,否则发生事故时触发的安全气囊将对儿童造成严重伤害。

If front airbags are enabled, do not place children or a rearward-facing child safety seat on the front seats. Otherwise, they may be seriously injured if the airbags are activated in an accident.

There is a warning label for the front airbag on the sun visor on the front passenger side.


If special conditions require a rearward-facing child safety seat to be installed in the front seat, the front passenger airbag must be disabled. Enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driving > Front Passenger Airbag to disable the front passenger airbag. In this case, the icon GUM170286 appears at the top of the center display, notifying you that the front passenger airbag is disabled.

Children should use a child safety seat or seat belt in outer rear seat according to the age, height and weight of the child:

  • Reclining child safety seats should be used for infants weighing less than 13 kilograms. They should be installed rearwards in rear seats whenever possible;

  • Child safety seats with safety platforms or five-point seat belts should be used for children with a weight of 9-18 kilograms. They can be fitted in the back seat in either a forward-facing or rearward-facing configuration;

  • Forward-facing child safety seats should be used for children with a weight of 15-25 kilograms. They should be installed in rear seats in coordination with seat belts; and

  • Child booster cushions should be used for children with a weight of 22-36 kg and a height less than 1.5 meters. They should be installed in rear seats in coordination with seat belts.

Warning 安全带上部必须从肩部通过且紧贴上身,不得紧贴颈部;安全带下部必须从髋部通过且紧贴下身,不得紧贴腹部。

The upper part of the seat belt must pass through the shoulder and sit snugly against the upper body without touching the neck. The lower part of the seat belt must pass across the hip and fit snugly on the lower body without touching the abdomen.

Installation of Child Safety Seat

Before installing a child safety seat, please read the instructions for the child safety seat carefully to confirm that it can be installed in your vehicle. If the vehicle seat belt or ISOFIX connection can be used to fix the child safety seat according to the installation method of the child safety seat, it is recommended to use the ISOFIX connection preferentially.

  • Securing with vehicle seat belt

    Install the child safety seat in the rear seat, put the vehicle seat belt through the child safety seat and insert the tongue into the buckle. Make sure that the seat belt is straight, not twisted. Pull the seat belt to confirm that it cannot be pulled out.

  • Securing with ISOFIX connection

    Your vehicle has ISOFIX connection for installing a child safety seat in the second-row (except the center seat) and third-row seats. Please install the seat in the back seats.

    1. Insert the lower part of the child safety seat into the hook of the ISOFIX connection in the lower part of the seat, until you hear a click.

    2. Guide the upper tether strap on the child safety seat under the head restraint and towards the rear, and then fasten the belt to the anchor point located on the back of the rear seats.

    3. Pull the child safety seat firmly to check whether it is securely installed.

Warning 固定装置仅用于安装ISOFIX接口儿童座椅,非儿童座椅物件禁止连接此固定装置,以免造成人身伤害。安装和拆卸安全座椅请按照座椅说明书及车辆指导操作,未正确操作将可能造成儿童或其他乘客受伤。
  • The fastening device is only used for installing a child safety seat with an ISOFIX interface. To avoid injury, do not connect any other item to this fastening device.

  • When installing and removing the child safety seat, follow the instructions for the child safety seat and the vehicle. Incorrect operations may result in injury to children or other passengers.

Seat Belts

Seat Belt Instructions

Seat belts are one of the most important ways to protect passengers in case of an accident. Using seat belts together with airbags can reduce the risk of severe injury if a collision occurs. All passengers, including the driver, should wear seat belts correctly.

Even at a low speed, the impact force acting on the passengers can still cause injury. Therefore, it is very important to fasten seat belts before every trip, no matter how short or routine the trip is. It is equally important for the rear seat passengers to wear seat belts correctly, as unbelted rear passengers may be thrown forward, and endanger not only themselves, but also the front passengers in a frontal collision.

The vehicle's first-row seats, second-row outer seats and third-row seats are equipped with pre-tensioners (front-row seats have dual pre-tensioners). The pre-tensioners rapidly retract and latch seat belts the instant a severe collision occurs, thereby providing increased protection for passengers. The force limiter can then prevent the seat belt from exerting too much force on the passenger and minimize belt-inflicted injury.

Warning 不系安全带或未正确佩戴安全带可能带来严重的人员伤亡,请务必正确佩戴安全带。
  • If the seat belt is not fastened or correctly fastened, serious injury or death may occur as a result. Always fasten your seat belt correctly.

  • Do not unfasten your seat belt while your vehicle is in motion. Otherwise, serious injury may occur in the event of an accident.

  • Please keep your seat belt clean, and avoid blocking the socket with foreign objects. Otherwise, the seat belt will not be able to be buckled reliably.

  • Before use, please check your seat belt and its fixing mechanism carefully for damage and aging. If there is any damage, stop using it, and replace your seat belt immediately.

  • Do not repair damaged seat belts by yourself. Do not remove or install seat belts by yourself under any circumstances.

  • Never share a seat belt with another person (i.e., while carrying a child in your arms), as this could result in additional injuries to the child.

  • If a seat belt becomes stretched and deformed in an accident, it needs to be changed right away even if there is no damage to the surface.

  • Once the seat belt pre-tensioner is triggered during an accident, it shall be replaced immediately. In some accidents, even if the pre-tensioner is not triggered, it is recommended to go to the NIO Service Center for inspection and have it replaced if necessary.

  • Please do not tilt your backrest too far. Otherwise, the protective features of your seat belt will be seriously affected.

  • The seat belt should never lie on hard or fragile objects (such as glasses or pens,etc.) because this can cause injuries.

  • Never wear the seat belt under the arm or in any other incorrect position.

  • Bulky and unfastened clothing (such as an overcoat over a sweater) impairs the proper fit and function of the seat belts, reducing their capacity to protect.

  • Do not allow the seat belt to be damaged or jammed, or to rub on any sharp edges.

  • Frayed or torn seat belts or damage to the connections, belt retractors or parts of the buckle could cause severe injuries in the event of an accident. Therefore, you must check the condition of all seat belts at regular intervals.

  • The belts must be kept clean, otherwise the retractors may not work properly.

  • Unbuckling your seat belt while the vehicles in motion can cause severe or fatal injuries in the event of an accident or sudden braking.

  • The seat belt itself, or a loose seat belt can cause severe injuries if the belt moves from hard areas of the body to soft areas(e.g., the stomach).

Seat Belt Warning Light

All seats are equipped with seat belts. When the driver is seated (with doors closed or the brake pedal pressed) or is driving, the seat belt warning light on the digital instrument panel turns on when anyone in the front is unbuckled to ask the driver and the front passenger to buckle up. If , or if the speed exceeds 22 km/h without the seat belt fastened, the warning light will flash, and a chime will sound. After seat belts are fastened, the warning light will turn off, and the chime will stop. If the belts remain unfastened, the chime will stop after 100 seconds, but the warning light will stay on.

When the driver is seated (with doors closed or the brake pedal pressed), the seat belt warning light on the digital instrument cluster will turn on if a passenger in the second- or third-row is unbuckled to ask him/her to buckle up. After the seat belt is fastened, the corresponding warning light will turn off. When rear seat belts are not fastened:

  • If the vehicle is in motion with rear seat belts unfastened, the warning light is on for 33 seconds before being turned off automatically;

  • If the vehicle is driving over 22 km/h and any passengers in the rear seats is unbuckled up, the warning light flashes, and a chime sounds. The warning light turns off after all passengers are buckled up; or

  • If passengers in the rear seats remain unbuckled, the warning light automatically turns off after 33 seconds.

Warning 若安全带未系报警功能异常,请勿使用相关座椅,并请立即联系服务中心检查安全带功能。

If the Seat Belt Unfastened Warning feature is not working properly, do not use the corresponding seat and contact the NIO Service Center immediately for inspection.

Wearing Seat Belts

Use the seat belts correctly as follows:
  1. Pull the seat belt by the belt buckle evenly across your body, and ensure that the shoulder strap is placed over the shoulder while the lap strap is positioned across the pelvis. Never place the seat belt across the neck or abdomen. Insert the belt buckle into the belt latch until you hear a click indicating it is locked in place.

  2. Press the button, and slide the belt upward or downward to adjust the seat belt height. Release the button when the belt is at an appropriate height. To check if the belt is securely locked in place, pull firmly on the shoulder portion of the belt.

To release the seat belt, press the red button on the belt latch to release the belt buckle. Guide the belt back by hand so that it can roll up more easily.

Warning 请勿使用安全带插片或无人乘坐时长时间将安全带带扣插在卡扣上,以免导致预紧装置损伤。

Please refrain from using seat belt insert or leaving the seat belt buckled in the latch for an extended period of time when not in use, as this may cause damage to the pre-tensioner.

Warning 佩戴安全带前请先调整好座椅靠背及头枕,充分发挥安全带的保护作用。佩戴安全带过松或过紧都可能在发生事故时带来人身伤害。 孕妇佩戴安全带时请将安全带均匀地通过胸部并尽可能低地在髋部穿过,保持安全带平展紧贴,避免发生事故时安全带勒紧而使胎儿及孕妇造成严重伤害。
  • To maximize the protection provided by the seat belt, properly adjust the seat backrest and headrest before fastening the seat belt.

  • Wearing a seat belt too loosely or tightly may result in injury in the event of an accident.

  • Pregnant women must wear the seat belt evenly across the chest and as low as possible across the hip. Keep the seat belt flat and close to the body to avoid tightening in case of an accident, which can cause serious harm to both the woman and fetus.


Airbag Instructions

As a restraint system, the airbags are a supplement to seat belts. Airbags can quickly inflate in the event of a severe accident to protect the head and chest of the occupant and reduce injury severity. However, they cannot prevent injuries to limbs and body surface. Occupants enjoy maximum protection only when both airbags and seat belts are used appropriately.

Your vehicle is equipped with collision sensors. When a front or side collision that satisfies the conditions of deploying the airbag system occurs, the corresponding airbags will deploy. The gas generator inside the airbag will be enabled to release gas at a certain pressure to open the airbag cover and fill the entire airbag, forming a protective buffer layer to protect occupants and reduce the risk of injury or death.

The airbag system includes front airbags and side airbags. Front airbags include front head airbags that are located in the steering wheel and on the headliner on the passenger side. Side airbags include front side airbags (located on the outside of the front seats) and curtain airbags (located on the headliner on both sides from the A pillar to the C pillar). The locations of the airbags are labeled “AIRBAG”.

  1. Driver's airbag

  2. Front passenger airbag

  3. Front side airbags

  4. Curtain airbags

Warning 安全气囊作为辅助安全系统,不能替代安全带的保护作用,只有与安全带一起配合使用,才能为乘客提供最佳的保护作用,因此车内所有乘客务必系好安全带并保持正确的坐姿。
  • Airbags are a supplementary restraint system and cannot replace seat belts. The airbag can only maximize your safety when used in conjunction with the seat belt. Thus, all occupants should always correctly wear their seat belt and sit in the correct position.

  • The driver should sit at least 25 cm away from the steering wheel, since the airbag may injure the driver when deployed with great force.

  • Children must not sit in the front passenger seat if the front passenger airbag is enabled. In the case of an accident, the impact of the airbag when deployed may cause severe injury to children.

  • Do not place any objects on the front passenger seat. These objects will enter the deployment area and be ejected if the airbag deploys in the event of emergency braking, which may injure occupants.

  • The airbag system can only provide protection once. If the airbag has been deployed, you must have it replaced; during certain accidents, the airbag may not deploy. However, to ensure that the airbag system works properly, please contact NIO immediately for inspection or replacement if necessary.

  • If any damage or fractures are found on the airbag cover, do not use the vehicle and contact NIO immediately.

  • If the airbag system has never been deployed for a period of ten years from its production date, please visit NIO to have it replaced. A record of the airbag system’s replacement needs to be kept and given to the new owner when the vehicle’s ownership is transferred.

  • Installing or removing airbag system components, including airbag labels, is prohibited.

  • Smoke and fine powder may be produced when the airbag deploys. Even if the fine powder is nontoxic, it may still make occupants feel uncomfortable.

  • When using seat covers, avoid the area around the side airbags for the front seats. Doing so may impair the protective function of the side airbags.

  • Do not place any objects in the deployment area of the curtain airbags (including pillars, headliner or handles). Occupants should not lean against the doors. Doing so may result in injury if a curtain airbag deploys.

  • Do not place any hard objects (including clothes hangers, fruits, or glass bottles) on the garment hooks in the vehicle. Doing so may result in injury if a curtain airbag deploys.

  • Never place your feet, knees or other body parts on or near the airbag covers. Do not place or hang any objects on or near the airbag covers. Doing so may impair the functionality of the airbags and may result in injury if an airbag deploys.

  • Never install any electronic devices (such as ETC) on the front windshield on the passenger side. Doing so may result in injury if the front passenger airbag deploys.

  • Never place, hang or install any objects on or near the instrument panel on the passenger side. Doing so may result in injury if an airbag deploys.

  • Never modify the headliner of the vehicle. Doing so may impair the functionality of the curtain airbags, and result in injury if they deploy.

  • Never place or hang any heavy or sharp-edged objects on the front passenger sun visor. Doing so may result in injury if the front passenger airbag deploys.

  • The smoke and dust generated during the rapid airbag deployment may cause skin or eye irritation/scalds/burns, and the airbag fibers may cause skin scratches or burns.

Conditions for Deploying Airbags

Airbags will inflate in the following cases:
  1. The vehicle hits a wall or another vehicle at a high speed.

  2. The vehicle hits a hard curb.

  3. The vehicle falls into a deep ditch.

  4. The vehicle is impacted by another vehicle at high speed from the side.

  5. The vehicle goes upward and then hits the road hard.

In the following cases, airbags may not deploy and the occupants should be protected by wearing the seat belts correctly:

  1. The vehicle hits a tree, pole, or other tall and thin object.

  2. The vehicle is hit by another vehicle in the rear.

  3. The vehicle rolls over.

  4. The vehicle collides with or slides under a truck.

  5. The front corner of the vehicle collides with another vehicle.

  6. The front corner of the vehicle collides with a wall.

  7. The vehicle travels sideways into a pole.

  8. The front side of the vehicle is hit by another vehicle at a certain angle.

  9. The side of the vehicle body is hit by another vehicle at a certain angle.

  10. The vehicle is hit by another vehicle on the side.

Airbag Warning Indicator

An airbag warning indicator on the digital instrument cluster displays the status of airbags. If the indicator is on after the digital instrument cluster turns on, do not use the vehicle and contact NIO immediately.

Disabling Front Airbags

Because the front airbags rapidly inflate and unfold with great force, the distance between front airbags and front occupants should be at least 25 centimeters. If a child or an occupant with special medical needs is seated in the front passenger seat, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Front Passenger Airbag to turn it off. Then, the icon will pop up on the top of the center display to remind you that the front passenger airbag has been disabled. This can reduce the risk of severe injury to vulnerable groups.

Actions to Take After Airbags Are Deployed

When a collision occurs and airbags deploy, the vehicle automatically takes the following actions to ensure occupant safety:
  • Unlocking doors to ensure that occupants or rescue personnel can open the doors.

  • Turning on hazard warning lights to indicate the vehicle’s location and alert vehicles approaching from the rear.

  • Cutting off the high voltage system to ensure occupant safety.

  • Opening windows to prevent occupants from being trapped in the vehicle if it is submerged in water.

  • Turning off Driver Seat Memory to avoid the seat moving to a position that traps the driver.

  • Turning on reading lights, especially for the convenience of rescue at night.

Rear Storage

Rear Door Storage

The vehicle also provides convenient storage for the rear seats. Each door has a storage area to put your beverages or objects. It is also equipped with a storage light to illuminate the corresponding door in the dark or when the position lights are on.

Garment hooks can be used to hang clothing.

Warning 储物空间内禁止放置易燃、易爆、易飞溅的物品,储物时请盖紧盒盖。

Never place flammable and combustible objects or liquids with a high risk of splashing in the storage area. Always close the cover after placing objects in the storage area.

Second Row Center Armrest

When the second row middle seat is not in use, pull the center armrest stowed in the rear seat back down to access the cup holders and storage area.

Warning 储物空间内禁止放置易燃、易爆、易飞溅的物品,储物时请盖紧盒盖。

Never place flammable and combustible objects or liquids with a high risk of splashing in the storage area. Always close the cover after placing objects in the storage area.

Second Row Seat Armrests

There is a USB 2.0 port and a storage area under the second row seat armrest for occupants to store phones and other objects.

To stow the armrest, push it upward. To expose cup holders, press the button on the second row seat armrest.

Warning 储物空间内禁止放置易燃、易爆、易飞溅的物品,储物时请盖紧盒盖。

Never place flammable and combustible objects or liquids with a high risk of splashing in the storage area. Always close the cover after placing objects in the storage area.

Third Row Armrests

Cup holders are located on the third row armrests.

Warning 储物空间内禁止放置易燃、易爆、易飞溅的物品,储物时请盖紧盒盖。

Never place flammable and combustible objects or liquids with a high risk of splashing in the storage area. Always close the cover after placing objects in the storage area.

Second Row Seats

There are three seats in the second row, which are split 40/60 and can fold flat.

Each second row seat can be adjusted and folded flat.

  1. Seat position

    Pull the handle located on the outside of the seat to move the seat forward or backward to the desired position. Then release the handle and push the seat until you hear a click to ensure that it locks into place.

  2. Adjusting and folding backrests

    Pull the handle up and fold the backrest completely flat.

    Lift the backrest up until you hear a click to restore the backrest to the seating position.

    The backrests of second row seats are reclined 18 degrees by default.

To adjust the headrest, press the button below the headrest. The headrest can be adjusted between two vertical positions. To remove the headrest, gently tilt the seat back, press the button below the headrest, and pull out the headrest.

Please adjust the seat according to the occupant's height and seating position. When driving, make sure that the backrest is upright and the highest point of the headrest is in the center of the occupant's head so that the body and head are sufficiently supported, and the seat belt and airbag may function correctly.

Warning 行驶时必须正确佩戴座位上的安全带,坐姿不当可能会导致严重后果。
  • When driving, your safety belt should be worn correctly. An improper seating position may result in severe injury.

  • Do not drive with the backrest reclined to an extreme degree. Doing so may impair the protective function of the seat belt and air bags.

  • Do not use the headrest when it is at its lowest position. To use it, pull the headrest upwards and ensure it is locked into place.

  • Adjusting a seat while driving may result in injury or death.

  • Do not place any objects under the seat.

Third Row Seat Headrests

The backrest of the third row seats is reclined 12 degrees by default. To adjust the headrest, press the button below the headrest. The headrest can be adjusted between two vertical positions. To remove the headrest, gently tilt the seat back, press the button below the headrest, and pull out the headrest.

Please make sure that the highest point of the headrest is at the center of the occupant's head so that the body and head are sufficiently supported, and the seat belt and airbag may function correctly.

Warning 第三排头枕,行驶时必须正确佩戴座位上的安全带,坐姿不当可能会导致严重后果。
  • When driving, your safety belt should be worn correctly. An improper seating position may result in severe injury.

  • Do not use the headrest when it is at its lowest position. To use it, pull the headrest upwards and ensure it is locked into place.

  • Do not place any objects under the seat.

Rear Lighting

The touch switches controlling the rear reading lights are located on the rear doors. To turn a reading light on or off, touch the corresponding switch.

Rear Climate Control

Rear Climate Control Panel

An independent climate control panel is available for the rear seats, allowing passengers to adjust the rear temperature and fan speed.

  1. Adjusting temperature

    Turn the knob to adjust the rear temperature between 15 (LO) - 31 (HI) degrees Celsius.

  2. AUTO Mode

    Press to turn on AUTO Mode. This automatically adjusts the temperature, fan speed, and air distribution of the rear cabin according to the temperature you set.

    Press a second time to turn off AUTO Mode and the air conditioning status will remain unchanged.

  3. Climate control display

    This display shows the current temperature, fan speed, air distribution, and other information for the rear seats.

  4. Turning on and off rear climate control and adjusting the fan speed

    Turn the knob clockwise or counterclockwise to turn on or off the rear climate control.

    You can also use the knob to adjust the rear fan speed.

  5. Air distribution

    Press the button to select the air distribution mode: Face , Feet , or Face and Feet .

  6. USB 2.0 ports

Adjusting Rear Air Vents

The rear air vents are located on the headliner and below the front seats.

  1. Rear face-level vents

  2. Rear foot-level vents

Move the switch up, down, left, or right to change the air flow direction.

Starting the Vehicle

Entering Driving Readiness State

  1. The driver is seated.

  2. Close the driver door or press the brake pedal.

Warning 请妥善管理好车辆智能钥匙/NFC卡片和手机App
  • Please manage your vehicle's Smart Key, NFC card and the NIO App on your phone properly, and do not allow individuals without driving qualifications to sit in the driver seat.

  • When starting the vehicle, there may be a slight delay in the lighting of the Center Display or the Instrument Cluster panel. Please wait for the screen to complete a self-check before shifting gears, driving the vehicle, or performing other operations, to avoid personal injury or property damage.

Starting the Vehicle via NFC Key

When seated, you can start the vehicle using the NFC card.

Place the NFC card on the wireless charging pad. Then, you can try to shift gears and start your vehicle.

Pedestrian Warning System

When driving at a low speed (normally below 30 km/h), the vehicle emits a sound to alert other road users such as pedestrians and other vehicles of your presence.

When this feature is enabled:
  • When driving at a speed between 0 km/h and 20 km/h, the sound gets louder as your speed increases.

  • When driving at a speed between 20 km/h and 30 km/h, the sound gets weaker as speed increases.

  • When driving at a speed over 30 km/h, the vehicle stops emitting the sound.

  • When driving at a speed below 25 km/h, the vehicle will emit the sound again.

Mis-Acceleration Intervention

If the driver rapidly and fully depresses the accelerator pedal while the vehicle is at a standstill or moving at a low speed, and there are other vehicles or pedestrians in the direction of travel that pose a collision risk, the system will limit the vehicle's acceleration. It will also issue an auditory warning to decrease the possibility of uncontrolled acceleration and crashes.


Enabling/Disabling Mis-Acceleration Intervention

Enter Settings from the bottom of the center display, and tap Driver Assist > Mis-Acceleration Intervention to enable or disable the feature.

  • For detection of objects in front, Mis-Acceleration Intervention operates when you are driving between about 0 km/h and 30 km/h.

  • In reverse gear, Mis-Acceleration Intervention operates when you are driving between about 0 km/h and 5 km/h.

  • When Mis-Acceleration Intervention is activated, a text warning will appear in the instrument cluster. It will reduce engine output for a brief time but will not apply brakes to the car. It is critical not to over rely on this feature.

  • Mis-Acceleration Intervention may be unable to suppress acceleration under all scenarios. Its objective is to reduce the severity of impacts rather than to avoid collisions. Currently, the coverage of scenarios is restricted, and this feature is only intended to reduce accidents in specific situations. It is not advisable to deliberately seek to rely on it.

Operation conditions for Mis-Acceleration Intervention:
  • The vehicle speed is within a reasonable range;

  • The radar function properly with a clear view; and

  • The camera is operating as intended and provides clear vision.

Caution 访客模式、服务授权用户、预置账号下该功能不可关闭。
  • This feature cannot be turned off in Guest mode, for previously authorized accounts, or in system default accounts.

  • The feature is typically triggered in underground parking lots and non-highway urban expressways.

Warning 当误加速抑制辅助关闭后,车辆不会对误加速进行限制和警报。功能激活后,短时间内继续猛踩加速踏板,功能可能会解除,车辆正常加速。

When Mis-Acceleration Intervention is turned off, no mis-acceleration will be limited nor alarm will be issued by your vehicle.

After this feature is activated, if you continue to depress the accelerator pedal hard for a short time, this feature can be deactivated and your vehicle can accelerate properly.

Warning 误加速抑制辅助作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况,也无法在所有情况下都能检测到车辆、骑行人或行人,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。

As a driving assist feature, the Mis-Acceleration Intervention can neither respond to all traffic, weather or road conditions, nor vehicles, cyclists, or pedestrians in all situations. It may become ineffective, inappropriate or untimely due to a number of factors.

You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times. Never depend on Mis-Acceleration Intervention to avoid collisions or reduce the impact of a collision. Doing so can cause personal injury or vehicle damage.

For safety reasons, never test the use of Mis-Acceleration Intervention when facing the direction of other vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians.

Please drive attentively, and if you come across a dangerous situation, never wait for Mis-Acceleration Intervention to intervene before taking action.

You always bear the ultimate responsibility for safe driving and shall abide by the current traffic laws and regulations.

Precautions and Restrictions

The camera system may fail to recognize obstacles and thus Mis-Acceleration Intervention may fail to operate as intended in some situations, including but not limited to:
  • The positions of the cameras are changed;

  • Blocked or dirty camera;

  • Limited recognition at night;

  • Dark surroundings, such as at dawn, dusk, night or in tunnels;

  • Sudden changes in ambient brightness, such as tunnel entrances or exits;

  • Large shadows cast by buildings, landscapes or large vehicles;

  • The camera is slanted by the sun or exposed to direct sunlight;

  • Severe weather such as rain, snow, fog or haze;

  • Exhaust gas, water spray, snow or dust lifted up by the vehicle ahead that falls onto your vehicle;

  • Water, dust, micro-scratches, oil sludge, dirt, wiper, ice, snow, etc. on the windshield in front of the camera;

  • Wet roads; or

  • The camera is out of focus or faulty.

Currently, Mis-Acceleration Intervention will only respond to target objects that meet certain conditions. Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:
  • Animals;

  • Traffic lights;

  • Walls;

  • Barriers (cone barrels, etc.); and

  • Other non-vehicle objects.

The radars may fail to recognize obstacles and impair the performance of Mis-Acceleration Intervention in some situations, including but not limited to:
  • The radars are misplaced, blocked or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves or other obstructions;

  • The radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches;

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance; and

  • Due to the limitations in radar target recognition characteristics, in very rare and specific situations, false warnings may be generated due to certain metal fences, median strips, concrete walls and other similar objects.

To perform this feature optimally, the system needs to recognize the outline and main features of the pedestrian's body as clear and complete as possible, which means that the head, shoulders, arms, legs, upper and lower body of the pedestrian can be recognized by integrating them into standard human movements. Mis-Acceleration Intervention may fail to function as intended due to failures to identify pedestrians in some situations, which include but are not limited to:

  • Pedestrians taller than 200 centimeters or shorter than 100 centimeters;

  • Pedestrians wear large clothing (such as raincoats, Hanfu, etc.), causing the main features (arms, legs, etc.) to be obscured and the outline to be unclear;

  • The distance between pedestrians and the sensor is too close when pedestrians first appear in the sensor's field of view;

  • Pedestrians are carrying a large backpack or luggage;

  • The contrast between the colors of the pedestrians' clothes and the background scene is low;

  • Pedestrians carry umbrellas, which cover the head, arms and other major features;

  • Pedestrians bend or crouch;

  • Pedestrian is seated in a wheelchair;

  • The pedestrians are in close proximity to each other;

  • Pedestrians wear reflective clothing;

  • Pedestrians walk in dark places such as roads at night, tunnels, etc.; or

  • The speed at which pedestrians cross the road has varied significantly.

To perform this feature optimally, the system needs to recognize the outline and main features of the cyclist's body as clear and complete as possible as well as the outline of the bicycle. Cyclists referred to in this feature are adults, and shall ride bicycles designed for adults. Mis-Acceleration Intervention may fail to function as intended due to failures to identify the cyclist in some situations, which include but are not limited to:

  • Bicycles or cyclists obstructed in clothing that hides their contours;

  • Bicycles loaded with large objects;

  • Bicycles traveling at high speeds;

  • Cyclists and bicycles in poor contrast with the background color;

  • Cyclists who are crossing the road at a significantly changing speed;

  • Cyclists who are too close to your vehicle when first caught in the sensor's field of view;

  • Cyclists riding in dark conditions, such as at night or in a tunnel; or

  • Cyclists riding self-balancing scooters, standing scooters, certain types of seated scooters and special-shaped electric bicycles.

Warning 以下情况可能导致误加速抑制辅助系统不会介入,包括但不限于:
The following situations may cause the Mis-Acceleration Intervention system to not intervene, which include but are not limited to:
  • The vehicle is turning or about to turn;

  • The driver depresses the brake pedal deeply;

  • The driver depresses the accelerator pedal slowly;

  • The driver releases the accelerator pedal and depresses it again;

  • The accelerator pedal is depressed deeply for more than 5 seconds;

  • The target vehicle drives laterally;

  • Driving on highways or elevated roads;

  • Starting from a standstill on a slope; or

  • Driving under complex road conditions.

The above warnings, precautions and restrictions do not exhaust all the situations that may affect the proper operation of Mis-Acceleration Intervention. Mis-Acceleration Intervention System may be affected by many factors. To avoid safety accidents, be sure to always pay attention to traffic, road and vehicle conditions and drive with caution.

Shifting Gears

When you press the brake pedal and shift the vehicle into DRIVE or REVERSE, appears on the digital instrument cluster, indicating that the vehicle is ready to hit the road. After you shift into a gear successfully, the digital instrument cluster then displays the current gear. Otherwise, it will remind you to confirm the current gear.

Use the gear selector on the center console to shift gear into:
  • DRIVE (D): normal drive mode

  • REVERSE (R): you can only shift to R when the vehicle is stopped

  • PARK (P): the vehicle is secured in place

To enable/disable the sound, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Sounds > Gear Shifting Sound.

Caution 换挡后务必通过数字仪表确认挡位,如果数字仪表显示挡位和预期不一致,要重新确认挡位或重新换挡。

Always confirm the gear on the digital instrument cluster after shifting gears. If there are any inconsistencies with the gear displayed, double confirm or shift gears again.

Caution 只有在停车状态且踩下制动踏板时,才能挂入驻车挡(P挡)。

You can only shift into PARK when the vehicle is stationary and the brake pedal is pressed.

Warning 在离开车辆前或坡道上,请确保已挂入驻车挡(P挡)。如果没有任何挡位显示,则车辆可能会自行移动。

Before leaving the vehicle or stopping it on a slope, ensure that the gear is shifted into PARK. If you have not confirmed the gear on the digital instrument cluster, the vehicle may roll away.

Multiple Driving Modes

The choice of driving mode can affect the driving characteristics of the vehicle, optimizing the driving experience and providing convenience in special situations.

The vehicle offers four daily driving modes: Comfort, Eco, Sport, and Custom. Additionally, there are multi-terrain driving modes, such as Snow mode.

In Eco mode, the system will give priority to energy efficiency. In this case, the climate control feature is restricted compared with that in other modes. Manually set to a higher or lower temperature when necessary.

The vehicle's default driving mode is Comfort when you first use it. When you adjust the driving mode, the vehicle will automatically switch to the newly chosen driving mode the next time you drive.

Following these steps to access the multiple drive modes

To access Settings through the Drive Mode shortcut key on the center console control panel.

Enter Settings on the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Drive Mode to select a drive mode.

Custom Mode

In Custom mode, you can select and customize the following settings:

  • Regenerative braking

  • Suspension height

  • Suspension stiffness

  • Steering mode

  • Climate control

Snow Mode

Low-traction surfaces such as snowy roads, icy or mixed surfaces, wet and slippery asphalt, and wet and slippery grass are all suited for Snow mode.

Once activated, the vehicle maintains four-wheel drive, with power evenly distributed between the front and rear wheels but with slight limitations. The throttle pedal response is relatively gentle. This mode ensures a smooth start and helps prevent wheel slippage on slippery surfaces such as ice, allowing for safe traversal in slippery conditions.

Caution 雪地模式会提升车辆的行驶安全性,但请依旧谨慎驾驶,缓踩加速和制动踏板,控制车速。并注意车辆周围环境是否有异物,以免损伤车辆。

The Snow Mode of your vehicle can improve your driving safety. However, please still drive with caution, and depress the accelerator and brake pedal slowly to control your vehicle speed. Pay attention to whether there are foreign objects in the surrounding environment of your vehicle to avoid damaging your vehicle.

Full-Time Four-Wheel Drive (4WD)

Full-Time Four-Wheel Drive mode is suitable for low-traction unpaved surfaces and light off-road conditions.

Once activated, both motors work continuously during the vehicle's movement, providing continuous four-wheel drive without additional limitations. This mode enhances driving smoothness and stability, and ready to handle complex road surfaces effectively.

Ride Height

The suspension height can vary in different drive modes.

  • Comfort Mode – The ride height is automatically adjusted.

  • Eco Mode – The ride height is automatically adjusted.

  • Sport Mode – The ride height is set to Low.

  • Customized Mode – The ride height is automatically adjusted.

With automatic ride height, your vehicle changes the ride height according to the driving speed.

Caution 当您在舒适模式下,手动选择了较低高度时会降低舒适性。

In Comfort Mode, your comfort may be compromised if you manually select a relatively low ride height.

Front Cross Traffic Alert

Front Cross Traffic Alert detects traffic passing in front of your vehicle with millimeter-wave radars in the front.

When the vehicle is approaching cross traffic in intersections at a low speed, if any risks of collision with cross traffic in the front are detected, Front Cross Traffic Alert emits visual and audible warnings.

Warning 两侧来车预警仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。两侧来车预警作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用来车预警。您始终承担着安全驾驶、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

Cross Traffic Alert is only a supplement to, and not a substitute for, your visual observation.

As a driving assist feature, Cross Traffic Alert cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times and decide whether to use Cross Traffic Alert when it is safe.

It is always your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is driven in a safe manner and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling/Disabling Front Cross Traffic Alert

To enable/disable this feature, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap ADAS > Front Cross Traffic Alert.

When the operating conditions are fulfilled and a potential collision with front cross traffic is detected, Front Cross Traffic Alert warns you by sounding a chime and displaying an alert message on the digital instrument cluster, 360° Surround View and Parking Assist interfaces.

Operating conditions for Front Cross Traffic Alert:

  • Your vehicle speed is between 0 km/h and 12 km/h.

  • The speed of the cross traffic passing in front of you is between about 3 km/h and 70 km/h.

  • The forward-side millimeter-wave radars function correctly and have a clear view.

  • The driver is seated.

  • The brake pedal is not pressed.

  • The vehicle is in DRIVE.

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Cautions and Limitations

Some targets may not be recognized or responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Motorcycles

  • Electric bicycles

  • Tricycles

Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians

  • Animals

  • Bicycles

  • Vehicles moving in the opposite/same direction

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Front Cross Traffic Alert does not respond to targets that are in the blind spot of the sensors. Millimeter waves cannot pass through obstacles.

Front Cross Traffic Alert may fail to detect front cross traffic in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • When the vehicle is parked very far into a parking space.

  • When the vehicle is parked in a diagonal parking space.

Radars may fail to recognize obstacles and impair the performance of Front Cross Traffic Alert in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance.

  • False warnings may be generated in rare cases by some metal protective fences, green medians, or concrete walls due to the function of radar recognition.

Rear Cross Traffic Alert

Rear Cross Traffic Alert detects the traffic passing in the rear of your vehicle with millimeter-wave radars in the rear.

When the vehicle is approaching cross traffic in intersections at a low speed, if any risks of collision with cross traffic in the rear are detected, Rear Cross Traffic Alert emits visual and audible warnings.

Warning 两侧来车预警仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。两侧来车预警作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用来车预警。您始终承担着安全驾驶、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

Cross Traffic Alert is only a supplement to, and not a substitute for, your visual observation.

As a driving assist feature, Cross Traffic Alert cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times and decide whether to use Cross Traffic Alert when it is safe.

It is always your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is driven in a safe manner and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling/Disabling Rear Cross Traffic Alert

To enable/disable this feature, enter the settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap ADAS > Rear Cross Traffic Alert.

When your vehicle speed is below about 12 km/h, operating conditions are fulfilled, and a potential collision with rear traffic is detected, Rear Cross Traffic Alert warns you by sounding a chime and displaying an alert message on the digital instrument cluster, the 360° Surround View and Parking Assist interfaces.

Operating conditions for Rear Cross Traffic Alert:

  • The speed of the cross traffic passing to the rear is between about 3 km/h and 70 km/h.

  • The rear-side millimeter-wave radars function correctly and have a clear view.

  • The driver is seated.

  • All doors are closed.

  • The vehicle is in REVERSE.

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Cautions and Limitations

Some targets may not be recognized or responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Motorcycles

  • Electric bicycles

  • Tricycles

Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians

  • Animals

  • Bicycles

  • Vehicles moving in the opposite/same direction

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Rear Cross Traffic Alert does not respond to targets that are in the blind spot of the sensors. Millimeter waves cannot pass through obstacles.

Rear Cross Traffic Alert may fail to detect rear cross traffic in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • When the vehicle is parked very far into a parking space.

  • When the vehicle is parked in a diagonal parking space.

Radars may fail to recognize obstacles and impair the performance of Rear Cross Traffic Alert in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance.

  • False warnings may be generated in rare cases by some metal protective fences, green medians, or concrete walls due to the function of radar recognition.

Hill Start Assist (HSA)

Hill Start Assist helps prevent the vehicle from rolling backward when you start the vehicle on an incline.

When you release the brake pedal, the system continues to apply the brakes for up to two seconds. The temporary braking will be released after two seconds or when you begin to speed up.


When the vehicle has stopped temporarily, Autohold can continue to apply the brakes when you release the brake pedal to keep the vehicle stationary.

When braking the vehicle to a complete stop, you can activate Autohold with another full press on the brake pedal, and the icon will appear on the digital instrument cluster. When the feature is activated, press the accelerator pedal or the brake pedal to exit Autohold.

In case of emergency, slamming the brake pedal will activate Autohold.

You can also activate the feature when braking the vehicle to stop on inclines. In this case, the brake system can provide a brake force sufficient to keep the vehicle stationary.

Caution 坡度不得超过20%。

The grade of the slope shall not exceed 20%.

Forward Collision Warning

Forward Collision Warning provides visual and audible warnings in situations where your distance to another vehicle, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian in front of you is shorter than the set warning distance.

  • For detection of vehicles moving in the same direction, Forward Collision Warning operates only when you are driving between about 8 km/h and 180 km/h.

  • For detection of pedestrians or cyclists, Forward Collision Warning operates only when you are driving between about 8 km/h and 85 km/h.

Warning 前向碰撞预警仅供参考,无法替代您的注意力与判断。前向碰撞预警作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况,也无法在所有情况下都能检测到车辆、骑行人或行人,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。

Forward Collision Warning is only a supplement to, and not a substitute for, your attention and judgment. As a driving assist feature, Forward Collision Warning cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions, and cannot detect vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians in all situations. Several factors can cause an invalid, inappropriate or untimely warning.

You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times and never depend on Forward Collision Warning to warn you of a potential collision. Failure to do so can cause personal injury or vehicle damage. For safety reasons, never test the use of Forward Collision Warning when facing the direction of other vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians. If you come across a dangerous situation, never wait for Forward Collision Warning to intervene before you take action. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for driving safely and complying with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch ADAS > Forward Collision Warning to enable or disable the feature.

To adjust warning time, enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch ADAS > Timing.

Warning 当前向碰撞预警关闭后,车辆不会对可能的碰撞进行预警提示。建议您不要关闭该功能。该功能会在车辆系统重新启动时开启。

When Forward Collision Warning is disabled, your vehicle will not warn you of a possible collision. It is not suggested to turn it off.

This feature will be turned on when the vehicle's system restarts.

Cautions and Limitations

Forward Collision Warning may fail to function as intended due to camera detection failures in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environment, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by direct sunlight or other light sources.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

  • The camera cannot focus or malfunctions.

Only qualified vehicles moving in the same direction as your vehicle will trigger Forward Collision Warning. Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicles crossing perpendicular to your vehicle

  • Animals

  • Traffic lights

  • Walls

  • Barriers (traffic cones, etc.)

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Caution 当本车以约10-30 里/小时的速度左转时,若在检测范围内检测到与迎面来车有碰撞风险,前向碰撞预警将进行预警提示。

When the vehicle turns left at a speed of about 10-30 km/h and a risk of collision with an oncoming vehicle is detected within the detection range, Forward Collision Warning will be triggered.

In other scenarios, oncoming vehicles will not trigger Forward Collision Warning.

Caution 该功能无法保证在所有情形下都识别到特殊车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。譬如,三轮车、尾灯损坏或者尾部轮廓不明显的车辆、尾部有遮挡的车辆、外形不规则的车辆、尾部垂直面低于一定高度的车辆、空载的载车交通工具等。该功能可能漏检静止的或者行驶缓慢的车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。
  • This feature cannot ensure that all special-shaped vehicles can be identified in all conditions. You need to pay extra attention, especially at night. Special-shaped vehicles may include tricycles, vehicles with a damaged taillight, unclear rear contour, or obstructed rear body, irregular-shaped vehicles, vehicles with a rear body lower than a certain height, or unloaded transporters for carrying vehicles.

  • This feature may miss stationary or slow-moving vehicles, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention.

For optimal performance, pedestrian detection requires clear and complete body contour information. This entails being able to detect the pedestrian's head, arms, shoulders, legs, and upper and lower body in combination with normal human movement patterns. Forward Collision Warning may fail to function as intended due to failures to identify pedestrians in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians are lower than 100 centimeters or higher than 200 centimeters.

  • Pedestrians in clothing (such as raincoats and gowns) that hides their body contours (such as arms and legs).

  • Pedestrians who are too close to your vehicle when first caught in the sensor’s field of view.

  • Pedestrians carrying large baggage or backpacks.

  • Pedestrians in poor contrast with the background color.

  • Pedestrians with an umbrella that hides their body contour (such as arms and legs).

  • Pedestrians who are stooping or squatting.

  • Pedestrians in wheelchairs.

  • Pedestrians in close proximity to others.

  • Pedestrians in reflective clothing.

  • Pedestrians in dark conditions, such as at night or in a tunnel.

  • Pedestrians who are crossing the road at a significantly changing speed.

For optimal performance, cyclist detection needs clear and complete bicycle and body contour information. Only adult cyclists riding on adult bicycles can be detected. Forward Collision Warning may fail to function as intended due to failures to identify cyclists in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Obstructed bicycles or cyclists in clothing that hides their contours.

  • Bicycles loaded with large objects.

  • Bicycles traveling at high speed.

  • Cyclists and bicycles in poor contrast with the background color.

  • Cyclists who are crossing the road at a significantly changing speed.

  • Cyclists who are too close to your vehicle when first caught in the sensor’s field of view.

  • Cyclists in dark conditions, such as at night or in a tunnel.

  • Cyclists riding self-balancing scooters, standing scooters, certain types of seated scooters, and special-shaped electric bicycles.

Forward Collision Warning may fail to function as intended if the target is not right in front in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Automatic Emergency Brake does not respond to targets that are in the blind spot of the sensors, including the blind spots at the corner, on the side, or at the rear of the vehicle.

  • When the vehicle is approaching or navigating a curve, the target may be incorrectly selected or missed.

  • The target may be lost or the distance to the target may be misjudged when the vehicle is on a slope.

  • When only a part of the vehicle in the adjacent lane cuts in front of you (especially large vehicles such as buses and trucks), the target may not be identified in time.

  • When your vehicle suddenly swerves to the back of a vehicle in front of you or when other vehicles abruptly cut into or out of the lane in front of your vehicle, the target may not be identified in time.

Forward Collision Warning may fail to function as intended due to special or complicated road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, electric bicycles, or animals.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as busy intersections, freeway ramps, and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

Warning 以下操作可能导致前向碰撞预警不会发出警报,包括但不限于:当驾驶员已经在进行制动时,前向碰撞预警可能不会发出警报。

Forward Collision Warning may not provide a warning in certain situations, including but not limited to:

  • The driver is already applying the brakes.

  • The driver fully or suddenly presses the accelerator pedal.

  • The driver turns the steering wheel sharply.

Automatic Emergency Brake

When a frontal collision with a vehicle, cyclist, or pedestrian is considered unavoidable, the system applies the brakes to reduce your speed and minimize the impact of the collision.

  • For detection of vehicles moving in the same direction, Automatic Emergency Brake operates only when you are driving between about 8 km/h and 130km/h.

  • For detection of pedestrians or cyclists, Automatic Emergency Brake operates only when you are driving between about 8 km/h and 85 km/h.

When Automatic Emergency Brake has been triggered, the vehicle speed is reduced by up to 60 km/h to mitigate the impact of a possible collision. For example, if Automatic Emergency Brake is triggered at a speed of 90 km/h, the brakes are released after the vehicle speed has been reduced to 30 km/h.

When Automatic Emergency Brake is triggered, the instrument cluster displays a warning message, the brake pedal moves downward abruptly, and the brake lights turn on.

Warning 自动紧急制动作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况,也无法在所有情况下都能检测到车辆、骑行人或行人,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。

As a driving assist feature, Automatic Emergency Braking cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions and cannot detect vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians in all situations. Several factors can cause an invalid, inappropriate or untimely warning.

You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times and never depend on Automatic Emergency Braking to avoid collisions or reduce the impact of a collision. Failure to do so can cause personal injury or vehicle damage. For safety reasons, never test the use of Automatic Emergency Braking when facing the direction of other vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians. If you come across a dangerous situation, never wait for Automatic Emergency Braking to intervene before taking action. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for driving safely and complying with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch ADAS > Automatic Emergency Brake to enable or disable the feature.

Warning 当自动紧急制动关闭后,车辆即使检测到可能的碰撞,也不会执行制动。建议您不要关闭该功能。 该功能会在车辆系统重新启动时开启。

When Automatic Emergency Braking is disabled, your vehicle will not automatically apply the brakes even if a potential frontal collision is detected. It is not suggested to turn it off.

This feature will be turned on when the vehicle's system restarts.

Cautions and Limitations

In certain situations, the camera may fail to recognize obstacles so that Automatic Emergency Brake may fail to function. including but not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environment, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by direct sunlight or other light sources.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

  • The camera cannot focus or malfunctions.

Only qualified vehicles moving in the same direction as your vehicle, cyclists, and pedestrians will trigger Automatic Emergency Brake. Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicles crossing perpendicular to your vehicle

  • Animals

  • Traffic lights

  • Walls

  • Barriers (traffic cones, etc.)

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Caution 当本车以约10-30 里/小时的速度左转时,若在检测范围内检测到与迎面来车有碰撞风险,前向碰撞预警将进行预警提示。

When the vehicle turns left at a speed of about 10-30 km/h and a risk of collision with an oncoming vehicle is detected within the detection range, Forward Collision Warning will be triggered.

In other scenarios, oncoming vehicles will not trigger Forward Collision Warning.

Caution 该功能无法保证在所有情形下都识别到特殊车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。譬如,三轮车、尾灯损坏或者尾部轮廓不明显的车辆、尾部有遮挡的车辆、外形不规则的车辆、尾部垂直面低于一定高度的车辆、空载的载车交通工具等。该功能可能漏检静止的或者行驶缓慢的车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。
  • This feature cannot ensure that all special-shaped vehicles can be identified in all conditions. You need to pay extra attention, especially at night. Special-shaped vehicles may include tricycles, vehicles with a damaged taillight, unclear rear contour, or obstructed rear body, irregular-shaped vehicles, vehicles with a rear body lower than a certain height, or unloaded transporters for carrying vehicles.

  • This feature may miss stationary or slow-moving vehicles, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention.

For optimal performance, pedestrian detection requires clear and complete body contour information. This entails being able to detect the pedestrian's head, arms, shoulders, legs, and upper and lower body in combination with normal human movement patterns. Automatic Emergency Brake may fail to function as intended due to failures to identify pedestrians in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians are lower than 100 centimeters or higher than 200 centimeters.

  • Pedestrians in clothing (such as raincoats and gowns) that hides their body contours (such as arms and legs).

  • Pedestrians who are too close to your vehicle when first caught in the sensor’s field of view.

  • Pedestrians carrying large baggage or backpacks.

  • Pedestrians in poor contrast with the background color.

  • Pedestrians with an umbrella that hides their body contour (such as arms and legs).

  • Pedestrians who are stooping or squatting.

  • Pedestrians in wheelchairs.

  • Pedestrians in close proximity to others.

  • Pedestrians in reflective clothing.

  • Pedestrians in dark conditions, such as at night or in a tunnel.

  • Pedestrians who are crossing the road at a significantly changing speed.

For optimal performance, cyclist detection needs clear and complete bicycle and body contour information. Only adult cyclists riding on adult bicycles can be detected. The Automatic Emergency Brake may fail to function as intended due to failures to identify the cyclist in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Obstructed bicycles or cyclists in clothing that hides their contours.

  • Bicycles loaded with large objects.

  • Bicycles traveling at high speed.

  • Cyclists and bicycles in poor contrast with the background color.

  • Cyclists who are crossing the road at a significantly changing speed.

  • Cyclists who are too close to your vehicle when first caught in the sensor’s field of view.

  • Cyclists in dark conditions, such as at night or in a tunnel.

  • Cyclists riding self-balancing scooters, standing scooters, certain types of seated scooters, and special-shaped electric bicycles.

Automatic Emergency Brake may fail to function as intended if the target is not right in front in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Automatic Emergency Brake does not respond to targets that are in the dead zone of the sensors, including the dead zones at the corner, on the side, or at the rear of the vehicle.

  • When the vehicle is approaching or navigating a curve, the target may be incorrectly selected or missed.

  • The target may be lost or the distance to the target may be misjudged when the vehicle is on a slope.

  • When only a part of the vehicle in the adjacent lane cuts in front of you (especially large vehicles such as buses and trucks), the target may not be identified in time.

  • When your vehicle suddenly swerves to the back of a vehicle in front of you or when other vehicles abruptly cut into or out of the lane in front of your vehicle, the target may not be identified in time.

The performance of Automatic Emergency Brake in reducing the impact of a collision may be affected due to special or complex road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, electric bicycles, or animals.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as busy intersections, freeway ramps, and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

Caution 制动距离在湿滑路面上会延长。若防抱死系统、牵引力控制系统、车辆稳定性控制系统被触发,可能导致自动紧急制动减缓碰撞的能力降低。

The braking distance increases on slippery roads. If Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are triggered, the performance of Automatic Emergency Braking in reducing the impact of a collision may be impaired.

Warning 在自动紧急制动过程中,制动踏板会自动迅速向下移动。因此不能在踏板下放置物品,从而影响踏板自由移动。

The brake pedal moves downward abruptly during automatic braking events. Do not place any objects under the brake pedal. Doing so can impede the ability of the brake pedal to move freely.

Warning 自动紧急制动不能代替用来维持与前方车辆、骑行人、行人之间的安全行车距离。请避免与前车、骑行人或行人距离过近或激烈驾驶等行为。

Automatic Emergency Braking is not a substitute for maintaining a safe traveling distance between you and the vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians in front of you. Do not stay too close to vehicles, cyclists or pedestrians in front of you and avoid driving aggressively.

Warning 自动紧急制动仅用于减轻正面碰撞的冲击。当爱车处于倒挡时,自动紧急制动不工作。

Automatic Emergency Braking is designed to reduce the impact of frontal collisions only. It does not function when your vehicle is in REVERSE.

Warning 以下情况可能导致自动紧急制动不会制动或者停止制动,包括但不限于:驾驶员深踩或急踩加速踏板

Automatic Emergency Braking may not apply the brakes or may stop applying the brakes in certain situations, including but not limited to:

  • The driver fully or suddenly presses the accelerator pedal.

  • The driver turns the steering wheel sharply.

  • The driver’s seat belt is unbuckled.

  • The driver’s door is not closed.

  • Automatic Emergency Braking has been triggered and cannot be triggered again within roughly 20 seconds.

  • No vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian is detected in front of the vehicle.

Warning 以上限制并未尽述可能影响自动紧急制动正常工作的全部因素。驾驶员有责任时刻保持警惕并掌控车辆以避免碰撞。

The above-mentioned limitations do not represent an exhaustive list of factors that may interfere with the proper operation of Automatic Emergency Braking. It is the driver's responsibility to avoid collisions by staying alert at all times and controlling the vehicle.

Multi Collision Braking (MCB)

Multi Collision Braking (MCB) comes standard on ES8. In certain types of collisions, the vehicle applies brakes to help prevent or mitigate a secondary collision.

To help avoid or mitigate a secondary collision, the brakes are applied automatically to help braking the vehicle to stop. The brake lights and hazard warning flashers will be activated and the flashers will remain on after the vehicle has come to a standstill. The electrical parking brake will then be applied automatically.

In a situation where stopping the vehicle may not be desirable, you can override this operation by pressing the accelerator pedal.

This feature can only operate when the braking system is sufficiently intact after the collision.

Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)

Lane Keeping Assist uses the trifocal camera to detect lane lines. When lane lines are clearly detected and the vehicle is drifting out of the current lane, it warns you or applies steering assist to reduce the risk of lane departure.

Lane Keeping Assist includes:

  • Warning only (Lane Departure Warning): reminds you with appropriate visual and audio alerts when your vehicle is drifting into an adjacent lane or crossing the lane line.

  • Warning and control (Lane Keeping Assist): slightly steers the vehicle to reduce the possibility of lane departure and provides appropriate visual and audio alerts when your vehicle is drifting into an adjacent lane or crossing the lane line.

Warning LKA 仅能提供一定的转向辅助,而无法控制车辆速度。LKA 无法持续控制车辆方向,即无法将车辆一直保持在车道中间。

Lane Keeping Assist can only provide limited steering assist and cannot control the vehicle's speed.

Lane Keeping Assist is unable to constantly control the steering. Therefore, it cannot always keep the vehicle centered in the lane.

Warning LKA 转向力有限,仅能提供轻微的纠偏转向辅助,无法保证完全阻止车辆偏离车道。因此切勿依赖LKA 控制方向,请您及时控制车辆方向。如果需要转弯、调头,或者通过蜿蜒曲折、急转弯的道路时,请您及时控制车辆方向。

Lane Keeping Assist has limited steering torque which can only provide a slight steering assist and cannot fully guarantee the prevention of lane departure. Therefore, do not rely solely on Lane Keeping Assist to steer. Take over steering immediately when necessary.

Please take over steering immediately when cornering, turning around, or driving on winding roads or roads with sharp curves.

Warning 车道保持辅助作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。车道保持辅助系统仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用车道保持辅助系统。在使用车道保持辅助系统时,如发现交通状况、道路环境或车辆状况不适宜使用该功能,或存在其他不安全因素,您应及时控制车辆方向。您始终承担着保持爱车安全行驶在车道内、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

As a driving assist feature, Lane Keeping Assist cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions. Lane Keeping Assist is only a supplement to, and does not function as a substitute for, your visual observation.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Lane Keeping Assist if it is safe. You should take over steering immediately when you find that the conditions of the traffic, road or the vehicle are not suitable for enabling Lane Keeping Assist, or there are other unsafe factors. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for driving safely in the lane and complying with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Warning 驾驶时不可以有以下行为:• 完全依靠车道保持辅助系统• 在恶劣天气情况下使用车道保持辅助系统• 在特殊道路使用车道保持辅助系统• 双手离开方向盘• 视线离开行驶道路

The following behaviors are prohibited when driving:

  • Relying solely on Lane Keeping Assist

  • Using Lane Keeping Assist in bad weather conditions

  • Using Lane Keeping Assist on non-standardized roads

  • Hands off the steering wheel

  • Eyes off the road

Enabling/Disabling Lane Keeping Assist

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap ADAS > Lane Departure Warning & Assist to enable or disable this feature.

After enabling Rear Cross Traffic Alert, you can choose the assist level and sensitivity:

  • Assist Level

    • Warning (Lane Departure Warning): warning only

    • Warning & Control (Lane Keeping Assist): warning and slight steering assist

  • Sensitivity:

    • Low: lower sensitivity to lane departures

    • Medium: normal sensitivity to lane departures

    • High: higher sensitivity to lane departures

Caution 在中控屏上启用车道偏离预警及辅助,并不意味着功能被激活。只有当工作条件满足时,功能才会自动激活。当LKA控制方向时,方向盘会转动。您可以转动方向盘主动接管爱车,此时爱车的方向将交由您来控制。

Enabling Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assist does not activate this feature. This feature is automatically activated when the operating conditions are met.

When Lane Keeping Assist controls the steering, the steering wheel will turn accordingly.

You can take over steering by turning the steering wheel manually.

Operating Conditions for Lane Keeping Assist:

  • Pilot Steering Assist is not activated (refer to Pilot for details).

  • Driving speed of 65-130 km/h.

  • The vehicle is traveling normally, without abrupt acceleration, deceleration, or swerving.

  • The vehicle is traveling in the center of the lane instead of on the lane line.

  • At least one lane line is clear.

  • The trifocal camera is operating normally with a clear view.

  • All components of Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assist are operating correctly.

  • Your vehicle meets all safety conditions, including:

    • The driver is seated.

    • The driver has fastened the seat belt.

    • All doors are closed

    • The gear is shifted into DRIVE.

    • Anti-lock braking system, traction control and vehicle stability control are not triggered

    • Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not manually disabled.

Caution 当转向灯打开,爱车向相应一侧偏离时,车道保持辅助系统不会提醒或控制。

When the turn signal is active, Lane Keeping Assist does not provide any reminders or take control if your vehicle deviates towards the corresponding side.

Warning 以上最大速度为LDW和LKA理论上支持的最高速度。请您在启动LDW和LKA时,注意遵守道路交通安全法规,包括但不限于车辆行驶速度的规定。

The maximum speed is the theoretical top speed for Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assist. Please comply with traffic safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to vehicle speed, when enabling Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assist.

Displays on the Digital Instrument Cluster

  1. Lane Keeping Assist status icon:

  2. Lane Line Display

  • Icon not shown: Lane Keeping Assist not enabled

  • Icon in gray: Lane Keeping Assist is enabled but not activated

  • Icon and lane lines in white: Lane Keeping Assist is activated

  • Icon and one lane line in yellow: When the assist level is Warning & Control, this indicates that Lane Keeping Assist is steering to reduce the possibility of drifting out of the lane on the corresponding side. If the risk level increases, the status icon and one lane line will turn to red and the system plays a prompt sound continuously.

  • Icon and one lane line in red: When the assist level is Warning, this indicates a lane departure risk on the corresponding side.

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Cautions and Limitations

Lane Keeping Assist may fail to function as intended or be disabled automatically in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The vehicle is navigating sharp curves, such as on expressway ramps.

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The road section has no lane lines, such as non-standard roads, intersections, or construction areas.

  • The road section has special lane lines, such as deceleration lines or diversion lines.

  • Lane lines are not clearly divided, such as merging or diverging lanes, expressway ramps, urban intersections, or left-turn waiting areas.

  • There are edges or other high-contrast lines on the road instead of lane lines, such as road joints or curbs.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night.

  • The lanes are too wide or too narrow.

Lane Keeping Assist may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically due to camera recognition failures in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environment, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered by direct light.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

We do not recommend using Lane Keeping Assist in some special or complicated road conditions as it may fail to function as intended or be disabled automatically. Such conditions include but are not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, or animals on the road.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as busy intersections, freeway ramps, and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Narrow roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

  • Non-standard roads.

  • Roads without center medians.

  • Construction sites.

Emergency Lane Keeping

Emergency Lane Keeping (ELK) uses the trifocal camera to detect lane lines or curbs. When the conditions are met in an emergency, it applies steering assist to reduce the risk of lane departure.

Enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch Driver Assist > Emergency Lane Keeping to enable or disable the feature.

When the vehicle speed is between 65 km/h to 130 km/h, Emergency Lane Keeping may be triggered in the following four emergent situations:

  • Without engaging the turn signal, the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to the right.

  • When the lane lines are solid, without engaging the turn signal, the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to a solid lane line.

  • When there are oncoming vehicles on the adjacent left lane, without engaging the turn signal, the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to the left.

  • When there are vehicles approaching rapidly from behind on the adjacent left lane, the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to the left or voluntarily makes a lane change.

Warning ELK转向力有限,仅能提供一定的纠偏转向辅助,无法保证完全阻止车辆偏离车道或避免危险,因此切勿依赖ELK控制方向,请您及时控制车辆方向。如果需要转弯、调头,或者通过蜿蜒曲折、急转弯的道路时,请您及时控制车辆方向。

Emergency Lane Keeping has limited steering torque which can only provide certain steering assist and cannot fully guarantee the prevention of lane departure or avoidance of danger. Therefore, please take over steering in time instead of relying solely on Emergency Lane Keeping.

Please control the vehicle direction immediately when cornering, turning around, or driving on winding roads or roads with sharp curves.

Warning ELK作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,切勿依赖ELK避免危险。出于安全考虑,切勿故意主动触发ELK以测试该功能。如您发现危险,切勿等待ELK触发后再采取行动。您始终承担着保持本车安全行驶在车道内、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

As a driver assist feature, Emergency Lane Keeping cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions. Never rely solely on Emergency Lane Keeping to avoid danger. For safety reasons, never test this feature by deliberately or actively triggering Emergency Lane Keeping. If you come across a dangerous situation, never wait Emergency Lane Keeping to intervene before taking action. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for driving safely in the lane and complying with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Warning 驾驶时不可以有以下行为:完全依靠ELK

The following behaviors are prohibited when driving:

  • Relying solely on Emergency Lane Keeping

  • Hands off the steering wheel

  • Eyes off the road

Operating Conditions for Emergency Lane Keeping:

  • The driving speed is 65-130 km/h.

  • The vehicle is driving without abrupt acceleration, deceleration, or swerving.

  • The vehicle is in the center of the lane, not driving on the lane line.

  • The trifocal camera is operating normally with a clear view.

  • All components of Lane Keeping Assist are operating correctly.

  • Your vehicle meets all safety conditions, including:

    • The driver is seated.

    • The vehicle is in DRIVE.

    • Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not triggered.

    • The Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not manually disabled.

Caution 在满足条件的紧急场景中,ELK会自动激活。ELK仅能提供一定的转向辅助,而无法控制车辆速度。ELK无法持续控制车辆方向,即无法将车辆一直保持在车道中间。当ELK控制方向时,方向盘会转动。您可以转动方向盘主动接管爱车,此时爱车的方向将交由您来控制。

Emergency Lane Keeping is automatically activated when the conditions are met in an emergency.

Emergency Lane Keeping can only provide limited steering assist and cannot control the vehicle’s speed.

Emergency Lane Keeping is unable to constantly control the steering. Therefore, it cannot always keep the vehicle centered in the lane.

When Emergency Lane Keeping controls your steering, the steering wheel will turn accordingly.

You can take over steering by turning the steering wheel manually.

Emergency Lane Keeping when deviating to the right

When operating conditions for Emergency Lane Keeping are met, if the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to the right, Emergency Lane Keeping will provide steering assist. In this case, the vehicle icon and the right lane line turn yellow on the instrument cluster.

Warning 以下情况可能导致向右侧路沿偏离的紧急车道保持无法按预期运作或者自动退出,请及时控制车辆方向,包括但不限于:路沿不清晰,或由于光线等原因导致路沿无法识别或者识别不正确,譬如强烈光照导致反光,恶劣天气、夜晚导致能见度差或者光线不足等;

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically and the vehicle may deviate to the right in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Curbs are not clear or cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective curbs, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night;

  • There are roadside obstacles that Emergency Lane Keeping cannot identify, such as fences, guard rails, traffic cones and cone rods;

  • The vehicle is steering around a sharp bend, or driving on a sloped road, bumpy road, road with water or snow and ice, etc.

Emergency Lane Keeping when deviating to the solid lane line

When operating conditions for Emergency Lane Keeping are met, if the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to a solid lane, Emergency Lane Keeping will provide steering assist. In this case, the vehicle icon and the corresponding lane line turn red on the instrument cluster.

Warning 以下情况可能导致向实线一侧车道线偏离的紧急车道保持无法按预期运作或者自动退出,请及时控制车辆方向,包括但不限于:车道线不清晰、磨损、缺失、交叉、受到其他车辆或建筑物或风景投下的阴影遮挡等

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically and the vehicle may deviate to the solid lane line in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The lanes are too wide or too narrow.

  • Lane lines are special ones.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night.

  • The vehicle is steering around a sharp bend, or driving on a sloped road, bumpy road, road with water or snow and ice, etc.

Emergency Lane Keeping when deviating to the oncoming vehicles on the left

When operating conditions for Emergency Lane Keeping are met, if the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to the left adjacent lane where there are oncoming vehicles, Emergency Lane Keeping will provide steering assist. In this case, the vehicle icon and the left lane line turn red on the instrument cluster.

Warning 以下情况可能导致向左有正面碰撞风险的紧急车道保持无法按预期运作或者自动退出,请及时控制车辆方向,包括但不限于:车道线不清晰、磨损、缺失、交叉、受到其他车辆或建筑物或风景投下的阴影遮挡等

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically and the vehicle may collide with the lead vehicle on the left in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The lanes are too wide or too narrow.

  • Lane lines are special ones.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night.

  • The vehicle is steering around a sharp bend, or driving on a sloped road, bumpy road, road with water or snow and ice, etc.

  • The oncoming vehicle is not a vehicle, such as a motorcycle.

Emergency Lane Keeping when deviating to the vehicles approaching from behind on the left

When operating conditions for Emergency Lane Keeping are met, if the vehicle involuntarily deviates from its lane to the left adjacent lane where there are vehicles approaching rapidly from behind, Emergency Lane Keeping will provide steering assist. In this case, the vehicle icon and the left lane line turn red on the instrument cluster.

Warning 以下情况可能导致向左有车尾碰撞风险的紧急车道保持无法按预期运作或者自动退出,请及时控制车辆方向,包括但不限于: 车道线不清晰、磨损、缺失、交叉、受到其他车辆或建筑物或风景投下的阴影遮挡等

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically and the vehicle may collide with the vehicle approaching from behind on the left in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The lanes are too wide or too narrow.

  • Lane lines are special ones.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night.

  • The vehicle is steering around a sharp bend, or driving on a sloped road, bumpy road, road with water or snow and ice, etc.

Precautions and Restrictions

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically due to camera recognition failures in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environments, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with direct light.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to operate as intended or cancel automatically due to radar recognition failures in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance.

  • False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

Emergency Lane Keeping may fail to function as intended or be disabled automatically in special or complicated situations, including but not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, or animals on the road.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as busy intersections, motorway ramps, and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Narrow roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

  • Construction areas.


Motorway Pilot and Traffic Jam Pilot perform Lane Keeping and Steering Assist alongside speed control and distance maintenance by Adaptive Cruise Control. Pilot detects vehicles in front of you with the trifocal camera and millimeter-wave radars, and automatically controls your speed to maintain a safe distance. Pilot also identifies lane lines with the trifocal camera and can provide steering assist to keep the vehicle in the current lane when there are clear lane lines on both sides.

As a driving assist feature, Pilot does not perform autonomous driving, so you must concentrate on the road.

Pilot is mainly used on roads with clear lane lines and limited access, such as main roads and congested sections of motorways and elevated roads.

Caution Pilot转向辅助功能仅在驾驶时握住方向盘的情况下工作,以便您可以随时接管方向盘控制车辆。如果系统检测到您双手未握住方向盘,会通过视觉、声音等方式进行提醒。

Steering Assist only functions when you hold the steering wheel while driving to ensure that you can take over the steering at any time. If it detects that your hands are off the steering wheel, Steering Assist will provide a reminder with visual and sound alerts.

Caution 若两侧车道线清晰,Pilot转向辅助功能力求将车辆保持在车道内。在特殊路况或者雨天、夜晚光线不良等情况下,Pilot识别车道线能力降低,可能导致无法以适当方式保持在车道内或存在刮蹭风险,建议暂时关闭Pilot或切换为自适应巡航。

Steering Assist will strive to keep the vehicle in the lane when there are clear lane lines on both sides. Special road conditions and poor lighting on rainy days or at nighttime may result in impaired lane recognition, failure to keep the vehicle in the lane, or scratching. In this case, it is suggested that you temporarily turn off Pilot and switch to Adaptive Cruise Control.

Warning Pilot作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用Pilot。在使用Pilot时,如发现交通状况、道路环境或车辆状况不适宜使用该功能,或存在其他不安全因素,您应随时准备接管爱车。您始终承担着保持合适车距、车速和方向,且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

As a driving assist feature, Pilot cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Pilot if it is safe. You should always be ready to take over when you find that the conditions of the traffic, road or the vehicle are not suitable for Pilot, or there are other unsafe factors. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for maintaining an appropriate distance, speed, and steering, and complying with current traffic laws and regulations.

Warning 驾驶时不可以有以下行为:• 完全依靠Pilot• 在恶劣天气情况下使用Pilot• 在行人、自行车或者动物较多的环境中使用Pilot• 在转弯半径较小的道路使用Pilot • 双手离开方向盘• 视线离开行驶道路

The following behaviors are prohibited when driving:

  • Relying solely on Pilot

  • Using Pilot in bad weather conditions

  • Using Pilot in an environment where there are pedestrians, bicycles or animals

  • Using Pilot on sharp curves

  • Using Pilot when the lane lines are unclear or the lighting is poor

  • Hands off the steering wheel

  • Eyes off the road

Warning Pilot是一个舒适性功能,而非防碰撞功能。Pilot最大减速度有限,小于自动紧急制动和驾驶时所能请求的最大减速度,因此切勿依赖Pilot对爱车进行充分减速从而避免碰撞。爱车与前车相对车速大于50 公里/小时时,如前车静止或缓行,Pilot存在无法刹停的风险。为保证安全,出现上述情况时,请您立即退出Pilot,切勿在上述情况尝试Pilot对静止车辆刹停或跟停前车。

As a feature for driving comfort, and not for preventing collisions, Pilot has a limited maximum deceleration that is less than the maximum deceleration requested for Automatic Emergency Brake and normal driving scenarios.

Pilot may fail to stop your vehicle when its speed relative to the lead vehicle is greater than 50 km/h. In this case, exit Pilot immediately for your safety. Do not use Pilot to fully stop your vehicle behind another stationary vehicle or follow the lead vehicle to a stop in this situation.

Warning Pilot最大转向力有限,小于驾驶时所能请求的最大转向力,因此切勿依赖Pilot对爱车进行充分转向以控制方向。您应始终做好接管方向盘控制方向的准备,特别是在弯道中。如果需要转弯、调头,或者通过蜿蜒曲折、急转弯的道路时,请您立即接管方向盘控制方向,切勿在这些情况下使用Pilot。

Pilot has a limited steering torque that is less than the maximum steering force required in normal driving scenarios. Therefore, do not rely solely on Pilot to steer your vehicle. You should always be prepared to take over the steering, especially when navigating curves.

Please take over the steering immediately when cornering, turning around, or driving on winding roads. Do not rely on Pilot in such situations.

Enabling Pilot

  1. : Activate or deactivate Pilot

  2. : Increase the cruise speed or resume Pilot

  3. : Increase the time-distance to the lead vehicle

  4. : Reduce the time-distance to the lead vehicle

  5. : Reduce the cruise speed

  1. The set cruise speed

  2. The target lead vehicle

  3. Time-distance to the lead vehicle

  4. Pilot status icon

    • Icon not shown: Pilot cannot be activated as the required conditions are not met.

    • Icon in gray: Pilot is awaiting activation.

    • Icon in white: Steering Assist is in the Standby Mode. Pilot is ready to engage Adaptive Cruise Control and is searching for lane lines.

    • Icon in blue: Pilot is fully activated with both Adaptive Cruise Control and Steering Assist.

When operating conditions are met, press in the middle to activate Pilot.

  • If the lane lines on both sides are clear and your vehicle is in the center of the lane, Adaptive Cruise Control and Steering Assist will engage together.

  • If the lane lines on both sides are not clear and your vehicle is not in the center of the lane, Adaptive Cruise Control will engage first and start searching for lane lines. Steering Assist will engage when required conditions are met.

Pilot can be activated at a speed of 15-130 km/h with no vehicles in front, or at 0-130 km/h with a vehicle in front.

  • The cruise speed is set at 30 km/h when the vehicle speed is below 30 km/h.

  • The cruise speed is set at the current speed when the vehicle speed is above 30 km/h.

After Adaptive Cruise Control engages and starts searching for lane lines, you can release the accelerator pedal and let Pilot maintain the set cruise speed.

  • When there is a vehicle ahead, Pilot will adjust the speed according to the speed and distance to the lead vehicle. The maximum speed will not exceed the cruise speed.

  • When there are no vehicles ahead, Pilot will quickly adjust the speed of your vehicle to the cruise speed.

When Steering Assist engages, it will actively control your steering, but please continue to lightly grip the steering wheel with both hands. As your hands may have a slight impact on steering assist, please pay close attention to the vehicle’s movement and remain prepared to take over the steering wheel at any time.

When Pilot controls your steering, the steering wheel will turn accordingly. When Pilot accelerates the vehicle, the accelerator pedal does not move. When Pilot brakes the vehicle, the brake pedal might move.

Operating conditions for Pilot:

  • The speed does not exceed 130 km/h.

  • The trifocal camera and millimeter-wave radars are operating normally with a clear view.

  • All Pilot components are operating correctly.

  • Your vehicle meets all safety conditions, including:

    • The driver is seated.

    • The driver has fastened the seat belt.

    • All doors are closed.

    • The vehicle is in DRIVE.

    • The brake pedal is not pressed.

    • Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not triggered.

    • The Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not manually disabled.

Caution 当Pilot 进入转向辅助待命状态,具备自适应巡航功能并且正在搜寻车道线时,车道保持辅助系统若满足条件也会照常工作。详情请参阅“车道保持辅助”。

When Steering Assist is on standby, Adaptive Cruise Control will continue searching for lane lines and Lane Keeping Assist will maintain normal operations if the required conditions are met. For more details, please refer to “Lane Keeping Assist”

Caution 在Pilot转向辅助功能激活状态下,当相邻车道车辆靠近本车道时,Pilot可能会在本车道内偏离中央行驶,略作躲避动作。但请切勿故意尝试,切勿依赖该功能,您应在必要时及时接管车辆。

When Steering Assist is active and a vehicle in an adjacent lane is too close to your vehicle, Pilot may steer your vehicle slightly away from the center of the lane to avoid a collision. However, do not deliberately attempt to solely rely on this feature. You should take over the vehicle when necessary.

Adjusting Cruise Speed

When Pilot is activated:

  • Press or on the steering wheel to change the cruise speed by +/- 1 km/h.

  • Press and hold or on the steering wheel to change the cruise speed by +/- 5 km/h.

  • Press the accelerator pedal and press to set the cruise speed to the current speed if the current speed is greater than the set cruise speed, or to increase the cruise speed by 1 km/h if the current speed is less than the set cruise speed.

When using Pilot, you can set a cruise speed of up to 130 km/h.

The minimum set speed of Pilot is 30 km/h, but Pilot can follow a lead vehicle to a full stop (0 km/h).

Warning 以上最大设定速度为Pilot理论上支持的最高速度。请您在启动和设置Pilot时,注意遵守道路交通安全法规,包括但不限于车辆行驶速度的规定。

The maximum set speed is the theoretical top speed for Pilot. Please comply with traffic safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to vehicle speed, when enabling and setting Pilot.

Adjusting the Time-Distance to the Lead Vehicle

When Pilot is activated or awaiting activation, the following time-distance can be set to one of five grades.

  • Press to increase the following time-distance by one level.

  • Press to decrease the following time-distance by one level.

Caution 当跟车时间距离被设置较近时,Pilot驾驶行为较为激烈,可能会引起不适。

When the time distance for vehicle following is set shorter, Pilot’s driving pattern will be more aggressive, which may cause discomfort.

Warning 您有责任在任何时候确定并保持安全的跟车距离,请勿完全依靠Pilot保持车距。

It is your responsibility to determine and maintain a safe following distance at all time. Do not rely solely on Pilot to maintain an accurate or appropriate following distance.

Taking Over Control and Resuming Pilot

When driving with Pilot, you can take over the vehicle by firmly pressing the accelerator pedal or turning the steering wheel. When you take over by pressing the accelerator pedal, Pilot will longer respond to the movements of the target lead vehicle.

When you stop pressing the accelerator pedal, Pilot will immediately resume.

When you take over by turning the steering wheel, Steering Assist will temporarily switch to standby, but Adaptive Cruise Control will remain on and search for lane lines. In this case, steering is under your control.

When you stop turning the steering wheel, if the lane lines on both sides are clear and your vehicle is in the center of the lane, Pilot will automatically resume.

If Pilot is deactivated by pressing or the brake pedal, it can be reactivated by pressing and will resume the previously set cruise speed.

Five seconds after following the lead vehicle to a stop, Pilot can be reactivated by pressing or the accelerator pedal. In this case, it will resume the previously set cruise speed.

When Pilot is reactivated, Adaptive Cruise Control is the first to engage and will start searching for lane lines. If the lane lines on both sides are clear and your vehicle is in the center of the lane, Steering Assist will engage concurrently.

Caution 在Pilot 转向辅助功能正常工作时,当您拨动转向灯拨杆,Pilot 转向辅助功能将暂时退出至待命状态,需要您及时接管方向盘控制车辆方向。此时保留自适应巡航功能并持续搜寻车道线,在条件满足后自动恢复转向辅助功能。

When Pilot Steering Assist is functioning properly, toggling the turn signal lever will put Pilot Steering Assist on standby, which requires you to take over the steering promptly. During this time, Adaptive Cruise Control will remain on and continue searching for lane lines. When the required conditions are met, Steering Assist will resume automatically.

Warning 以下情况可能导致Pilot转向辅助功能控制无法按预期运作或者暂时退出至待命状态,并通过声音和文字提醒,需要您及时接管方向盘控制车辆方向。此时保留自适应巡航功能并持续搜寻车道线,在条件满足后自动恢复转向辅助功能。包括但不限于:

Steering Assist may fail to operate as intended in certain situations or disengage to standby while providing sound and text alerts to remind you to take over steering. During this time, Adaptive Cruise Control will remain on and continue searching for lane lines. When the required conditions are met, Steering Assist will resume automatically. The situations include but are not limited to:

  • The vehicle is passing through a sharp curve, e.g. an expressway ramp or traffic diversion lines.

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The road has no lane lines, such as non-standard roads, intersections, or construction areas.

  • The road has special lane lines, such as deceleration lines or diversion lines.

  • Lane lines are not clearly divided, such as lane lines merging or diverting, expressway ramps, urban intersections, left-turn waiting areas, etc.

  • There are edges or other high-contrast lines on the road instead of lane lines, such as road joints or curbs.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or night.

  • The lanes are too wide or too narrow.

Deactivating Pilot

When the following conditions occur, Pilot deactivates, stops automatic speed and steering control, and emits an audio alert:

  • The steering wheel button is pressed.

  • The brake pedal is pressed.

  • The driver continuously presses the accelerator pedal for about one minute to take over control.

  • The vehicle is stopped for about five minutes.

  • The driver’s hands are off the steering wheel for an extended period.

Pilot will also be deactivated when its operating conditions are not met. Upon deactivation, you must immediately take over control of the brake pedal, accelerator pedal, and steering wheel.

Caution Pilot退出后,爱车可能会因动能回收制动而减速,并不再自动控制方向和速度。

When Pilot is canceled, your vehicle may decelerate due to power regeneration and will no longer automatically control steering and speed.

Warning Pilot可能会因预料之外的情况意外退出。请您始终关注交通状况及道路环境,并随时准备接管爱车。

Pilot may suddenly be canceled due to unexpected circumstances. Please always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and be prepared to take over at any time.

Displays on the Digital Instrument Cluster

  • Steering Assist is in the Standby Mode and Pilot is ready to engage Adaptive Cruise Control and is searching for lane lines. However, you still control steering.

  • Pilot is fully activated with both Adaptive Cruise Control and Steering Assist.

  • Pilot is deactivated and in the Standby Mode. It can be reactivated by pressing .

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Caution 当两侧车道线都不清晰,但近距离正前方有符合条件的车辆时,爱车可在短时间内跟车行驶。

When neither lane line is clear, but there is a vehicle in front that meets requirements, your vehicle can follow the lead vehicle for a short time.

Warning 当两侧车道线都不清晰,跟随前车行驶时,若前车缓慢变换行驶路径,本车有与旁边车辆碰撞的风险,需要您随时准备接管车辆,保证行车安全。

When lane lines are unclear on both sides and your vehicle is following the lead vehicle, you may collide with other vehicles in adjacent lanes if the lead vehicle changes lanes at a slow speed. Therefore, you need to be prepared to take over at any time to ensure your safety.

Hold the steering wheel and keep your eyes on the road in front.

When using Pilot, make sure you hold the steering wheel and keep eyes on the road in front.

If the system detects that you are not holding the steering wheel for a period of time, the digital instrument cluster will display "Hold the steering wheel. Or Pilot will be temporarily disabled" with continuous warning sounds.

Pilot will be temporarily disabled if you do not take over the vehicle. Then you won’t be able to activate it or Adaptive Cruise Control in the current driving cycle. You can resume it by shifting into PARK after stopping your vehicle.

The alert will disappear when the system detects that you are holding the steering wheel.

Caution Pilot可能会在您握着方向盘的时候仍提示报警,此时可以握紧或者轻晃方向盘以解除报警。

Pilot may still alert you when you are holding the steering wheel. In this case, you can lightly grip or turn the steering wheel to cancel the alert.

Warning Pilot可能会没有检测到您双手未握住方向盘,导致遗漏报警,切勿依赖系统提醒您握住方向盘。

As Pilot may not detect when you take your hands off the steering wheel and fail to send an alert, do not rely solely on the system to remind you to hold the steering wheel.

Emergency Driver Assist

If the system detects that you are not holding the steering wheel or paying attention to the road after prompting you with "Hold the steering wheel. Or Pilot will be temporarily disabled", the system will activate Emergency Driver Assist once the conditions are met. In this case, the instrument cluster will prompt you with "Emergency Driver Assist activated. Take over now", and turn on the hazard warning lights. The vehicle will apply brake jerks and sound chimes to remind you to take over, and brake the vehicle until it stops. When the vehicle is stopped, it will unlock the doors automatically.

When Emergency Driver Assist is activated, you can take over anytime by pressing the accelerator pedal or brake pedal, rotating the steering wheel or turning off the hazard warning lights.

Caution 驾驶员紧急辅助必须在满足Pilot 限制条件的前提下,才能正常工作。

Emergency Driving Assist can only function properly when the restrictions for Pilot are met.

Warning 驾驶员紧急辅助功能激活后将制动至停止,过程中可能无法避免偏离车道或发生碰撞,切勿依赖或主动尝试激活该功能。

When activated, Emergency Driving Assist will brake the vehicle until it stops. During the process, drifting or collision may not be avoided. Do not rely on or deliberately trigger this feature.

Keep a Safe Distance

If the digital instrument cluster displays "Collision risk, keep a safe distance," it means that a safe distance can no longer be guaranteed with the maximum deceleration that Pilot can exert and there may be a risk of collision. In this case, you must immediately take over the brake pedal and steering wheel to control the speed and steering.

Warning 如您发现危险,切勿等待该警示出现再采取行动,请立刻接管车辆。

If you encounter a dangerous situation, do not wait for a warning before taking action and take over immediately.

Lead Vehicle Start Alert

When following a lead vehicle to a full stop:

  • If the lead vehicle starts within about five seconds, Pilot will automatically start the vehicle to follow. You need to ensure it is safe to follow the lead vehicle to avoid any collisions.

  • If the lead vehicle starts within about five seconds, Pilot automatically starts the vehicle to follow. Before that, Pilot will emit a sound to remind you.

  • If the lead vehicle starts after five seconds, the digital instrument cluster reminds you that "The lead vehicle started", and you need to ensure it is safe to follow the lead car, and press or press the accelerator pedal to reactivate Pilot to follow.

  • If the lead vehicle remains stopped for over five minutes, Pilot is deactivated and the Electric Parking Brake is engaged.

After following the lead vehicle to a full stop, Pilot can only restart your vehicle when a distance of over four meters is maintained.

Warning Pilot 无法在所有情况下都能检测到其他交通参与者,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,切勿依赖Pilot 自动跟车起步,否则可能导致人身或车辆损坏。

Pilot cannot detect other vehicles or road users in all situations and may be ineffective, inappropriate, or late due to multiple factors. You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times and never rely on Pilot to start your vehicle to follow the lead vehicle. Failure to do so can cause personal injury or vehicle damage.

Smart Speed Assist

  1. The indicator of the set cruise speed

  2. For more details, refer to "Traffic Sign Recognition and Speed Limit Warning" in the User Manual.

When the system detects that the speed limit information has changed and is over 10 km/h higher than the set speed, the cruise speed indicator on the instrument cluster will flash for a period of time. In this case, press the "Resume/+" button on the steering wheel to quickly adjust the cruise speed to the newly detected speed limit.

When the system detects that the speed limit information has changed and is over 10 km/h lower than the set speed, the cruise speed indicator on the instrument cluster will flash for a period of time. In this case, press the "-" button on the steering wheel to quickly adjust the cruise speed to the newly detected speed limit.

Caution 当设定车速图标不再闪烁时,短按方向盘的按钮“Resume/+”或“-”,设定的巡航车速将以+/–1 公里/小时改变,请参阅“Pilot速度调整”。

When the speed setting icon no longer flashes, short press the "Resume/+" or "–" button on the steering wheel to change the cruise speed by +/–1 km/h. For details, refer to "Adjusting Cruise Speed".

Warning 智能限速辅助仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。切勿完全依赖智能限速辅助来确定设定的巡航车速和行驶车速。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,在适宜且安全的车速范围内驾驶,并且符合现行交通法律法规。

Intelligent Speed Assist is only a supplement to, and does not function as a substitute for, your visual observation. Never rely solely on Intelligent Speed Assist to set the cruise speed and vehicle speed. You must always pay attention to the traffic conditions and road conditions, and drive at an appropriate and safe speed in compliance with applcable traffic laws and regulations.

Overtaking Assist

When following the lead vehicle, if you turn on the left turn signal and turn the steering wheel to attempt to overtake the lead vehicle, this feature will help you accelerate with the maximum speed as the set cruise speed.

Operating conditions for Overtaking Assist:

  • Pilot is enabled and a lead vehicle is detected.

  • The speed is over 50 km/h but not above the set cruise speed.

  • There is no lane line or a dashed line on the target lane.

  • A safe distance is kept between your vehicle and the lead vehicle.

  • Hazard warning lights are off.

  • Turn signals are operating correctly.

When the above-mentioned conditions are met, fully engage the left turn signal to activate Overtaking Assist. Steering Assist will temporarily switch to standby, but Adaptive Cruise Control will remain activated. When you turn the steering wheel left, Adaptive Cruise Control will continue to maintain a safe distance to the lead vehicle, but allow you to get slightly closer than the set distance. When changing lanes, Adaptive Cruise Control will accelerate the vehicle without the accelerator pedal being pressed, but the maximum speed will not exceed the set cruise speed.

Caution 受本车道或目标车道前方车辆影响,爱车也可能在超车辅助过程中进行减速,引起减速的目标车辆在数字仪表显示中会被高亮显示。

Your vehicle may decelerate when Overtaking Assist is in operation due to the lead vehicle in the current or target lane, which is highlighted on the digital instrument cluster.

Overtaking Assist is deactivated and Adaptive Cruise Control remains activated in the following situations:

  • The lane change is completed.

  • Overtaking Assist is active for too long.

  • The turn signal lever is toggled back before a lane change.

Caution 若Pilot工作条件不满足,超车辅助功能和Pilot将同时退出。

When the operating conditions for Pilot are not met, Overtaking Assist and Pilot will both be canceled.

Caution 超车辅助只能辅助调整行驶速度,而无法控制行驶方向,您必须始终手动控制方向。

Overtaking Assist only assists in adjusting the vehicle's driving speed, and cannot control the steering. You must manually control the steering at all times.

Caution 超车辅助无法分辨您的“超车”与“左转”意图。

Overtaking Assist is unable to distinguish your intention to overtake from your intention to turn left.

Warning 超车辅助仅检测前方车辆,您必须在超车前及超车过程中主动目视检查确认周围超车环境安全。

Overtaking Assist only detects the vehicle in front of you. In order to ensure your safety, you must take the initiative to inspect your surroundings before and during the process of overtaking.

Warning 在使用超车辅助功能时,您应意识到可能出现的意外加速或者加速不足,并随时准备踩下制动踏板或深踩加速踏板接管爱车,切勿依赖该功能进行超车。

When using Overtaking Assist, you should be aware of the possibility of sudden acceleration or a lack of acceleration, and always be prepared to press or fully press the accelerator pedal to take over. Do not rely solely on this feature to overtake other vehicles.

Warning 以下情况可能导致超车辅助无法按预期运作,包括但不限于:正在驶近左转弯出口

Overtaking Assist may fail to operate as intended in certain situations, including but not limited to:

  • Approaching a left-hand exit

  • Driving on winding roads

  • The front vehicle's status in the current or target lane changes suddenly, e.g. sudden deceleration

  • Obstacles to the side or rear of the vehicle

Overtaking Right Prevention

On motorways or elevated roads, if Pilot detects that there is a vehicle to your left front going faster than 85 km/h in the same direction, Overtaking Right Prevention will be activated. The target vehicle will be highlighted on the instrument cluster, and Pilot will prevent the vehicle from overtaking the target vehicle. You can adjust the following time-distance to the lead vehicle.

Overtaking Right Prevention is deactivated in the following situations:

  • There is no target vehicle on the left front.

  • The speed of the target vehicle is below 70 km/h.

  • The accelerator pedal is pressed.

  • Pilot is deactivated.

Warning 右侧超车抑制可能会对左侧前方车辆存在漏检或误检的情况,右侧超车抑制无法保证不会从右侧超车,您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,随时准备控制车辆速度,遵守现行交通法律法规。

Disabling Overtaking On The Right may miss or incorrectly identify left front vehicles. Disabling Overtaking On The Right cannot guarantee that the vehicle will not overtake on the right. You must always pay attention to the traffic conditions and road conditions, be ready to control the vehicle speed, and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Pilot with NOMI

When NOMI is not in a conversation and Pilot engages, disengages, or requires steering takeover, NOMI will use audio reminders and facial expressions to help you operate Pilot more safely and efficiently.

Enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch Driver Assist > NOMI Pilot Notification to enable or disable the feature. NOMI Pilot Notification is enabled by default.

Precautions and Restrictions

In some situations, the camera system may fail to recognize obstacles, which may affect the performance of Pilot or even cause the unintended deactivation of Pilot with a message that reads "Camera view limited. Pilot deactivated" on the digital instrument cluster. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environments, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with direct light.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

In some situations, the radar system may fail to recognize obstacles, which may affect the performance of Pilot or even cause the unintended deactivation of Pilot. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • Heavy rain, snow, fog, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance

  • False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

Only qualified vehicles will trigger Pilot. Some targets may not be recognized or responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicles crossing perpendicular to your vehicle

  • Oncoming vehicles

  • Bicycles, motorcycles, and tricycles

Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians

  • Animals

  • Traffic lights

  • Walls

  • Barriers

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Caution 该功能不能保证对特殊车辆识别,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。譬如,尾部有遮挡的车辆、外形不规则的车辆、尾部垂直面低于一定高度的车辆、空载的载车交通工具等。该功能可能漏检静止的或者行驶缓慢的车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。
  • This feature does not guarantee the recognition of special-shaped targets, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention, e.g. vehicles with a covered rear or irregularly-shaped rear, vehicles with a rear below a certain height, and unladen carriers.

  • This feature may miss stationary or slow-moving vehicles, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention.

Identification and response may be delayed if the target is not right in the front in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Pilot does not respond to targets that are in the blind spot of the sensors. For example, Pilot cannot detect targets in the blind spot at the corner or on the side of the vehicle.

  • When the vehicle is approaching or navigating a curve, the target may be incorrectly selected or missed, resulting in unintended acceleration or deceleration.

  • The target may be lost or the distance to the lead vehicle may be misjudged when the vehicle is on a slope. Driving downhill will increase the vehicle speed so as to exceed the cruise speed.

  • When only a part of the vehicle in the adjacent lane cuts in front of you (especially large vehicles such as buses and trucks), the target may not be identified and trigger a response. Therefore, you must immediately take over control.

  • When your vehicle suddenly cuts behind the lead vehicle, or when other vehicles abruptly cut in to or out of the lane in front of you, the target may not be promptly identified. Therefore, you must immediately take over control.

Caution 该功能偶尔会在不需要加速或您未打算加速时进行加速,这可能是因跟随目标的变化或丢失所导致(特别是在转弯或变道过程中)
  • In rare cases, this feature may accelerate your vehicle even when it is not necessary or intended due to a change in, or loss of, the target (especially when cornering or changing lanes).

  • In rare cases, this feature may apply the vehicle's brakes when it is not necessary or intended due to the detection of vehicles or objects, or a change in, or loss of, a stationary target in the adjacent lane (especially when cornering or changing lanes).

  • When following the lead vehicle, if your vehicle or the lead vehicle switches out of the current lane, acceleration may be restricted by this feature for a certain period of time for your safety. You can take over by pressing the accelerator pedal.

Warning 该功能无法保证所有情况都能准确识别目标,如您发现数字仪表上“目标前车”显示的情况与实际不符,请及时接管爱车。即:实际前方有车,数字仪表未显示目标前车;实际前方无车,数字仪表却显示有前车。

This feature does not guarantee that the target can be accurately recognized in all situations. Please take over promptly if you find that the target lead vehicle shown on the digital instrument cluster does not match the actual situation. i.e.

  • A vehicle is in front of you, but the digital instrument cluster shows none.

  • No vehicle is in front of you, but the digital instrument cluster shows a vehicle.

We do not recommend using Pilot in special or complex road conditions which may affect the performance of Pilot or even cause the unintended deactivation of Pilot. Such conditions include but are not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, or animals on the road.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as busy intersections, motorway ramps, and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Narrow roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

  • Non-standard roads.

  • Roads without center medians.

  • Construction areas.

If the relative speed between your vehicle and the lead vehicle is too high, the limited control capabilities of Pilot may be insufficient to promptly maintain the appropriate distance in some situations, Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The front vehicle makes sudden moves (such as an abrupt turn, acceleration, or deceleration).

  • Other vehicles suddenly cut in or out of the lane in front of you.

  • Your vehicle suddenly cuts behind a vehicle in front.

  • Your vehicle rushes towards a stationary or slow-moving target at a high speed.

Braking force may not be sufficient in some situations, Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The brakes do not fully function (such as when brake components are too cold, hot, or wet).

  • Improper maintenance (such as excessive brake or tire wear, or abnormal tire pressure).

  • Driving on special roads (such as sloping roads or roads with water, mud, potholes, snow, or ice).

Caution Pilot可能会对前方危险目标、车道变化、车道线不清晰、急转弯、施工区域或摄像头视野受限的环境进行视觉和听觉提醒,请谨慎驾驶。环境提醒仅供参考,无法替代您的注意力与判断,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,切勿依赖环境提醒的判断。

Pilot may send visual and audio warnings in the event of upfront danger, changes to the lane, unclear lane lines, sharp curves, construction areas or restrictions to the camera's field of view.

Such warnings serve as a reference only, and cannot substitute your own visual observation. Due to the influence of multiple factors, the warning may be ineffective, inappropriate or late. You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions. Never base your judgment solely on warnings.

Automatic Lane Change (ALC)

Auto Lane Change (ALC) provides an automatic lane change function alongside lane keeping assist. When the vehicle speed exceeds 70 km/h and the environment and road conditions meet certain requirements, the vehicle can change to the adjacent lane automatically by gently toggling the turn signal lever.

Auto Lane Change is mainly used on high-speed roads that require concentration. The current and the target lanes must have good light, clear lane lines, and room for lane change.

Note 转向灯控制变道每次只能变换一个车道。

Auto Lane Change can only change one lane at a time.

Note 若夜晚光线、视野不佳,车道线不清晰,可能无法进行转向灯控制变道或导致变道中途退出,请务必及时接管车辆。

Auto Lane Change may fail or cancel if the light and visibility are poor at night, or when lane lines are not clear. In this case, please take over promptly.

Note 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

The information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Caution ALC必须在Pilot转向辅助功能满足工作条件及限制条件的前提下,才能正常工作,详情请参阅Pilot用户手册。

Auto Lane Change can only work properly when the operating conditions and restrictions for Steering Assist are met. For more details, please refer to “Pilot” in the User Manual.

Warning 您必须在变道前及变道中,时刻确认变道是否安全合适。请注意转向灯控制变道无法响应行人、障碍物、迎面驶来的车辆等,转向灯控制变道可能无法正确识别目标车道和当前车道环境。切勿依赖转向灯控制变道判断的行驶路径来变道。您始终承担着安全变道的最终责任。

You must always confirm if it is safe and appropriate to change lanes before and when changing lanes. Please note that Auto Lane Change cannot respond to pedestrians, obstacles, oncoming vehicles, etc; Auto Lane Change may fail to recognize the target lane or the current lane correctly. Never rely solely on Auto Lane Change to choose a driving path or to change lanes. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for changing lanes safely.

Warning ALC作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用ALC。在使用ALC时,如发现交通状况、道路环境或车辆状况不适宜使用该功能,或存在其他不安全因素,您应随时准备接管爱车。您始终承担着安全变道、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

As a driving assist feature, Auto Lane Change cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Auto Lane Change if it is safe. You should always be ready to take over when you find that the conditions of the traffic, road or the vehicle are not suitable for Auto Lane Change, or there are other unsafe factors.

You always bear the ultimate responsibility for changing lanes safely and complying with current traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling/Disabling Auto Lane Change

Go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driver Assist > Auto Lane Change to enable or disable the feature.

Operating conditions for Auto Lane Change:

  • The vehicle is driving on motorways in Norway, Sweden, or Finland.

  • Auto Lane Change is enabled.

  • Steering Assist works correctly.

  • The trifocal camera and five millimeter-wave radars function normally with a clear view.

  • The current speed is close to, equal to, or higher than 70 km/h.

  • The current and target lanes meet all required conditions for safe lane changing, including:

    • The common lane line between the current and target lanes is a white dashed line.

    • The current and target lanes do not curve sharply.

    • A safe distance is maintained from the vehicles in front and behind in both the current and target lanes.

    • There are no alerts from Blind Spot Detection, Lane Change Assist or other features regarding the target lane.

    • The target lane has clear lines on both sides.

  • All components required for Auto Lane Change work correctly, and the vehicle meets all safety requirements, including:

    • Turn signals are operating correctly.

    • Hazard warning lights are off.

    • The driver is seated.

    • The driver has fastened the seat belt.

    • All doors are closed.

    • The vehicle is in DRIVE.

    • The brake pedal is not pressed.

    • Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not triggered.

    • The Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not manually disabled.

Enabling Auto Lane Change in Settings does not mean that the feature is activated.

After the operating conditions are met, you must first take the initiative to visually inspect your surroundings before gently engaging the corresponding turn signal.

  • When the system detects that all conditions for lane change are met, Auto Lane Change is activated to start the lane change. In the meantime, a blue path will be displayed on the instrument cluster, and the lane line on the corresponding side will be highlighted and disappear after the lane change is complete.

  • When the system detects that the conditions for lane change are not fully met and the risk still remains after about 3 seconds, Auto Lane Change is canceled and the lane line on the corresponding side is displayed in red on the instrument cluster.

To cancel or abort a lane change, you can move the turn signal lever to the opposite direction. Any of the following conditions will stop a lane change, and the vehicle will warn you to immediately take over control via the digital instrument cluster and an audio alert:

  • The environment is deemed unsafe for Auto Lane Change.

  • Steering Assist is canceled due to the steering wheel being taken over, unclear lane lines, sharp curves, or any other reason.

  • Adaptive Cruise Control and Steering Assist are canceled at the same time due to the Pilot button being pressed, the brake pedal being pressed, or any other reason.

Note 在“领航辅助”开启时,长拨拨杆会使系统退出横向控制,车辆不再处于“领航辅助”状态。

When Navigate on Pilot (NOP) is enabled, the system will exit the lateral control and Navigate on Pilot Mode after the lever is toggled and held for a while.

Note 在以下情况拨动转向灯拨杆,不会有任何关于 ALC 的提示:
No Auto Lane Change reminder will be shown when you toggle the turn indicator in the following situations:
  • Auto Lane Change (ALC) is disabled in Settings.

  • The vehicle is not driving on motorways in Norway, Sweden, or Finland.

  • Steering Assist is not activated.

Caution ALC每次只能变换一个车道。

Auto Lane Change can only change one lane at a time.

Caution 夜晚若光线、视野不佳,车道线不清晰,可能无法自动变道。

Auto Lane Change may fail if the light and visibility are poor at night, or when lane lines are not clear.

Warning ALC可能会因预料之外的情况意外退出。请您始终关注交通状况及道路环境,并随时准备接管爱车。

Auto Lane Change may suddenly be canceled due to unexpected circumstances. Please always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and be prepared to take over at any time.

Warning 请您在启动 ALC 时,注意遵守道路交通安全法规,包括但不限于车辆行驶速度的规定。

Please comply with traffic safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to vehicle speed, when enabling Auto Lane Change.

Warning 您必须在变道前及变道中,时刻确认变道是否安全合适,请注意ALC无法响应行人、障碍物、迎面驶来的车辆等。切勿依赖ALC判断的行驶路径。您始终承担着安全变道的最终责任。

You must always confirm if it is safe and appropriate before and when changing lanes. Please note that Auto Lane Change cannot respond to pedestrians, obstacles, oncoming vehicles, etc. Never rely solely on Auto Lane Change to choose a driving path. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for changing lanes safely.

Displays on the Digital Instrument Cluster

  • Ready to change lanes

  • Lane change in progress

  • Lane change stopped or failed

  • Lane change complete

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。您始终需要关注爱车前方、侧方及后方的车辆真实状况,做出合理的判断。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

You need to pay attention to the actual conditions of the traffic in front of, behind, and to the side of the vehicle at all times and apply reasonable judgment.

Precautions and Restrictions

Auto Lane Change may fail to change lanes as intended and you must be prepared to take immediate control in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The vehicle is passing through a sharp curve, such as a motorway ramp or traffic diversion lines.

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The road section has no lane lines, such as non-standard roads, intersections, or construction areas.

  • Lane lines are not clearly divided, such as merging or diverging lanes, motorway ramps, urban intersections, or left-turn waiting areas.

  • The road section has special lane lines, such as deceleration lines or diversion lines.

  • There are edges or other high-contrast lines on the road instead of lane lines, such as road joints or curbs.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night.

  • The distance between the lines of the current and the target lanes is too wide or too narrow.

The camera may fail to recognize obstacles, resulting in lane change failures in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environments, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with direct light.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

Radars may fail to recognize obstacles, resulting in lane change failures in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance.

  • False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

Auto Lane Change may miss or incorrectly identify obstacles in the target and the current lanes. You must always be sure it is safe and appropriate to change lanes before and during the operation. Some targets may not be recognized or responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicles crossing perpendicular to your vehicle

  • Oncoming vehicles

  • Bicycles, motorcycles, and tricycles

Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians

  • Animals

  • Traffic lights

  • Walls

  • Barriers

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Caution ALC不能保证对特殊车辆识别,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。譬如,尾部有遮挡的车辆、外形不规则的车辆、尾部垂直面低于一定高度的车辆、空载的载车交通工具等。ALC可能漏检静止的或者行驶缓慢的车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。
  • Auto Lane Change cannot guarantee the recognition of special-shaped targets. Please pay extra attention, especially at night, to targets, such as vehicles with a covered rear or irregularly-shaped rear, vehicles with a rear below a certain height, and unladen carriers.

  • Auto Lane Change may miss stationary or slow-moving vehicles, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention.

We do not recommend using Auto Lane Change in special or complex road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, or animals on the road.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as motorway ramps and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Narrow roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

  • Non-standard roads.

  • Roads without center medians.

Navigate on Pilot (NOP) Beta

Navigate on Pilot (NOP) Beta is a feature that combines the perception system with the navigation system to help the driver follow the navigation route while driving on a motorway.

When turned on, NOP intelligently adjusts the cruising speed based on traffic conditions. Combined with the navigation route, the display shows traffic conditions and the system guides you to take the right lane to get to your destination.

This feature is only available in Norway.

Caution 领航辅助必须在Pilot 转向辅助功能满足工作条件及限制条件的前提下,才能正常工作,详情请参阅“Pilot用户手册”。

Navigate on Pilot can only work properly when the operating conditions and restrictions for Steering Assist are met. For more details, please refer to “NIO Pilot” in the User Manual.

Caution “领航辅助”Beta版本为公开测试版本,功能尚处于持续优化阶段。

Navigate on Pilot Beta Version is a public beta version and many features are still being optimized.

Warning “领航辅助”作为一种舒适性功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用"领航辅助"。在使用"领航辅助"时,如发现交通状况、道路环境或车辆状况不适宜使用该功能,或存在其他不安全因素,您应随时准备接管爱车。您始终承担着安全行驶且遵守现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

As a feature for driving comfort, Navigate on Pilot (NOP) cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and decide to use Navigate on Pilot or not after your safety is ensured.

You should always be ready to take over when you find that the conditions of the traffic, road or vehicle are not suitable for enabling Navigate on Pilot, or there are other safety risks. It is always your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is driven in a safe manner and complies with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Warning 请您在系统引导车辆进行换道时注意周围环境,随时准备接管车辆。请在通过上下匝道、盲区弯道、交叉口、以及拥堵等路段时格外小心。与Pilot 和其他驾驶辅助功能一样,“领航辅助”无法响应静态障碍物(如路障、三角警示牌等),如前方存在事故或施工区域,请立即接管车辆以控制方向和速度。

Please pay attention to the surrounding environment and be ready to take over at any time when Navigate on Pilot is changing lanes.

Please pay extra attention when Navigate on Pilot guides the vehicle to drive on and off ramps, makes lane changes, or drives through intersections and congested road sections.

Like other driving assist features, Navigate on Pilot cannot recognize and respond to static obstacles (such as road barriers and warning triangles). Please take over the vehicle immediately if there is an accident or construction area up ahead.

Warning 与Pilot 和其他辅助驾驶功能一样, 驾驶时不可以有以下行为:完全依靠“领航辅助”

The following behaviors are prohibited when driving:

  • Relying solely on Navigate on Pilot

  • Hands off the steering wheel

  • Eyes off the road

  • Using Navigate on Pilot in bad weather conditions

  • Using Navigate on Pilot on sharp curves

  • Using Navigate on Pilot in road sections where lane lines are unclear or the lighting is poor

  • Using Navigate on Pilot in unsafe road conditions or an unsafe environment

Warning 与Pilot 和其他辅助驾驶功能一样,“领航辅助”是一个舒适性功能,而非防碰撞功能。“领航辅助”最大减速度有限,小于自动紧急制动和驾驶时所能请求的最大减速度,因此切勿依赖“领航辅助”对爱车进行充分减速从而避免碰撞。爱车与前车相对车速大于50 公里/小时时,如前车静止或缓行,“领航辅助”存在无法刹停的风险。为保证安全,出现上述情况时,请您立即退出“领航辅助”,切勿在上述情况尝试“领航辅助”对静止车辆刹停或跟停前车。

Like other driving assist features, this feature is for driving comfort and not for preventing collisions. Navigate on Pilot has a limited maximum deceleration that is less than the maximum deceleration required for Automatic Emergency Braking and normal driving scenarios. Therefore, do not rely solely on Navigate on Pilot to fully decelerate your vehicle to avoid a collision.

Navigate on Pilot may fail to stop your vehicle when its speed relative to a slow-moving or stationary vehicle in front of it is greater than 50 km/h. In this case, exit Navigate on Pilot immediately. Do not rely on Navigate on Pilot to bring your vehicle to a complete stop regardless of whether it is following a stationary vehicle or a lead vehicle.

Warning 与Pilot 和其他辅助驾驶功能一样,“领航辅助”最大转向力有限,小于驾驶时所能请求的最大转向力,因此切勿依赖“领航辅助”对爱车进行充分转向以控制方向。您应始终做好接管方向盘控制方向的准备,特别是在弯道中。如果需要转弯、调头,或者通过蜿蜒曲折、急转弯的道路时,请您立即接管方向盘控制方向,切勿在这些情况下使用“领航辅助”。

Like other driving assist features, Navigate on Pilot has a limited steering force that is less than the maximum steering force required for driving. Therefore, do not rely solely on Navigate on Pilot to steer your vehicle. You should always be prepared to take over the steering, especially when navigating curves.

Please take over the steering immediately when cornering, turning around, and driving on winding roads or roads with sharp curves. Do not rely on Navigate on Pilot in these situations.

Enabling Navigate on Pilot

Go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driver Assist > Navigate on Pilot to enable or disable the feature.

Operating Conditions for Navigate on Pilot:

  • The vehicle is running on a motorway in Norway.

  • The operating conditions for Steering Assist must be met. For details, refer to "NIO Pilot" in the User Manual.

  • Navigation functions normally.

  • The Navigate on Pilot quick access on the navigation page is not disabled.

  • The GNSS signal is strong.

  • The vehicle is on a road where Navigate on Pilot is available.

  • Hazard warning lights are off.

  • Turn signals are operating correctly.

  • The trifocal camera and five millimeter-wave radars are operating normally with a clear view.

Enabling Navigate on Pilot in Settings does not mean that the feature is activated. With Navigate on Pilot enabled, you can check if Navigate on Pilot is available for certain route during route planning. When the vehicle is on a road where Navigate on Pilot is available and you press , Navigate on Pilot will be automatically activated once the operating conditions are met.

Enabling Navigate on Pilot will also enable other necessary features, including Forward Collision Warning, Automatic Emergency Braking, Auto Lane Change, and Traffic Sign Recognition.

Navigation Settings

When Navigate on Pilot is enabled in Settings, you can check if Navigate on Pilot is available for certain route during route planning. If available, the Navigate on Pilot icon will be displayed on the route with the estimated distance covered. Swipe up for more details of the road sections covered by Navigate on Pilot in the route.

When Navigate on Pilot is enabled, Prefer NOP is added to the route preference settings. When Prefer NOP is selected, the route with more road sections covered by Navigate on Pilot is prioritized.

When you select a route with sections covered by Navigate on Pilot and start navigation, you can check if Navigate on Pilot is available for each section by tapping the icon on the upper left corner of the navigation interface to view the turn-by-turn information. Road sections covered by Navigate on Pilot are marked with a Navigate on Pilot icon in the front. You can also view the road sections covered by Navigate on Pilot in the entire route by tapping the upper area on the turn-by-turn information page or swiping down the page.

When you select a route with road sections covered by Navigate on Pilot and start navigation, you can check the road sections covered by Navigate on Pilot by paying attention to the start and end icons along the navigation route.

When Navigate on Pilot is enabled in Settings, Navigate on Pilot quick access will display on the lower left corner of the navigation page.

  • : Navigate on Pilot not activated

  • : Navigate on Pilot activated

  • : Navigate on Pilot disabled

You can cancel Navigate on Pilot by tapping its quick access. In this case, Navigate on Pilot will be disabled and exit to NIO Pilot once the operating conditions and limitations are met.

Caution 若您行驶在高架下的道路而导航显示在高架上时,或者行驶在辅路上而导航显示在平行的主路上时,“领航辅助”可能会误激活,导致爱车非预期的加减速或者变道。

If you are driving on a road which is underneath a ring road but the navigation displays the vehicle on the ring road itself, or you are driving on an auxiliary road in parallel with a main road but the navigation displays the vehicle on the main road, Navigate on Pilot may be mistakenly activated, which can result in unintended acceleration, deceleration or lane changing.

Displays on the Digital Instrument Cluster

Navigate on Pilot Activated

  1. Suggested path and lane lines

    With Navigate on Pilot activated, your vehicle will be guided along the blue path.

  2. "Lane Departure" status icon

  3. Current driving speed

    Navigate on Pilot adjusts the vehicle speed based on the lead vehicle speed, traffic speed and road curvature, but the maximum speed will not exceed the set cruise speed.

    You can increase the current speed by firmly pressing the accelerator pedal. In this case, Navigate on Pilot will not follow the speed of the lead vehicle or other speed limits. When you stop pressing the accelerator pedal, if Navigate on Pilot has not canceled, it will follow the corresponding speed limits. When you press the accelerator pedal for a certain period of time, Navigate on Pilot will cancel. In this case, acceleration and steering of your vehicle are under your control.

    Warning 切勿依赖“领航辅助”来控制车速,您必须时刻关注交通状况、道路环境、以及限速标识,在安全且符合交规的速度范围内行驶。

    Do not rely on Navigate on Pilot to control the vehicle speed. You must always pay attention to the traffic conditions, road environment, and speed limit signs, and drive at a safe and compliant speed.

  4. The set cruise speed

    When you activate Navigate on Pilot by pressing , Navigate on Pilot automatically sets the cruise speed according to the speed limit. You can adjust the cruise speed with the cruise speed control buttons on the steering wheel. When you change the cruise speed, Navigate on Pilot will not automatically set the cruise speed until a new speed limit is detected.

    Caution “领航辅助”激活后,请注意汇入主路时爱车可能会加速至主路的道路限速。

    When Navigate on Pilot is activated, please be aware that the vehicle may accelerate to match the speed limit of the main road when merging into traffic.

    Warning “领航辅助”参考的道路限速并非始终准确,可能与实际路况不符合,导致爱车非预期的加速或减速,请时刻关注实际路况,必要时手动调整设定的巡航车速或者直接接管车辆。

    The speed limit information provided by Navigate on Pilot is not always accurate, and may differ from the actual road conditions. In this case, your vehicle may accelerate or decelerate unexpectedly. Please always pay attention to the road conditions, and be ready to manually adjust the cruising speed or take over the vehicle.

  5. Speed limit reminder

    For details, please refer "Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR)" in the User Manual.

Navigate on Pilot to be Activated

When your vehicle is in a road section where Navigate on Pilot is available, Navigate on Pilot will be shown as awaiting activation. If you press on the steering wheel, Navigate on Pilot will be automatically activated once the operating conditions are met.

Navigate on Pilot to be Deactivated

When your vehicle is leaving a road section where Navigate on Pilot is available, a reminder will be displayed at the bottom of the digital instrument cluster, indicating the remaining distance before you need to take over control.

Fast lane suggestion and lane change of Navigate on Pilot

When Navigate on Pilot is enabled and the vehicle is running on a main motorway, the lane that allows fast transit will be highlighted based on traffic conditions. When the vehicle speed is higher than 70 km/h and the surroundings and road conditions meet certain requirements, you can gently toggle the turn signal lever to activate Auto Lane Change, and your vehicle will change lanes at an appropriate time. For details, please refer to “Auto Lane Change (ALC)” in the User Manual.

Note 在主路上行驶时,请在出现变道提示时,在确保安全的前提下尽快通过轻拨转向灯拨杆的方式确认,以免错过变道时机。

When driving on a main road, please confirm the suggested lane change by toggling the turn signal lever immediately if it is safe. Otherwise, you may miss the proper time to make a lane change.

Note 在主路上行驶时,当您轻拨转向灯拨杆后,转向灯会亮起,并在变道的过程中一直保持。

When driving on a main road, the turn signal will be turned on if you gently toggle the turn signal lever and will stay on during the lane change.

Note 变道跨线前爱车可能会在当前车道进行车速调整。

When maneuvering to an adjacent lane, the vehicle may adjust its speed in the current lane.

Note 系统检测到您双手未握住方向盘时,“领航辅助”不会进行车道通行效率提示。

When the system detects that your hands are off the steering wheel, Navigate on Pilot (NOP) will not provide any fast lane suggestion.

Note 在满足转向灯控制变道的工作条件时,不拨拨杆将不会进行变道,重拨拨杆会退出"领航辅助",反向拨动将取消此次变道。

When the operating conditions for Auto Lane Change (ALC) are met, toggle the turn signal lever towards the lane change direction to make a lane change; toggle the lever hard to exit Navigate on Pilot (NOP); or toggle the lever reversely to cancel the lane change.

Warning 变道可能随时以极快的速度发生,您必须在变道前及变道中,时刻确认变道是否安全合适。请务必留心路况,始终将手放在方向盘上,随时准备接管车辆。

Lanes may change abruptly when your vehicle is driving at high speeds. You must always confirm if a lane change is safe and appropriate before and when changing lanes. Please pay attention to the road conditions. Always hold the steering wheel and be ready to take over at any time.

Entering/Exiting a Motorway with Navigate on Pilot

You need to change lanes manually when entering or exiting a main motorway. Please take over your vehicle by toggling the turn signal lever hard as required by the reminder, and turn your vehicle in time to enter or exit the main motorway safely.

Your vehicle will remind you to take over it when entering a main motorway. . At this point, you need to pay attention to your surroundings, toggle the turn signal lever hard to exit Navigate on Pilot, and take over the vehicle to enter the motorway manually.

The vehicle will remind you of the ramp ahead when you are about to drive from the motorway onto a ramp, and remind you again to take over the vehicle when you are close to the ramp. At this point, you need to pay attention to your surroundings, toggle the turn signal lever hard to exit Navigate on Pilot, and take over the vehicle to exit the motorway manually.

Note 在汇入或者驶出高速主路时,如果您只是轻拨转向灯拨杆,爱车也会尝试ALC,但由于进出高速主路道路结构特殊,爱车极有可能无法完成汇入或者驶出高速。所以请您不要尝试轻拨转向灯拨杆,而是采取手动接管驶入或者驶出高速主路。

When entering or exiting a main motorway, your vehicle will try Auto Lane Change (ALC) if you gently toggle the turn signal lever. However, it may fail due to the special road structure. Therefore, you are not advised to gently toggle the lever, but rather take over the vehicle to enter or exit the main motorway manually.

Note 在车辆变道或进出匝道前,驾驶员需主动观察后视镜,确认变道侧后方环境安全,并且确保车辆行驶符合交通法规。

Before making a lane change or driving on or off a ramp, please check the side mirrors to ensure your surroundings are safe for the lane change and the driving complies with the applicable traffic regulations.

Warning 切勿依赖“领航辅助”来判断何时行驶在哪一条车道中,请务必关注路线和路况,确保安全驶入正确车道。

Do not rely on Navigate on Pilot to decide which lane you should drive in. Please pay attention to the route and road conditions to make sure the vehicle can drive in the correct lane safely.

Warning 使用“领航辅助”可能无法及时变换车道,请务必关注路线和路况,随时准备手动上下匝道或变换车道。

Navigate on Pilot (NOP) may fail to make a lane change in time. Please pay attention to the route and road conditions, and be ready to manually drive on or off a ramp or make a lane change at any time.

Cancel or abort a lane change

To cancel or abort a lane change, engage the opposite turn signal.

Any of the following conditions will stop a lane change, and the vehicle will warn you to immediately take over control via the digital instrument cluster and an audio alert:

  • Navigate on Pilot detects that the surrounding environment is not safe for a lane change.

  • Steering Assist is canceled due to the steering wheel being taken over, unclear lane lines, sharp curves, or any other reason.

  • Adaptive Cruise Control and Steering Assist are canceled at the same time due to the Pilot button being pressed, the brake pedal being pressed, or any other reason.

Take over reminder

If Navigate on Pilot cannot continue to keep your vehicle on the navigation route, you will be prompted via an audio alert and message to immediately take over control of the speed and steering.

Head-Up Display

  1. The set cruise speed

  2. Navigate on Pilot status icon

  3. Current driving speed

  4. Navigation information display: When Navigate on Pilot is activated, the navigation arrow and progress bar will turn blue.

  5. Navigate on Pilot smart lane change reminder: When the vehicle is executing a smart lane change, the direction indicator on the heads-up display will point to the corresponding direction.

Pilot with NOMI

Before enabling Navigate on Pilot, please enable Pilot with NOMI reminders in settings. When NOMI is not in a conversation, it will help you use Navigate on Pilot safely and efficiently with audio reminders and facial expressions and remind you of taking over the vehicle before driving on or off a ramp.

It is recommended to enable Navigate on Pilot and Pilot with NOMI simultaneously, so that you can be timely reminded of the feature activation or deactivation status and the timing to drive on or off a ramp manually.

Deactivating Navigate on Pilot

You can deactivate Navigate on Pilot by:

  • Pressing on the steering wheel, which also deactivates Pilot.

  • Pressing the brake pedal, which also deactivates Pilot.

  • Turning the steering wheel to take over control.

  • Disabling Navigate on Pilot quick access on the navigation page.

  • Exiting navigation.

Navigate on Pilot will be automatically deactivated in the following situations, in which case you must immediately take over control:

  • The operating conditions for Steering Assist are not met. For details, please refer to "NIO Pilot" in the User Manual.

  • Navigation cannot function normally.

  • The vehicle leaves a road section where Navigate on Pilot is available.

  • The driver’s hands are off the steering wheel for an extended period.

  • The hazard warning lights are on.

  • A system fault occurs.

Caution 当“领航辅助”退出时,若Pilot满足工作条件及限制条件,“领航辅助”会退出至Pilot,请注意Pilot 不会自动调节设定的巡航车速,也不会按导航路线行驶,需要您手动调节设定的巡航车速或者直接接管爱车。

If Navigate on Pilot is canceled, NIO Pilot will be engaged if the operating conditions and limitations are met. Please note that Pilot cannot automatically adjust the set cruise speed or drive according to the navigation route. You need to manually adjust the cruise speed or take over the vehicle.

When Navigate on Pilot is canceled, NIO Pilot will also be canceled if the operating conditions and limitations are not met. You should take over control of the brake pedal, accelerator pedal, and steering wheel immediately after Pilot exits to control the speed and steering of the vehicle.

Warning “领航辅助”可能会因预料之外的情况意外退出。请您始终关注交通状况及道路环境,并随时准备接管爱车。

Navigate on Pilot may suddenly be canceled due to unexpected circumstances. Please always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and be prepared to take over at any time.

Precautions and Restrictions

Navigation may fail to function as intended in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Navigation fails to receive real-time information updates due to network connection failure.

  • Navigation exits unexpectedly due to routing failures.

In some situations, Navigate on Pilot may fail to identify the environments or targets correctly. Please pay close attention to your surroundings and the road, always hold the steering wheel, and be ready to take over control at any time. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • There are vehicles approaching fast from behind.

  • There are vehicles driving next to yours in heavy traffic.

  • There are vehicles quickly cutting into the ramp from the side.

  • There are vehicles merging into the adjacent lane from the other side of the lane.

  • There are vehicles driving on the edge of the target lane.

  • There are guard rails and traffic barriers near the intersection.

Warning “领航辅助”无法响应静态障碍物(如路障、三角警示牌等),如前方存在事故、施工区域、临时封路等情况,请立即接管车辆以控制方向和速度。

Navigate on Pilot cannot recognize and respond to stationary obstacles (such as road barriers and warning triangles). If there is an accident, construction area or road closure up ahead, please take over control immediately.

Navigate on Pilot is only available on motorways and may not function as intended in other road sections, including but not limited to:

  • Special areas where Navigate on Pilot is not allowed by laws and regulations.

  • Road sections where Navigate on Pilot cannot function normally due to loss of GNSS signal, such as in a long tunnel.

  • Road sections in service areas.

  • Road sections near complicated intersections or with frequent accidents where Navigate on Pilot may be restricted.

In some situations, Steering Assist and Navigate on Pilot may be deactivated and you should be prepared to take over control at any time. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The vehicle is navigating sharp curves.

  • Lane lines are unclear, worn, missing, overlapping, or obscured by shadows cast by other vehicles, buildings, or landscape features.

  • The section has no lane lines, such as non-standard roads and construction areas.

  • The lanes are not clearly divided, such as where lanes merge or diverge.

  • The road section has special lane lines, such as deceleration lines or diversion lines.

  • There are edges or other high-contrast lines on the road instead of lane lines, such as road joints or curbs.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to changes in height, such as on sloped roads.

  • Lane lines cannot be or are incorrectly identified due to lighting conditions, such as strong light which leads to reflective lane lines, and poor visibility or insufficient light due to bad weather or at night.

  • The lanes are too wide or too narrow.

In some situations, the camera system may fail to recognize obstacles, which may affect the performance of or even cause the unintended deactivation of Navigate on Pilot. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environments, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with direct light.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

In some situations, the radar system may fail to recognize obstacles, which may affect the performance of or even cause the unintended deactivation of Navigate on Pilot. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • The radar’s performance is impaired due to the rain, snow, fog, haze, and other weather.

  • False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

Navigate on Pilot will only respond to vehicles that meet certain conditions. Some targets may not be recognized or responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicles crossing perpendicular to your vehicle

  • Oncoming vehicles

  • Bicycles, motorcycles, and tricycles

Some targets will not be responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians

  • Animals

  • Traffic lights

  • Walls

  • Barriers

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Caution “领航辅助“不能保证对特殊车辆识别,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。譬如,尾部有遮挡的车辆、外形不规则的车辆、尾部垂直面低于一定高度的车辆、空载的载车交通工具等。 “领航辅助”可能漏检静止的或者行驶缓慢的车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。
  • Navigate on Pilot cannot guarantee the recognition of special-shaped vehicles. Please pay extra attention, especially at night, to targets, such as vehicles with a covered rear or irregularly-shaped rear, vehicles with a rear below a certain height, and unladen carriers.

  • Navigate on Pilot may miss stationary or slow-moving vehicles, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention.

Navigate on Pilot is not recommended in special or complicated road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Complicated traffic conditions, such as motorways with heavy or slow traffic.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Narrow roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

  • Non-standard roads.

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) can maintain the vehicle at the set speed and a set distance with the lead car. Adaptive Cruise Control uses the trifocal camera and millimeter-wave radars to monitor the lead vehicle in your lane and adjusts the speed of your vehicle accordingly.

This system includes the start-stop function that can follow the lead vehicle to a full stop (within a certain deceleration limit). If the lead vehicle starts to move again within a short period of time, your vehicle will automatically resume following. If the lead vehicle stops for too long, your vehicle will resume following only after confirmation.

Adaptive Cruise Control is mainly suitable when you drive long distances on dry, smooth, and standard straight roads, such as motorways, expressways, and long straight main roads.

Warning 自适应巡航作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。自适应巡航只能控制爱车的速度,而无法控制爱车的行驶方向。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用自适应巡航。在使用自适应巡航时,如发现交通状况、道路环境或车辆状况不适宜使用该功能,或存在其他不安全因素,您应随时准备接管爱车。

As a driving assist feature, Adaptive Cruise Control cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

Adaptive Cruise Control controls the speed, but not the direction, of your vehicle.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Adaptive Cruise Control if it is safe. You should always be ready to take over if you find that the conditions of the traffic, road or the vehicle are not suitable for Adaptive Cruise Control, or there are other unsafe factors. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for maintaining an appropriate distance and speed and complying with current traffic laws and regulations.

Warning 驾驶时不可以有以下行为: 完全依靠本系统;在恶劣天气使用本系统;在行人,自行车或者动物较多的环境中使用本系统;在特殊道路使用本系统;双手离开方向盘;视线离开行驶道路。

The following behaviors are prohibited when driving:

  • Relying solely on the system

  • Using the feature in bad weather conditions

  • Using the system in an environment where there are many pedestrians, bicycles or animals

  • Using the system on non-standardized roads

  • Hands off the steering wheel

  • Eyes off the road

Warning 自适应巡航是一个舒适性功能,而非防碰撞功能,所以其最大减速度有限,小于自动紧急制动和驾驶时所能请求的最大减速度。因此切勿依赖自适应巡航对爱车进行充分减速从而避免碰撞。爱车与前车相对车速大于50 公里/小时时,如前车静止或缓行,自适应巡航存在无法刹停的风险。为保证安全,出现上述情况时,请您立即退出自适应巡航,切勿在上述情况尝试自适应巡航对静止车辆刹停或跟停前车。

As a feature for driving comfort, and not for preventing collision, Adaptive Cruise Control has a limited maximum deceleration that is less than the maximum deceleration required by Automatic Emergency Brake and normal driving scenarios. Therefore, never rely solely on Adaptive Cruise Control to decelerate the vehicle when avoiding a collision.

Adaptive Cruise Control may fail to stop your vehicle when its speed relative to the lead vehicle is greater than 50 km/h. In this case, exit Adaptive Cruise Control immediately for your safety. Do not rely Adaptive Cruise Control to bring your vehicle to a full stop following the stationary vehicle or the lead vehicle in this situation.

Enabling Adaptive Cruise Control

  1. : Activate or deactivate Adaptive Cruise Control

  2. : Increase the cruise speed or resume Adaptive Cruise Control

  3. : Increase the following distance

  4. : Reduce the following distance

  5. : Reduce the cruise speed

When the operating conditions are met, press on the left to activate Adaptive Cruise Control.

Adaptive Cruise Control can be activated at a speed of 15-160 km/h with no vehicles in front, or at 0-160 km/h with a vehicle in front.

  • The cruise speed is set at 30 km/h when the vehicle speed is below 30 km/h.

  • The cruise speed is set at the current speed when the vehicle speed is above 30km/h.

When activated, Adaptive Cruise Control maintains the set cruise speed when you release the accelerator pedal.

  • When there is a lead vehicle in front of you, Adaptive Cruise Control will adjust the speed according to the speed and distance to the lead vehicle. The maximum speed will not exceed the cruise speed.

  • When there are no vehicles ahead, Adaptive Cruise Control will quickly adjust the speed of your vehicle to the cruise speed.

When Adaptive Cruise Control is enabled, you can take over control of the vehicle quickly at any time by fully pressing the brake pedal. In this case, Adaptive Cruise Control will cease responding to the target vehicle and you will have full control of your vehicle. When you release the accelerator pedal, your vehicle will return to the cruise speed.

When Adaptive Cruise Control accelerates the vehicle, the accelerator pedal does not move. When Adaptive Cruise Control brakes the vehicle, the brake pedal moves.

If Adaptive Cruise Control is deactivated by pressing or the brake pedal, it can be reactivated by pressing and will resume the previously set cruise speed.

Five seconds after following the lead vehicle to a stop, Adaptive Cruise Control can be activated again by pressing or the accelerator pedal. In this case, it will resume the previously set cruise speed.

Note 自适应巡航工作条件:三目摄像头和毫米波雷达功能正常,视野清晰。自适应巡航的所有组件都没有故障。爱车满足所有安全条件。车速不超过160公里/小时

Operating conditions for Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC):

  • The trifocal camera and millimeter-wave radars are operating normally with a clear field of view.

  • All Adaptive Cruise Control components are free of faults

  • Your vehicle meets all safety conditions, including:

    • The driver is seated.

    • The driver has fastened the seat belt.

    • All doors are closed.

    • The gear is shifted into DRIVE.

    • The brake pedal is not pressed.

    • Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not triggered.

    • Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not manually disabled.

  • The vehicle speed is no higher than 160 km/h.

Deactivating Adaptive Cruise Control

Adaptive Cruise Control is deactivated in the following situations:

  • The steering wheel button is pressed.

  • The brake pedal is pressed.

  • The driver continuously presses the accelerator pedal for about one minute to take over control.

  • The vehicle is stopped for more than five minutes.

Adaptive Cruise Control will also be deactivated when required conditions are not met. In this case, you must take over the vehicle immediately.

When Adaptive Cruise Control is deactivated, your vehicle may decelerate due to power regeneration and no longer follow the lead vehicle.

Warning 自适应巡航可能会因预料之外的情况意外退出。请您始终关注交通状况及道路环境,并随时准备接管爱车。

Adaptive Cruise Control may be canceled suddenly due to unexpected circumstances. Please always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and be prepared to take over at any time.

Adjusting Cruise Speed

When Adaptive Cruise Control is activated:

  • Press or on the steering wheel to change the cruise speed by +/- 1 km/h.

  • Press and hold or on the steering wheel to change the cruise speed by +/- 5 km/h.

  • Press the accelerator pedal and press to set the cruise speed to the current speed if the current speed is greater than the set cruise speed, or to increase the cruise speed by 1 km/h if the current speed is less than the set cruise speed.

The maximum cruise speed you can set is 160 km/h.

The minimum cruise speed you can set is 30 km/h, but the system can follow the lead vehicle to a full stop (0 km/h).

Warning 以上最大设定速度为自适应巡航理论上支持的最高速度。请您在启动和设置自适应巡航时,注意遵守道路交通安全法规,包括但不限于车辆行驶速度的规定。

The maximum set speed is the theoretical top speed for Adaptive Cruise Control. When enabling and setting Adaptive Cruise Control, please comply with traffic safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to vehicle speed.

Adjusting the Time-Distance to the Lead Vehicle

When Adaptive Cruise Control is activated or awaiting activation, the following time-distance can be set to one of five grades.

  • Press to increase the following time-distance by one level.

  • Press to decrease the following time-distance by one level.

Caution 当跟车时间距离被设置较近时,自适应巡航驾驶行为较为激烈,可能会引起不适。

When the time distance to the lead vehicle is set shorter, Adaptive Cruise Control will respond more aggressively, which may cause a level of discomfort.

Warning 您有责任在任何时候确定并保持安全的跟车距离,请勿完全依靠自适应巡航保持车距。

It is your responsibility to determine and maintain a safe following distance at all times. Do not rely solely on Adaptive Cruise Control to maintain an accurate or appropriate following distance.

Displays on the Digital Instrument Cluster

  1. The set cruise speed

  2. The target lead vehicle

  3. The following distance

  4. Adaptive Cruise Control status icon

    • Icon not shown: Adaptive Cruise Control cannot be activated as the required conditions are not met

    • Icon in gray: Adaptive Cruise Control is awaiting activation

    • Icon in white: Adaptive Cruise Control is activated

If the digital instrument cluster displays the alert as shown above, it means that a safe distance can no longer be guaranteed with the maximum deceleration that Adaptive Cruise Control can exert and there may be a risk of collision. In this case, you must immediately take over control of the vehicle.

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Warning 如您发现危险,切勿等待该警示出现再采取行动,请立刻接管车辆。

If you encounter a dangerous situation, do not wait for a warning before taking action and take over immediately.

Lead Vehicle Start Alert

When Adaptive Cruise Control follows the lead vehicle to a full stop:

  • If the lead vehicle starts, Adaptive Cruise Control will automatically start the vehicle to follow. You need to ensure it is safe to follow the lead car to avoid any collisions.

  • If the lead vehicle starts after five seconds, Adaptive Cruise Control automatically starts the vehicle to follow. Before that, it will emit a sound to remind you.

  • If the lead vehicle starts after five seconds and the system detects obstacles that may affect driving, the digital instrument cluster will remind you that "The lead vehicle started", and you need to ensure it is safe to follow the lead vehicle, and press or press the accelerator pedal to reactivate Adaptive Cruise Control to follow.

  • Adaptive Cruise Control is deactivated if the lead vehicle remains stopped for more than five minutes.

After following the lead vehicle to a full stop, Adaptive Cruise Control can only restart your vehicle when a distance of over four meters is maintained.

Warning 自适应巡航无法在所有情况下都能检测到其他交通参与者,受若干因素影响可能会失效、失当或不及时。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,切勿依赖自适应巡航自动跟车起步,否则可能导致人身或车辆损坏。

Adaptive Cruise Control cannot detect other vehicles or road users in all situations and may be ineffective, inappropriate, or late due to multiple factors.

You must pay attention to the traffic and road conditions at all times and never rely on Adaptive Cruise Control to start your vehicle to follow the lead vehicle. Otherwise, personal injury or vehicle damage may be caused.

Smart Speed Assist

  1. The indicator of the set cruise speed

  2. For more details, refer to "Traffic Sign Recognition and Speed Limit Warning" in the User Manual.

When the system detects that the speed limit information has changed and is over 10 km/h higher than the set speed, the cruise speed indicator on the instrument cluster will flash for a period of time. In this case, press the “Resume/+” button on the steering wheel to quickly adjust the cruise speed to the newly detected speed limit.

When the system detects that the speed limit information has changed and is over 10 km/h lower than the set speed, the cruise speed indicator on the instrument cluster will flash for a period of time. In this case, press the “-” button on the steering wheel to quickly adjust the cruise speed to the newly detected speed limit.

Caution 当设定车速图标不再闪烁时,短按方向盘的按钮“Resume/+”或“-”,设定的巡航车速将以+/–1公里/小时改变,请参阅“自适应巡航速度调整”。

When the speed setting icon no longer flashes, short press the "Resume/+" or "–" button on the steering wheel to change the cruise speed by +/–1 km/h. For details, refer to "Adjusting Cruise Speed".

Warning 智能限速辅助仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。切勿完全依赖智能限速辅助来确定设定的巡航车速和行驶车速。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,在适宜且安全的车速范围内驾驶,并且符合现行交通法律法规。

Intelligent Speed Assist is only a supplement to, and does not function as a substitute for, your visual observation. Never rely solely on Intelligent Speed Assist to set the cruise speed and vehicle speed. You must always pay attention to the traffic conditions and road conditions, and drive at an appropriate and safe speed in compliance with applcable traffic laws and regulations.

Overtaking Assist

When following the lead vehicle with Adaptive Cruise Control, if you engage the left turn signal and turn the steering wheel to attempt to overtake the lead vehicle, Overtaking Assist will assist you in accelerating with the maximum speed as the set cruise speed.

Operating conditions for Overtaking Assist:

  • Adaptive Cruise Control is enabled and a lead vehicle is detected.

  • The speed is over 50 km/h but not above the set cruise speed.

  • There is no lane line or a dashed line on the target lane.

  • A safe distance is kept between your vehicle and the lead vehicle.

  • Hazard warning lights are off.

  • Turn signals are operating correctly.

When the above-mentioned conditions are met, fully engage the left turn signal to activate Overtaking Assist. When you turn the steering wheel left, Adaptive Cruise Control will continue to maintain a safe distance to the lead vehicle, but allow you to get slightly closer than the set distance. When changing lanes, Adaptive Cruise Control will accelerate the vehicle without the accelerator pedal being pressed, but the maximum speed will not exceed the set cruise speed.

Caution 受本车道或目标车道前方车辆影响,爱车也可能在超车辅助过程中进行减速,引起减速的目标车辆在数字仪表显示中会被高亮显示。

Your vehicle may decelerate when Overtaking Assist is in operation due to the lead vehicle in the current or target lane, which is highlighted on the digital instrument cluster.

Overtaking Assist is deactivated and Adaptive Cruise Control remains activated in the following situations:

  • The lane change is completed.

  • Overtaking Assist is active for too long.

  • The turn signal lever is toggled back before a lane change.

Caution 若自适应巡航工作条件不满足,超车辅助功能和自适应巡航功能将同时退出。

When the operating conditions for Adaptive Cruise Control are not met, Overtaking Assist and Adaptive Cruise Control will cancel.

Caution 超车辅助只能辅助调整行驶速度,而无法控制行驶方向,您必须始终手动控制方向。

Overtaking Assist only assists in adjusting the vehicle's driving speed, and cannot control the steering. You must manually control the steering at all times.

Caution 超车辅助无法分辨您的“超车”与“左转”意图。

Overtaking Assist is unable to distinguish your intention to overtake from your intention to turn left.

Warning 超车辅助仅检测前方车辆,您必须在超车前及超车过程中主动目视检查确认周围超车环境安全。

Overtaking Assist only detects the vehicle in front of you. In order to ensure your safety, you must take the initiative to inspect your surroundings before and during the process of overtaking.

Warning 在使用超车辅助功能时,您应意识到可能出现的意外加速或者加速不足,并随时准备踩下制动踏板或深踩加速踏板接管爱车,切勿依赖该功能进行超车。

When using Overtaking Assist, you should be aware of the possibility of sudden acceleration or a lack of acceleration, and always be prepared to press or fully press the accelerator pedal to take over. Do not rely solely on this feature to overtake other vehicles.

Warning 以下情况可能导致超车辅助无法按预期运作,包括但不限于:正在驶近左转弯出口

Overtaking Assist may fail to operate as intended in certain situations, including but not limited to:

  • Approaching a left-hand exit

  • Driving on winding roads

  • The front vehicle's status in the current or target lane changes suddenly, e.g. sudden deceleration

  • Obstacles to the side or rear of the vehicle

Overtaking Right Prevention

On motorways or elevated roads, if Adaptive Cruise Control detects that there is a vehicle to your left front going faster than 85 km/h in the same direction, Overtaking Right Prevention will be activated. The target vehicle will be highlighted on the instrument cluster, and Adaptive Cruise Control will prevent the vehicle from overtaking the target vehicle. You can adjust the following time-distance to the lead vehicle.

Overtaking Right Prevention is deactivated in the following situations:

  • There is no target vehicle on the left front.

  • The speed of the target vehicle is below 70 km/h.

  • The accelerator pedal is pressed.

  • Adaptive Cruise Control is deactivated.

Warning 右侧超车抑制可能会对左侧前方车辆存在漏检或误检的情况,右侧超车抑制无法保证不会从右侧超车,您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,随时准备控制车辆速度,遵守现行交通法律法规。

Disabling Overtaking On The Right may miss or incorrectly identify left front vehicles. Disabling Overtaking On The Right cannot guarantee that the vehicle will not overtake on the right. You must always pay attention to the traffic conditions and road conditions, be ready to control the vehicle speed, and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Precautions and Restrictions

In some situations, the camera system may fail to recognize obstacles, which may affect the performance of or even cause the unintended deactivation of Adaptive Cruise Control with a message that reads "Camera view limited. ACC deactivated" on the digital instrument cluster. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The position of the camera is changed.

  • The camera is obstructed or stained.

  • The performance of the camera is reduced at night.

  • Visibility is poor in dim environments, such as at dawn, dusk, night, or in a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with sudden changes in brightness, such as when entering or exiting a tunnel.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with large shadows cast by buildings, landscape features, or large vehicles.

  • The view of the camera is interfered with direct light.

  • Visibility is poor due to rain, snow, fog, haze, and other bad weather.

  • Visibility is poor due to exhaust gas, splashes, snow, or dust kicked up by vehicles in front of you.

  • The camera is obstructed by water, dust, small scratches, grease, dirt, wipers, frost, or snow on the windshield.

  • The road is wet.

In some situations, the radar system may fail to recognize obstacles, which may affect the performance of or even cause the unintended deactivation of Adaptive Cruise Control. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • Radars are misplaced, blocked, or covered with dirt, ice, snow, metal plates, tape, labels, leaves, or other obstructions.

  • Radars or the surrounding areas are damaged by collisions or scratches.

  • Heavy rain, snow, fog, and other extreme weather which may impair radar performance

  • False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

Adaptive Cruise Control will only respond to vehicles that meet certain conditions. Some targets may not be recognized or responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Vehicles crossing perpendicular to your vehicle

  • Oncoming vehicles

  • Bicycles, motorcycles, and tricycles

Some targets are not responded to, including but not limited to:

  • Pedestrians

  • Animals

  • Traffic lights

  • Walls

  • Barriers

  • Other non-vehicle objects

Caution 该功能不能保证对特殊车辆识别,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。譬如,尾部有遮挡的车辆、外形不规则的车辆、尾部垂直面低于一定高度的车辆、空载的载车交通工具等。该功能可能漏检静止的或者行驶缓慢的车辆,尤其是在夜晚需要特别注意。
  • This feature does not guarantee the recognition of special-shaped targets, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention, e.g. vehicles with a covered rear or irregularly-shaped rear, vehicles with a rear below a certain height, and unladen carriers.

  • This feature may miss stationary or slow-moving vehicles, especially at night when the driver needs to pay extra attention.

Recognition and response may be delayed if the target is not right in the front in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • Adaptive Cruise Control does not respond to targets that are in sensor blind spots. For example, Adaptive Cruise Control cannot detect targets in the blind spot at the corner or on the side of the vehicle.

  • When the vehicle is approaching or navigating a curve, the target may be incorrectly selected or missed, resulting in unintended acceleration or deceleration.

  • The target may be lost or the distance to the lead vehicle may be misjudged when the vehicle is on a slope. Driving downhill will increase the vehicle speed so as to exceed the cruise speed.

  • When only a part of the vehicle in the adjacent lane cuts in front of you (especially large vehicles such as buses and trucks), the target may not be identified and trigger a response. Therefore, you must immediately take over control.

  • When your vehicle suddenly cuts behind the lead vehicle, or when other vehicles abruptly cut in to or out of the lane in front of you, the target may not be promptly identified. Therefore, you must immediately take over control.

Caution 该功能偶尔会在不需要加速或您未打算加速时进行加速,这可能是因跟随目标的变化或丢失所导致(特别是在转弯或变道过程中)
  • In rare cases, this feature may accelerate your vehicle even when it is not necessary or intended due to a change in, or loss of, the target (especially when cornering or changing lanes).

  • In rare cases, this feature may apply the vehicle's brakes when it is not necessary or intended due to the detection of vehicles or objects, or a change in, or loss of, a stationary target in the adjacent lane (especially when cornering or changing lanes).

  • When following the lead vehicle, if your vehicle or the lead vehicle switches out of the current lane, acceleration may be restricted by this feature for a certain period of time for your safety. You can take over by pressing the accelerator pedal.

Warning 该功能无法保证所有情况都能准确识别目标,如您发现数字仪表上“目标前车”显示的情况与实际不符,请及时接管爱车。即:实际前方有车,数字仪表未显示目标前车;实际前方无车,数字仪表却显示有前车。

This feature does not guarantee that the target can be accurately recognized in all situations. Please take over promptly if you find that the target lead vehicle shown on the digital instrument cluster does not match the actual situation. i.e.

  • A vehicle is in front of you, but the digital instrument cluster shows none.

  • No vehicle is in front of you, but the digital instrument cluster shows a vehicle.

We do not recommend using Adaptive Cruise Control in special or complex road conditions which may affect the performance of or even cause the unintended deactivation of Adaptive Cruise Control. Such conditions include but are not limited to:

  • Water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Large numbers of pedestrians, bicycles, or animals on the road.

  • Complex and changing traffic flows, such as busy intersections, motorway ramps, and congested roads.

  • Winding roads and sharp turns.

  • Uphill or downhill roads.

  • Bumpy roads.

  • Narrow roads.

  • Tunnel entrances and exits.

  • Non-standard roads.

  • Roads without center medians.

  • Construction areas.

If the relative speed between your vehicle and the lead vehicle is too high, the limited control capabilities of Adaptive Cruise Control may be insufficient to promptly maintain the appropriate distance in some situations, Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The front vehicle makes sudden moves (such as an abrupt turn, acceleration, or deceleration).

  • Other vehicles suddenly cut in or out of the lane in front of you.

  • Your vehicle suddenly cuts behind a vehicle in front.

  • Your vehicle rushes towards a stationary or slow-moving target at a high speed.

Braking force may not be sufficient in some situations, Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • The brakes do not fully function (such as when brake components are too cold, hot, or wet).

  • Improper maintenance (such as excessive brake or tire wear, or abnormal tire pressure).

  • Driving on special roads (such as sloping roads or roads with water, mud, potholes, snow, or ice).

Enhanced Head-Up Display (HUD)

When driving, the Enhanced Head-Up Display shows your speed and other information on the windshield above the digital instrument cluster.

Enhanced Head-Up Display can display the following information: speed, navigation directions, traffic signs, cruise signs, and Autohold.

Caution 在特定的角度下,阳光经前挡玻璃和HUD的折射和反射,会在前挡玻璃上形成小亮斑。随着光照角度、行驶方向和坡度等变化,小亮斑都会消失。如果长时间沿相同方向行驶,可以尝试调整HUD高度减缓小亮斑。

At certain angles, sunlight may lead to tiny bright specks on the windshield when refracted and reflected by the front windshield and Heads-Up Display. These specks may disappear with changes in light angle, driving direction, slope, etc.

When driving in the same direction for a long time, you can adjust the height of the Heads-Up Display to get rid of these specks.

Setting Enhanced HUD

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Display > HUD to set this feature.

  • Enable HUD

  • Auto-Brightness

  • Height

Set heights are automatically memorized by the system.

Front Wipers

The front wipers clean the front windshield. You can set front wipers to different modes by toggling the lever on the right of the steering wheel.

Single wipe

Front wipers wipe once

Toggle down the lever once


Front wipers are turned off

Toggle the lever to this option

Intermittent wipes

Front wipers wipe intermittently

Toggle the lever to this option

Consecutive wipes

Front wipers wipe continuously at a low speed

Toggle the lever to this option

Front wipers wipe continuously at a high speed

Toggle the lever to this option

When intermittent wipes is enabled, you can adjust the frequency with the speed switch on the lever. Turn up for a higher frequency and down for a lower frequency.

Warning 冬季启动刮水器前,确保刮水器刮水片未结冻,并确保已刮落挡风玻璃上的冰雪。

In winter, ensure that the wiper blades are not frozen and the ice or snow in front of the windshield has been cleared before turning on the wipers.

Warning 当刮水器清洁挡风玻璃时,要使用足够的清洗液。挡风玻璃刮水器工作时,挡风玻璃必须保持潮湿。

Use sufficient washer fluid when wiping the windshield. Ensure that the windshield is wet when wipers are in operation.

Front Windshield Cleaning

Pull the right lever towards you and hold, select to turn on front windshield cleaning and set the front wipers to wipe at a low speed. Release the lever to stop spraying washer fluid.

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Cleaning Mode. Then, the wipers will wipe two more times.

Caution 洗涤液不足时不要使用清洗装置,否则会损坏洗涤液泵。

To avoid damaging the washer pump, do not use the washer if the washer fluid is insufficient.

Warning 在恶劣天气条件下,确保雨刷片未被冻结或粘附在挡风玻璃上。

In bad weather conditions, ensure that the wiper blades are not frozen or attached to the windshield.

Rain Sensor

The rain sensor detects rainfall on the windshield and adjusts the wipers automatically.

Enabling/Disabling the Rain Sensor

Press the rain sensor button on the end of the right lever to enable the rain sensor. Press it again or toggle the lever up and down to disable the sensor.

Caution 在自动洗车房中,请确保停用雨量传感器,否则可能会由于无意间刮水导致雨刮器损坏。

To avoid damage to the wipers, ensure that the rain sensor is disabled when entering an automatic car wash machine.

Rear Wiper and Washer

The rear wiper and washer clean the rear windshield. You can set the rear wiper to different modes by toggling the lever to the right of the steering wheel.

Push the lever forward to wipe at a low speed.

Push the lever further forward and hold to spray washer fluid and wipe at a low speed. Release the lever to stop spraying and keep wiping.

Pull the lever back to stop wiping.

Enabling/Disabling Rear Wiper in Reverse

Shifting into REVERSE when front wipers are turned on will turn on the rear wiper. Shifting out of REVERSE will turn off the rear wiper.

When Auto Rear Wiper is enabled and the front wipers are turned on, the rear wiper operates automatically when reversing.

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Auto Rear Wiper to enable this feature.

Exterior Lights

Swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access and tap Headlights to adjust exterior lights.

Headlights on

Position lights on

Headlights is automatically turned on or off according to sensors.

Headlights off

High Beam and Low Beam Headlights

You can set the headlights on high beam or low beam with the light control lever on the left of the steering wheel.

  • Push the lever away from you and release to turn on Auto High Beam. Push the lever again to turn on the high beams.

  • Pull the lever towards you and release to turn off the high beams. To briefly flash the high beams, pull the lever towards you.

Caution 只有在打开自动大灯或大灯开启时才能使用。

Auto High Beams are only available when the headlights are set to Auto mode, or the feature is turned on.

Auto High Beam

Your vehicle detects and monitors the headlights and taillights of vehicles in front of you and street lights with the front camera. This allows the vehicle to intelligently turn off the high beams when you overtake or pass other vehicles or enter well-lit areas to avoid dazzling other road users. High beams will then be turned on again when there are no vehicles in front of you or the surrounding area is dark.

  • High beams on: dark environments without other vehicles or road users in front of you.

  • High beams off: bright environments or with other vehicles or road users in front of you.

You can check the following information on the digital instrument cluster:

  • Auto High Beam on

  • High beams on

  • Low beams on

Note 在远近光自动控制激活状态下,向后拉动拨杆为强制远光灯,松开变为近光灯,进入远近光自动控制待激活状态。

When Auto High Beams are activated, pull the lever towards you to turn on high beams immediately. Releasing the lever will switch the headlights back to low beams and return Auto High Beams to standby status.

Warning 远近光自动控制是驾驶员辅助功能,无法在所有驾驶情况或交通、天气与路况下都起作用。驾驶员应始终对确保车辆安全驾驶承担最终责任,并遵守适用的法律和道路交通规则。

As a driving assist feature, Auto High Beams cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions. The driver should always bear the ultimate responsibility for driving safely and complying with current traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling/Disabling Auto High Beam

  1. Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Lights > Headlights to enable Auto High Beam.

  2. Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Lights > Auto High Beam to enable or disable this feature.

  3. Push the lever away from you and release to activate Auto High Beam. This feature automatically switches between high beams and low beams when driving at over 40 km/h.

  4. Push the lever again or pull it back to cancel Auto High Beam.

Auto High Beam may not automatically control the headlights in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • When turn signals are on.

  • When the steering wheel is turned too fast.

  • When navigating a sharp curve.

  • When the wiper speed is set to maximum.

  • When fog lights are on.

Warning 当大雨,大雪,大雾等极端天气或摄像头被遮挡的情况下,可能会影响该功能的正常使用,请小心行驶。

This feature may be impaired in heavy rain, snow, fog and other extreme weather conditions, or when the camera is blocked. Please drive with caution.

Turn Signals

  • Left: push the lever down

  • Right: push the lever up

The turn signals stop operating when the steering wheel returns to the center position or the lever is moved back to the center.

When a turn signal is operating, the corresponding icon lights up on the digital instrument cluster with clicking sounds.

Fog Lights

Press the button on the end of the left lever to turn on the front and rear fog lights. Position lights are automatically turned on when fog lights are on.

  • First press: front fog lights on.

  • Second press: rear fog lights on.

  • Third press: rear fog ights off.

  • Fourth press: front fog lights off.

Press again to repeat the sequence.

When fog lights are on, the corresponding icon is displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Driver Drowsiness Detection (DDD)

Driver Drowsiness Detection (DDD) uses a smart visual system to sense the driver’s level of concentration during driving and reminds the driver to take a rest in time.

With Driver Drowsiness Detection enabled and its activation conditions met, if the driver is distracted or drowsy, NOMI will remind the driver with facial expressions and voice prompts according to the level of drowsiness, and the digital instrument cluster will also remind the driver to stay focused.

Warning 驾驶员疲劳监测系统无法在所有条件下工作,仅用作辅助设备。驾驶员应始终对确保车辆安全驾驶承担最终责任。专注驾驶以及适时停车休息非常重要。在出现分神警告或有疲劳迹象时,驾驶员需要及时调整驾驶行为,或者以安全方式尽快停车休息。

Driver Drowsiness Detection cannot operate under all conditions and is only designed to assist driving. The driver should always bear the ultimate responsibility for driving safely.

Therefore, it is of great importance that you pay attention when driving and take regular breaks. When a driver is alerted or feels fatigued, they should adjust their behavior or pull over safely as soon as possible to take a break.

Enable/Disable Driver Drowsiness Detection

Go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driver Assist > Driver Drowsiness Detection to enable or disable the feature. You can also enable or disable the feature by voice commands, such as "turn on/off driver drowsiness detection", "turn on/off drowsiness detection", or "turn on/off DDD".

When the feature is enabled, it will be activated when the vehicle speed is at or above 22 km/h.

Go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driver Assist > Driver Drowsiness Detection Sensitivity to select Low or High.

Personalized Calibration

A personalized calibration when the vehicle is in PARK is recommended during your first use of this feature.

Go to Settings from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driver Assist > Personalized Calibration, including adjusting the rear-view mirror. Please follow NOMI’s voice instructions and maintain the normal driving posture until the NOMI prompts about the calibration completion. Then save the personalized calibration results into the current user account.

The driver can recalibrate the system to update personalized settings. by using the voice command "Recalibrate" and save the new personalized calibration results into the current user account.

Once a calibration result is saved to the current account, if the driver or the position of the rear-view mirror, driver’s seat, or steering wheel is changed, the accuracy of detection and alert will be impaired. If you find that drowsiness detection is constantly inaccurate, you need to recalibrate the feature so that the system will learn your customary posture when driving.

Displays on the Digital Instrument Cluster

  • Not activated

  • Activated

  • Level-one alert

  • Level-two alert

  • Level-three alert

Caution 摄像头不会记录或共享图像、音频或视频。

The camera will not record or share any images, audio or videos.

Caution 系统由于人脸被遮挡等因素导致检测效果出现异常时,持续1分钟会自动关闭,个性化校准结果失效。如果重新开启系统,需要驾驶员再次进行个性化校准。

When detection is abnormal due to factors such as the driver’s face being obstructed, the system will turn off automatically after one minute. In this case, all personalized calibration results will become invalid. If the system is reactivated, the driver will need to perform the personalized calibration again.

Precautions and Restrictions

In some cases, Driver Drowsiness Detection may not detect the driver’s drowsiness or distraction. In this case, the system may fail to give the corresponding alerts or may be partially nonfunctional. Such situations include but are not limited to:

  • At night or in a dark environment.

  • Under direct and strong light, such as sunlight or the headlights of an oncoming car.

  • The driver’s seat has been adjusted.

  • The rear-view mirror or steering wheel has been adjusted.

  • The rear-view mirror is obstructed by objects such as dash camera, films, or stickers.

  • The driver’s eyes are covered by sunglasses, polarized glasses, or eyeglass frames.

  • The driver is wearing accessories, such as a hat, scarf, or headscarf, that change the contours of the head.

  • The driver is wearing a mask.

In other cases, Driver Drowsiness Detection may still remind you to take a break while you are not at all tired.

Range Assurance

The digital instrument cluster displays the power bar, battery percentage, remaining mileage, and other high voltage battery information.

Caution When the battery level is lower than 15%, the power bar will turns red and an alert will appear on the digital instrument cluster.

When the battery level is lower than 15%, the power bar will turns red and an alert will appear on the digital instrument cluster.

Driving on Low Battery

When the battery level is lower than 10%, the discharge power of the high voltage battery is restricted, which will impair vehicle performance and reduce the maximum speed. In this case, the digital instrument cluster will remind you to charge the battery as soon as possible.

Driving at Low Temperatures

At temperatures around -30 °C, your vehicle can start and drive normally, but the performance will be impaired due to the low temperature of the high voltage battery.

Traffic Sign Recognition and Speed Limit Warning

Traffic Sign Recognition combines speed limit information from the navigation map with speed limit signs recognized by the trifocal camera to help you observe the speed limit when driving.

Speed Limit Warning alerts you when you exceed the speed limit.

Caution 道路标识识别目前仅检测限速标志信息,对于其他交通标识不会响应。

For now, Traffic Sign Recognition only detects speed limit signs and does not respond to other traffic signs.

Warning 道路标识识别与提醒仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。切勿完全依赖道路标识识别的限速信息进行驾驶。

Traffic Sign Recognition and Warnings is for your reference only, and cannot substitute your visual inspection. Never rely solely on the speed limit information recognized by Traffic Sign Recognition.

Warning 道路标识识别与提醒作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。您必须时刻关注交通状况、道路环境、及限速标识,在适宜且安全的车速范围内驾驶。您始终承担着安全驾驶、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

As a driving assist feature, Traffic Sign Recognition and Warnings cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions. You must always pay attention to the traffic conditions, road environment, and speed limit signs, and drive at an appropriate and safe speed.

It is always your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is driven in a safe manner and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR)

  1. Speed limit indicator:

    • The speed limit indicator on the instrument cluster combines the speed limit information from the navigation map with the speed limit signs recognized by the trifocal camera.

    • No speed limit information is displayed when neither speed limit information source is available.

  2. Supplementary indicator: if the current speed limit is also restricted by other conditions, a supplementary indicator will also be displayed on the instrument cluster:

    • : Trailer Mode

    • : No Localization Services

    • : Rainy Weather/Wet Road

    • : Unclear Condition

    • : Off Road

    • : Showy Weather/Icy Road

Enabling/Disabling Speed Limit Warning

Enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch Driver Assist > Speed Limit Warning to enable or disable the feature.

With this feature enabled, you can adjust the speed prompt:

  • Speed Limit: when the current driving speed exceeds the speed designated on the traffic sign.

  • +5 km/h: when the current driving speed is 5 km/h higher than the speed designated on the traffic sign.

  • +10 km/h: when the current driving speed is 10 km/h higher than the speed designated on the traffic sign.

When the driving speed exceeds the speed limit, the indicator will turn red; if the speed limit information is from the traffic surveillance camera, the indicator will flash.

The speed prompt will stop after 10 seconds, or the current speed is lower than the speed limit.

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Precautions and Restrictions

Traffic Sign Recognition and Speed Limit Warning may fail to operate as intended or be restricted in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The trifocal camera is obstructed.

  • The map information is outdated or inaccurate.

  • GPS data cannot be accessed.

  • Road signs are faded, damaged, blocked, covered by ice, snow, or dust, or are along curved roads.

  • Multiple speed limit signs are in a line, or there are different speed limit signs on adjacent lanes.

  • Other unclear traffic signs may be misidentified by Traffic Sign Recognition as speed limit signs.

Blind Spot Detection (BSD) and Lane Change Assist (LCA)

Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assist prevent your vehicle from colliding with vehicles in adjacent lanes during lane changes, reducing the risk of accidents.

Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assist are only activated when you are driving above 12 km/h.

Caution 盲点监控与变道预警的监测区域为爱车外侧3.5米,及其向后约70米的范围。

The detection range of this function is 3.5 meters from the sides of the vehicle and 70 meters from the rear.

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap ADAS > Lane Change Assist, and then select an appropriate warning type.

When this feature is enabled and activated, the following visual reminder is shown on the digital instrument cluster when a vehicle is approaching from behind.

When a vehicle is detected in the driver's blind spot or fast approaching from behind, a visual alert is shown on the corresponding side mirror. In this case, if you toggle on the turn signal to the corresponding side, you will be alerted not to change lanes in one of the following ways:

  • Check lights

  • Sound + Light

Caution 当周围环境噪音较大时,例如车内音响音量过大或车外过于嘈杂,报警声可能会听不见。

The chime may not be heard if the environmental noise is too loud, such as when the audio system is played at high volumes or the surrounding environment is too noisy.

Caution 数字仪表显示仅作示意,并不能完全反映真实的交通状况。因此,请勿依赖于数字仪表的显示内容。

Information displayed on the digital instrument cluster can only be used as a reference and cannot perfectly reflect the real traffic conditions. Therefore, do not rely on the information displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

Caution 当爱车行驶在弯道较大、车道较宽或者高低不平的路上时,盲点监控与变道预警可能无法对旁边车道行驶的车辆进行报警。

When you drive on a road with sharp curves, wide lanes or an uneven surface, Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assist may not be able to warn you about vehicles in adjacent lanes.

Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assist may give false warnings in the following situations:

  • Driving near protective fences

  • Driving on/under a bridge, or through a tunnel

  • Driving besides bushes, trees, etc.

  • When there are wire poles, street lights or low concrete walls along the road

  • Driving near construction areas such as factory buildings, ports, etc.

  • Driving on urban roads or multi-lane intersections

Warning 请注意保持保险杠雷达安装处以及附近区域的清洁,若覆盖有泥土,冰雪,金属板,胶带,标签,树叶等都会影响其性能而无法正常报警。
  • Radars are mounted on or behind the bumper. Keep the bumper clean and free of mud, ice, metal plates, stickers, labels and leaves. Failure to do so may impact the performance of the radars.

  • If this feature does not function properly due to a collision, scratches, radar failure or malfunction, please contact NIO as soon as possible.

  • If the radar malfunctions for a long period of time and fails to receive any fault-related alerts, please contact NIO as soon as possible.

  • This feature only detects and alerts you to vehicles and large motorcycles or objects, and may have a delay or even fail to detect or alert you to objects such as pedestrians, bicycles or skateboards.

  • This features does not alert you to stationary objects. False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

  • Heavy rain, snow, fog and other extreme weather conditions may impair radar performance. Please drive with caution.

  • Never use this feature in Tow Mode.

Digital Video Recorder (DVR)

It can be used to record videos during driving and also provide evidence for traffic accidents.

The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) function includes cyclic video recording and emergency video recording.

The usage of DVR may result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons, especially their right to privacy. You need to check your local laws and regulations to see the extent to which you are permitted to use this feature. Please be aware that you can be held liable for violation of local laws and regulations by using DVR.

Caution 停车下电后,行车记录仪不再工作。

DVR does not work when the vehicle is parked and powered off.

Caution 行车记录启用时,声音不会被录入到视频中。

The Digital Video Recorder does not record audio.

Caution 循环视频和紧急视频均不会上传至云端,仅在车辆本地保存。

The loop and emergency videos will not be uploaded to the cloud, but locally stored in the vehicle only.

Caution 行车记录仪所记录的人脸和车牌属于个人隐私并受到法律保护。

The faces and license plates recorded by the dash camera are protected by related privacy laws as personal information.

Cyclic Video Recording

Go to the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Safety > Digital Video Recorder (DVR) to turn this function on or off.

  • When the function is enabled, will be displayed at the top of the center display.

  • When recording begins, will be displayed at the top of the center display.

  • When the function is disabled, will be displayed at the top of the center display.

The Digital Video Recorder (DVR) can support continuous cyclic recording for up to 8 hours. After 8 hours, the original video file will be overwritten. If you want to save specific important video files, you can insert a storage device such as a USB flash drive, select the required file and tap Edit > Transfer to export the file manually.

When the Digital Video Recorder (DVR) function is enabled, the camera will be turned on and continue to record cyclic videos until the video recording is terminated.

The cyclic video recordings will be stored in the Photos > Digital Video Recorder (DVR) folder.

Emergency Video Recording

The emergency video recording function will cyclically record the video images in the vehicle's memory. If the Autonomous Emergency Braking is triggered or the airbag is deployed, the emergency video will be saved.

The emergency videos include videos recorded 30 seconds before the emergency and 60 seconds after the emergency. The emergency video recordings will be stored in the Photos - Emergency Video folder.

Quick Video Recording

When you encounter fun or thrilling scenes, you can save them in time through Quick Video Recording to watch later.

Go to the Quick Access page by swiping right on the home page of the center display, tap Quick Video Recording to start recording.

The quick video recording saves videos recorded 30 seconds before and 60 seconds after it is triggered. The quick video recordings will be stored in the Photos - Emergency Video folder.

Emergency Braking

If the brake pedal malfunctions, you can activate Emergency Braking by pressing the PARK button, which will bring the vehicle to a stop as soon as possible under normal circumstances.

  • Press and hold the PARK button to activate Emergency Braking.

  • Release the PARK button or press the accelerator pedal to cancel Emergency Braking. To reactivate the feature, press the button again.

Caution 只有遇到制动踏板失灵或卡滞等紧急情况,才需要激活应急制动功能。

Only activate Emergency Braking in emergency situations where the brake pedal malfunctions or is stuck.

Warning 当行驶在弯道较大、路面不平或冬季的道路时,激活应急制动功能可能会导致车辆甩尾或侧滑,请谨慎驾驶。

When driving in winter, or on roads with sharp curves or uneven surfaces, activating Emergency Braking may cause the vehicle to drift or slip. Please drive with caution.

Navigating to Parking Space with Charger

Search for a power swap station on the map or select one in the Charging Assist:

  • If within the service range of the station, tap to order;

  • If outside the service range, navigate to the station. The order will be automatically placed when you approach the station.

Caution 下单时会对爱车和蔚来APP 位置进行校验,只有在换电站附近约200 米范围内才能成功下单。当遇到车机断网而无法下单的情况下,请等待车机网络恢复后重新尝试下单,或咨询现场专员。下单时请注意阅读协议以及免责条款等。
  • The locations of your vehicle and the NIO App are checked during order placement. An order cannot be placed successfully unless your vehicle is within 200m of the power swap station.

  • In the event of an order placement failure due to unavailable vehicle network, please try again after the network resumes or consult the field specialist.

  • Please read the Agreement and Disclaimer before placing an order.

When the order is placed, a Power Swap No. will be generated for queuing. You can check the charging status, your position in the queue, and estimated wait time on the order page of the NIO app or the center display.

When the vehicle in front completes the power swap and leaves the station, you will get notified to pull in for a power swap. Tap "Activate Power Swap" on the center display to start parking.

Caution 请在换电站附近等待叫号,并及时关注车机或手机APP 的排队情况,如若过号,请及时联系现场专员。如因某些原因离开现场,请留意手机APP 的排队情况,或及时取消订单。 等待换电时请避开换电站前的行车通道。
  • Please await your turn in the vicinity of the Power Swap Station and monitor the queue status on your center display or NIO App. Should you fail to take your turn, please contact the field specialist in a timely manner.

  • If you have to leave the Power Swap Station for some reason, please pay attention to the queuing status on the NIO App or cancel the order in time.

  • Please avoid the lane in front of the station when waiting for Power Swap.

Parking into Station

Tap "Activate Power Swap" and drive into the start area of the station as instructed on the center display at a speed lower than 18 km/h.

Caution 车速过快可能会导致爱车定位检测失败,请控制车速不超过18公里/时。请根据地面箭头指向行驶,并注意避开周围来往车辆和行人。如若遇到定位失败请联系现场专员接管爱车,手动倒车换电。请勿尝试自行倒车驶入换电站。
  • A high speed may cause positioning detection failure. Please keep the speed below 18 km/h.

  • Please drive as instructed by the arrows on the ground and avoid vehicles and pedestrians around.

  • If positioning detection fails, please contact the field specialist to take over your vehicle and manually reverse for power swap.

In the start area, press the brake pedal to stop the vehicle when the instrument cluster and NOMI prompt that the positioning is completed. Wait for the positioning detection.

Make sure to buckle up and close the doors while waiting in the start area.

Tap "Start Parking" and start driving into the station as instructed when "Release the brake pedal and the steering wheel" appears on the center display.

  • If the parking is paused due to an obstacle, the process will resume when the obstacle is removed.

  • If the parking is paused when the brake pedal is pressed accidentally, you can resume the process manually after confirming that the surroundings are clear of obstacles.

If the parking cannot be resumed, select "Cancel Parking" and exit your vehicle. The field specialist will manually swap the power for you.

After the vehicle is parked in place, follow the instructions on the center display for the power swap.

Caution 在泊入换电站前或在泊入的过程中,您需始终关注爱车周边环境,确认没有来往车辆、行人、儿童等,确保泊车过程安全 。 在泊入换电站的过程中,请不要接管加速踏板、解开安全带、离开主驾座位或打开车门。

Before or during parking into the power swap station, please always pay attention to your surroundings to confirm that there are no passing vehicles, pedestrians, children, etc. and ensure parking safety.

Please do not take over the accelerator pedal, unbuckle the seat belt, leave the driver’s seat, or open the door during parking into the power swap station.

Starting/Ending Power Swap

Power swap can be started with one tap after the vehicle is parked in place. Please carefully read the instructions on the center display and tap "Start Power Swap".

Your vehicle will automatically enter the Power Swap Mode and the center display will go off.

Warning 如果泊车未到位或爱车自动调整失败,请根据现场专员提示调整爱车;在换电过程中无法进行车窗、空调的调整,请提前调整至合适的位置;换电开始后,车身会有轻微起伏和声响,部分报警灯会暂时点亮,请不要恐慌; 换电过程请勿尝试打开车门、切换挡位、踩下制动踏板等操作,从而造成换电异常退出。

If your vehicle is not parked in place or failed to be automatically adjusted, please adjust your vehicle as instructed by the field specialist.

The windows or air conditioning cannot be adjusted during the power swap. Please adjust them to proper positions in advance.

During the power swap, it is normal that the vehicle jerks slightly with some noise and some warning lights are on temporarily.

During the process, do not try to open any door, shift gears, press the brake pedal, or perform other actions, which may cancel the power swap abnormally.

When the power swap is completed, the center display will light up with a prompt and the indicator in the station will turn green. You can then drive out of the station.

Caution 驶出换电站时请注意观察前方的车辆及行人,确认安全后再驶出换电站。

Please pay attention to any vehicles or pedestrians in front for safety before exiting the power swap station.

Parking Assist

Parking Assist monitors the surroundings of the vehicle using ultrasonic sensors when the vehicle is driving at a low speed to help you park safely.

In the parking process, audio and visual alerts are emitted to indicate the distance between the front or rear of your vehicle and the obstacle.


Audio alert frequency

Visual alert color

1.2-1.5 m



0.9-1.2 m

Once per second


0.6-0.9 m

Twice per second


0.3-0.6 m

Three times per second


Less than 0.3 m

High-frequency beeps


Warning 泊车辅助提示仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。泊车辅助提示作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用泊车辅助。您始终承担着安全驾驶、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

Parking Assist serves as a reference only, and cannot substitute your visual observation.

As a driving assist feature, Parking Assist cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions. You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Parking Assist only after your safety is ensured.

It is always your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is driven in a safe manner and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling/Disabling Parking Assist

You can enable Parking Assist in the following ways:

  • Swipe right on the home page to visit Quick Access and tap Surround View to enable this feature.

  • Enter the application launcher and touch Parking Camera.

  • Shift into REVERSE.

You can tap the upper right of the interface to turn off the audio alert.

Caution 爱车进入P挡或车速达到18公里/小时会自动退出。

Parking Alert will be automatically canceled when your vehicle is in PARK or moving faster than 18 km/h.

Caution 爱车前方和后方报警区域不超过150 厘米。

The range of the vehicle's front and rear detection cannot exceed 150 centimeters.

Warning 爱车的左右两侧车门对应区域内的障碍物无法被探测。

Obstacles that are located in the area around the doors on both sides of the vehicle cannot be detected.

Warning 以下情况超声波传感器受限,可能出现“前方泊车雷达故障”、“后方泊车雷达故障”、“泊车雷达系统故障”等信息,包括但不限于:

The vehicle may provide prompts such as "Front parking radar fault", "Rear parking radar fault", "Parking radar system fault", and other information due to ultrasonic sensors being restricted in certain situations, including but not limited to:

  • One or more ultrasonic sensors being damaged, misplaced, or blocked (by mud, ice or snow).

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze or other bad weather affecting the performance of the ultrasonic sensors.

  • The sensors receiving interference from other electronic equipment or devices.

Warning 超声波传感器可能对高度较低的障碍物,来自车身上方或车侧方的障碍物,较狭窄物体等类型的障碍物检测受限,您需要始终关注周边环境,否则可能导致财产或人身伤害,包括但不限于:

Ultrasonic sensor detection may be restricted for certain obstacles, including obstacles that are low or narrow, or which come from the top or side of the vehicle. In these cases, you should always pay attention to your surroundings. Failure to do so may result in property damage or personal injury. These obstacles include but are not limited to:

  • Pedestrians, children, and animals

  • Open parking locks, low stone blocks, low cylinders, thin rods, pointed objects, potholes, etc.

  • Height restriction barriers, height bars, or suspended structures

  • Obstacles on the side of the vehicle's body that may cause a collision or scratches

  • Bicycles, corners of walls and square columns in parking lots, etc.

Side Distance Indication System (SDIS)

Side Distance Indication System monitors the road ahead through ultrasonic sensors when the vehicle is driving at a low speed. When an obstacle is close to the vehicle, the Parking Camera is automatically activated to help with parking or driving on narrow roads.

Warning 窄路辅助功能提示仅供参考,无法替代您的目视检查。窄路辅助功能提示作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用窄路辅助功能。您始终承担着安全驾驶、且符合现行交通法律法规的最终责任。

Side Distance Indication System serves as a reference only, and cannot substitute your visual observation.

As a driving assist feature, Side Distance Indication System cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions. You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Side Distance Indication System if it is safe.

It is always your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle is driven in a safe manner and comply with applicable traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling/Disabling Side Distance Indication System

Side Distance Indication System can be enabled or disabled by the setting button on the Parking Camera interface.

The Parking Camera is activated automatically when the following conditions are all met:

  • The vehicle is in DRIVE.

  • The speed does not exceed 18 km/h.

  • There are obstacles in any of the front areas at a distance from the vehicle as in the following table.




Within 50 cm


Within 60 cm


Within 80 cm

You can tap the upper right of the interface to turn off the audio alert.

Automatic Deactivation of the Parking Camera

  • The Parking Camera interface will be automatically closed after 4.5 seconds since you have passed the obstacle.

  • After the Parking Camera interface is opened, pinch with five fingers to exit the interface. This will disable the Side Distance Indication System for three minutes, after which it will be enabled again.

  • If you want to re-enable Side Distance Indication System within 3 minutes, simply increase your speed to above 18 km/h. When the operating conditions are met again, the Parking Camera will be automatically activated.

Surround View Plus

This feature enables you to easily see the road conditions in the vehicle as if your vehicle chassis turned transparent, by taking the road images in advance with cameras and transmitting them to the center display in the vehicle.

You can enable this feature in the Parking Camera Settings interface.

Caution 动态透明底盘无法识别出车辆静止时车底环境可能发生的变化。使用时请谨慎驾驶,以实际环境为准,以免造成车辆损坏。

The Dynamic Transparent Chassis cannot detect possible environmental changes under the chassis when the vehicle is stationary. Please drive with caution and always pay attention to your surroundings to avoid damage to the vehicle.

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist (S-APA) with Fusion

Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist with Fusion (S-APA with Fusion) detects lines on the road or a parking space between two vehicles with surround view cameras and ultrasonic sensors to help you park.

S-APA with Fusion works for parallel and perpendicular parking, but not for angled or 3D parking.

Caution 若环视摄像头存在故障或者标定异常,您仍可以使用全自动泊车,但系统仅能使用超声波传感器搜索两辆车之间的泊车空位,无法识别地面划线车位。

If a surround view camera fault or abnormal calibration occurs, Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist can still be used, but the system can only identify parking spaces between two parked vehicles with ultrasonic sensors and cannot identify parking space line markings.

Warning 请勿在有坡度或者不平整的路面使用全自动泊车。

Do not use Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist on roads which are sloped or uneven.

Warning 全自动泊车系统的性能取决于环视摄像头以及超声波传感器对于环境的检测和识别能力。

The performance of Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist depends on the capabilities of the surround view camera and ultrasonic sensors to detect and identify the environment.

Warning 您应特别注意爱车旁边是否有行人、儿童、动物,和其他细、尖、矮、悬空等超声波传感器检测受限的障碍物,譬如地锁、低矮石墩、低矮圆柱体、细杆、尖锐物体、墙角、停车场方柱边角等。

You should pay special attention to pedestrians, children, and animals near your vehicle, and other fine, pointed, low or suspended obstacles undetected by the ultrasonic sensors, such as parking locks, low stone blocks, low cylinders, thin rods, pointed objects, corners of walls, and square columns in parking lots, etc.

Warning 全自动泊车作为一种驾驶辅助功能,无法应对所有交通、天气和道路状况。 您必须时刻关注交通状况及道路环境,并在确保安全的情况下自主决定是否使用全自动泊车。

As a driving assist feature, Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist cannot handle all situations in all traffic, weather and road conditions.

You must always pay attention to traffic and road conditions, and make your own decision on whether to use Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist if it is safe.

You should always be ready to take over if you find that the conditions of the traffic, road or the vehicle are not suitable for Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist, or there are other unsafe factors. You always bear the ultimate responsibility for parking safely and complying with current traffic laws and regulations.

Enabling Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion works as follows:

  1. Search for a parking space: Go to the dual-view image interface and enable parking space search. Drive slowly forward at or below 18 km/h and stop the vehicle when the digital instrument cluster shows that a parking space is found. Brake the vehicle and select a safe and appropriate parking space.

  2. Park the vehicle: After selecting a safe and appropriate parking space, start parking following the instructions on the screen. You need to continuously pay attention to your surroundings to ensure that the process is safe.

  3. Complete parking. The dual-view image interface displays "Parking completed".

The detailed operation procedure is as follows:

  1. Search for a parking space.

    When searching for a parking space, the vehicle should meet the following conditions:

    • The speed is below 18 km/h.

    • The vehicle is in DRIVE.

    • All doors are closed.

    • The driver is seated.

    • Adaptive Cruise Control/Pilot is disabled.

    • The ultrasonic sensors and surround view cameras function normally with a clear view.

    • The system is operating properly.

    • Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System, and Electronic Stability Program are not triggered.

    • Traction Control System and Electronic Stability Program are not disabled.

    When the above conditions are met, you can enable parking space search in one of the following ways:

    • When the parking camera is not on, tell NOMI "I want to park" to go to the dual-view image interface and start parking space search.

    • Swipe right on the home page of the center display to open the Quick Access interface. Then, tap S-APA with Fusion to enter the dual-view image interface and start parking space search.

    • Tap Parking Camera to go to the 360° surround view interface, switch to the dual-view image interface, and tap in the upper-left corner to start parking space search.

    After starting parking space search, maintain a distance of 0.5-1.5 meters between your vehicle and the target parking space and drive forward at or below 18 km/h to search for a parking space.

    When a white letter "P" is displayed on the left or right side of the My Vehicle icon during a parking space search, it indicates a parking space on the corresponding side has been found. If the white letter "P" appears on both sides of the icon, it indicates parking spaces have been found on both sides.

    In this case, stop the vehicle and confirm that the parking space is safe and appropriate. If there are multiple parking spaces available, you can manually select one on the dual-view image interface.

    Note 开始搜索车位后,若爱车挂入 R 挡并后退,车位搜索将保持。

    After the vehicle starts searching a parking space, if you shift into REVERSE and backup the vehicle, it will continue searching.

    Caution 若车速大于约 18 公里/小时,车位搜索会自动退出。

    When the vehicle's speed is above 18 km/h, the parking space search will be automatically canceled.

    Caution 若搜索车位时,车辆前进方向与道路方向偏角过大,会影响最终泊车的效果。

    When searching for parking spaces, parking may not be successful if the vehicle's direction has significantly deviated from the direction of the road.

    Caution 狭窄通道上的泊车空位或者狭窄的泊车空位可能不会被选为停车位,因为不具备必要的操作空间,比如有立柱侵入的停车位、泊车空间过短或过窄的停车位。

    Parking spaces on narrow roads or spaces that are too narrow may not be selected due to a lack of space, such as parking spaces with columns, parking spaces with short parking distance, or narrow parking spaces.

    Warning 您必须始终自行检查并确认系统搜索到的停车位安全且合适泊车,切勿依赖全自动泊车搜索合适的停车位。系统可能会在道路上、通道入口、灌木丛等地方误识别到停车位,需要您判定停车位合理性。全自动泊车功能无法判断搜索到的停车位是否合法,需要您确认停车位合法后再开始启动泊车程序。

    You must always check and confirm if the detected parking space is safe and suitable for parking. Do not rely solely on Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist to search for suitable parking spaces. The system may misidentify parking spaces on roads, at entrances, in bushes, etc. You need to determine if the parking space is suitable. Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist cannot determine if the detected parking space is legal. You need to confirm if the space is permitted for parking before starting to park.

  2. Park the vehicle

    After a safe and appropriate parking space is selected, fasten your seat belt and release the steering wheel and the brake pedal as instructed to proceed to S-APA with Fusion. During the parking process, the interface displays the current gear and the remaining distance in the current gear for your reference. You need to continuously pay attention to your surroundings to ensure that the process is safe.

    After a parking space is selected, tap the parking space again before releasing the brake pedal to deselect the current parking space.

    When the vehicle is parked in the selected parking space, the letter "P" on one side of the My Vehicle icon will turn green on the digital instrument cluster.

    When S-APA with Fusion is activated, the turn signal for the target parking space will be turned on.

    Caution 请在车辆提示“请松开刹车和方向盘”后,再释放制动踏板,以免泊车功能退出,车辆后退。

    Please only release the brake pedal when you receive the prompt “Release the brake pedal and the steering wheel” on the center display. Otherwise, Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist will cancel and the vehicle will move backwards.

    Warning 释放制动踏板前,请确保双手和手臂不在方向盘轮廓和运行范围内,以免方向盘快速转动导致受伤 。但请随时准备通过踩下制动踏板中止功能或接管车辆。

    Before releasing the brake pedal, make sure that your hands and arms do not interfere with the steering wheel to avoid any injuries caused by its rapid movement. When parking, always be prepared to apply the brakes to cancel the process or take over.

    Warning 在狭小场地自动泊车,限制了传感器准确检测障碍物位置的能力,可能导致车辆或周围物体损坏的风险上升。

    Parking in a narrow parking space may affect the performance of the sensors, which can increase the risk of damaging the vehicle or surrounding objects.

    Warning 泊车过程中,您作为行车安全负责人,需实时关注车辆周边环境,确保泊车过程的安全,并做好随时接管车辆的准备。尤其需要重点关注周围是否有行人、儿童、动物,和其他细、尖、矮、悬空等超声波传感器检测受限的障碍物。

    You are responsible for driving safely. Always pay attention to your surroundings when parking, ensure that the parking process is safe, and be prepared to take over at any time. In particular, you should pay special attention to pedestrians, children, or animals near your vehicle, and other fine, pointed, low, or suspended obstacles the ultrasonic sensors may not be able to detect.

    The center display only shows available parking spaces that Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist is capable of parking in, which are subject to both the size of the parking space and its surroundings. If you spot any obstacles that suddenly appear around the car while parking, take over immediately as the system may not apply the brakes in time.

  3. Complete parking

    When the dual-view image interface reads "Parking completed", parking is completed and the letter "P" on one side of the icon of your vehicle in the instrument cluster will turn green.

    After parking, you may need to make further adjustments to ensure that your vehicle is in the optimal parking position.

    Before leaving your vehicle, please ensure that the Electric Parking Brake is on and the gear is shifted into PARK.

    Caution 受周围环境影响,系统可能会提前完成泊车,需要您酌情调整车辆位置。

    Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist may finish earlier due to the surroundings. In this case, you may need to adjust the vehicle's position manually.

Pause Parking

You can pause a parking operation by pressing the brake pedal.

When the vehicle is backing vertically into the parking space in the S-APA with Fusion Mode, the system will pause the parking if it detects any safety risks or finds it unable to ensure the parking result, and will request you to confirm whether to continue with the parking.

To resume the parking, you need to check your surroundings to make sure it is safe to park, release the brake pedal, and tap "Resume parking" on the center display.

Caution 若泊车过程中暂停次数过多,会影响最终泊车的效果。

Parking may be impaired if you pause too many times during the parking process.

Canceling Shiftless Automatic Parking Assist

You can manually cancel parking. After canceling S-APA, immediately take over control of speed and steering. S-APA is canceled in the following ways:

  • Press the brake pedal and shift gears.

  • Tap "Cancel parking" on the dual-view image interface after parking is paused.

  • Close the dual-view image interface.

  • Swipe the reminder on the screen upward.

In addition, S-APA is canceled in the following situations and you must immediately take over control:

  • The vehicle is too close to obstacles.

  • The accelerator pedal is pressed.

  • The speed is above 9 km/h.

  • The hood, tailgate, or any door is open.

  • The Electric Parking Brake is on.

  • Anti-Lock Braking System, Traction Control System, or Electronic Stability Program is triggered.

  • The driver unfastens the seat belt or leaves the seat.

  • The parking operation is paused for more than 30 seconds.

  • The parking operation is paused too many times.

  • Too many back and forth adjustments are made.

  • Parking times out.

  • The system has a fault.

  • The driver interferes with steering wheel movement.

When S-APA with Fusion is canceled unintentionally, the letter "P" on the instrument cluster will be in red.

Precautions and Restrictions

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion may fail to operate as intended in some road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion on inclined or sloped roads. Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion is only for level roads.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion on uneven roads or steps. S-APA with Fusion is only for flat surfaces.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion when there is water, mud, potholes, snow, ice, speed bumps, or obstacles on the road.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion if the curb is made of special material or cannot be detected. Otherwise, improper parking may lead to damage to the tire rim. In such cases, immediately take over control.

Ultrasonic sensor detection may not fully function for certain obstacles, and you must be prepared to take over control at any time. Failure to do so may result in property loss or personal injury. Such obstacles include but are not limited to:

  • Pedestrians, children, and animals

  • Thin, pointed, low-hanging obstacles, such as parking locks, low stone blocks, low cylinders, short thin rods, and sharp objects

  • Corners of walls or columns in parking lots

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion may fail to operate at all or as intended due to the limitations of ultrasonic sensors in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • One or more ultrasonic sensors are damaged, mispositioned, or blocked (by mud, ice, or snow).

  • Rain, snow, fog, haze, or other weather conditions that affect the performance of ultrasonic sensors.

  • The sensors suffer interference from other electronic equipment or devices.

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion may fail to operate at all or as intended due to the limitations of surround view cameras in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • The surround view cameras are mispositioned due to damage to the left or right side mirror or the front or rear end of the vehicle.

  • The surround view cameras are stained (by dirt, ice, or snow) or obstructed.

  • There is strong sunlight or dappled shade of trees.

  • There is poor lighting (darkness), severe reflection on the road surface, or poor visibility (due to rain, snow, or fog).

  • The parking space is too narrow or wide, or is tiled.

  • The parking space lines are damaged, unclear, covered, or overlapping.

  • There is a round or square pillar near the parking space.

  • The parking space is on a corner.

  • The system may fail to exclude parking spaces with no parking lines, traffic cones, a no parking sign or parking space lock, or private parking spaces.

  • The system may fail to exclude parking spaces with obstacles, such as pedestrians, bicycles, tricycles, short objects, or bricks.

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion may fail to operate as intended in some vehicle conditions, including but not limited to:

  • S-APA with Fusion may fail to operate as intended in some road conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion when a trailer is connected to the rear of the vehicle.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion if the vehicle is fitted with snow chains or spare tires.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion if loaded goods protrude from the vehicle.

  • Non-original tires or low tire pressure can affect wheel maneuvers. Ensure that your tires are original and the tire pressure is normal before enabling S-APA with Fusion.

Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion may fail to operate as intended in some parking space conditions, including but not limited to:

  • When the target parking space is close to roadside fences, high walls, street lights, trees, bushes, pillars, these obstacles may affect the parking result and even cause vehicle damage.

  • Parking may be affected when the target parking space is on a curve.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion for angled parking.

  • Do not use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion when there is a parking space lock, traffic cone, shopping cart, lamp pole, or other obstacles in the target parking space.

Some conditions may cause poor visibility. Do not use S-APA in conditions including but not limited to:

  • One of the two side mirrors is blurred, damaged, or in an abnormal position.

  • The surround view cameras are blurred, damaged, or in abnormal positions.

  • Visibility is poor due to bad weather (such as rain, snow, fog, or haze).

  • Visibility is poor at night or due to insufficient light.

Do not repeatedly use Shiftless Advanced Parking Assist with Fusion in some situations, including but not limited to:

  • High-speed driving or multiple parking operations may trigger overheat protection for the steering system. Do not use S-APA repeatedly for an extended period.

Side Mirror Auto-Tilt

When you shift into REVERSE, the side mirrors tilt down for a better viewing angle of the two sides of the vehicle.

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Auto-Tilt When Reversing to enable or disable this feature.

Powering Off

When you reach your destination and shift into PARK, the parking brake automatically engages. At this time, is displayed on the digital instrument cluster, indicating that Electric Parking Brake is on.

When you lock the vehicle from the outside, it powers off automatically and turns off the center display and instrument cluster.

You can shift into PARK as follows:

  • Press the PARK button to the side of the gear selector on the center console.

  • Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Electric Parking Brake .

When is displayed on the digital instrument cluster, the braking system is not functioning properly. In this case, please drive with caution and promptly contact NIO.

Warning 下车前务必确保爱车处于P挡,以免爱车移动导致伤害或损坏。

Ensure that the vehicle is in PARK before you get out of the vehicle. Failure to do so may cause injury or damage if the vehicle moves.

Closing Windows

Quick Window Controls

You can quickly adjust your windows with the following settings:

  • Close: Fully close all four windows.

  • Ajar: Open the left front window and right rear window by 10%.

  • Open: Fully open all four windows.

  • Memory: Save the current window positions. Press and hold to reset the memory.

Privacy Glass

The rear windows of your car are made of privacy glass to ensure your privacy. When the rear windows are closed, the backseats are not visible from the outside.

Side Door Open Warning (SDO)

The Side Door Open Warning prevents you or the passenger from colliding with other vehicles in adjacent lanes when opening the door and exiting.

Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap ADAS > Side Door Open Warning to enable or disable this feature.

When enabled, the vehicle alerts you by:

  • Turning the ambient lighting to red.

  • Displaying icons on the side mirrors.

  • Emitting audio alerts.

  • Displaying “Mind the traffic behind” on the instrument cluster

Note 侧方开门预警的监测区域为爱车最外侧外2.5米,及其向后的70米。侧方开门预警可监测的目标车速最大为70公里/小时。

The detection range for this feature is 2.5 meters from the outermost side of the vehicle and 70 meters from the rear. The maximum driving speed that can be detected is 70 km/h.

Caution 爱车处于驾驶员就座状态且任一车门打开,该功能才可启用。

This feature only activates when the driver is present and a door is open.

Caution 当周围环境噪音较大时,例如车内音响音量过大或车外过于嘈杂,报警声可能会听不见。

The chime may not be heard if the environmental noise is too loud, such as when the audio system is played at high volumes or the surrounding environment is too noisy.

Warning 请注意保持保险杠雷达安装处以及附近区域的清洁,若覆盖有泥土,冰雪,金属板,胶带,标签,树叶等都会影响其性能而无法正常报警。
  • Radars are mounted on or behind the bumper. Keep the bumper clean and free of mud, ice, metal plates, stickers, labels and leaves. Failure to do so may impact the performance of the radars.

  • If this feature does not function properly due to a collision, scratches, radar failure or malfunction, please contact NIO as soon as possible.

  • If the radar malfunctions for a long period of time and fails to receive any fault-related alerts, please contact NIO as soon as possible.

  • This feature only detects and alerts you to vehicles and large motorcycles or objects, and may have a delay or even fail to detect or alert you to objects such as pedestrians, bicycles or skateboards.

  • This features does not alert you to stationary objects. False warnings may be generated by certain metal fences, median strips or concrete walls.

  • Heavy rain, snow, fog and other extreme weather conditions may impair radar performance. Please drive with caution.

  • Never use this feature in Tow Mode.

Locking From the Outside

Before leaving the vehicle, you need to lock the vehicle with the smart key fob.

When all doors are closed, press the lock button on the smart key fob to lock the vehicle. If successful, the turn signals flash once and the horn honks once to indicate that the vehicle is locked. To enable/disable the lock confirmation sound, enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Sounds > Ringer & Alerts > Lock Confirmation Sound.

Caution 智能钥匙亏电时可使用物理应急钥匙上锁驾驶侧车门,所有车门随之一同上锁。

When the key fob battery is low, use the emergency key to lock the driver’s door. All other doors will be locked at the same time.

When the driver's side door is closed and the passenger's side door is opened, you can press the lock button on the smart key fob outside the vehicle to lock the vehicle. When all the doors are closed, the turn signals flash once and the horn honks once to indicate that the vehicle is locked.

Note 主驾车门关闭且车辆上锁后,若您在关闭其余车门时不慎将智能钥匙留在车内,此时车辆将启用防误锁功能,车辆自动解锁,转向灯闪烁三次且喇叭鸣响三次。

After closing the driver’s door and locking the vehicle, if you accidentally leave the smart key fob in the vehicle when closing another door then the anti-lockout feature will activate automatically. In this case, the vehicle will unlock automatically, the turn signals will flash three times, and the horn will honk three times.

When the vehicle is in PARK, enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Locks > Auto Window Close. In this case, when you lock the vehicle from the outside (using key fob, NFC or mobile app, without a key, or via Walk-Away Lock), all the windows and the sunroof will close automatically with anti-pinch protection engaged. When the windows and the sunroof are closing, if you press the lock button on the key fob or mobile app, the windows and sunroof will stop closing.

Note 若车内有人时,锁车时仅车辆上锁,车辆车窗及天窗不执行关闭动作,守护车内人员安全。
  • When turning on Auto Window Close, please ensure the vehicle is locked.

  • For occupants’ safety, when a front seat is occupied, if the vehicle is locked, the windows and the sunroof will not close. Please do not leave occupants or pets in the locked vehicle.

  • If the vehicle is locked while a window is rising, the window will stop rising. In this case, unlock the vehicle first, then lock the vehicle again, and the windows will close automatically.

Keyless Locking

When you carry an authenticated smart key fob (in your pocket or bag), you can lock the vehicle by pressing the rear end of any exterior door handle.

Note 进行无钥匙上锁操作时,车辆需挂 P 挡且车门、前盖及尾门均关上。

When locking the vehicle without a key, you should put the vehicle in PARK, and ensure all doors, hood and liftgate are closed.

If the key fob is left in the vehicle or a door is open (including the hood or the liftgate), the vehicle cannot be locked by pressing the rear end of an exterior door handle. In this case, the horn honks to remind you to take the key fob with you or close the open door.

Caution 进行无钥匙上锁操作时,请勿使用蛮力按压车外门把手。

When locking the vehicle without a key, avoid pressing too hard on the exterior door handle.

Walk-Away Lock

The vehicle automatically locks when you are around 8-10 meters away from the vehicle and carrying an authenticated key fob. When the vehicle is locked by Walk-Away Lock, the horn honks, the turn signals flash, and the side mirrors fold automatically if Auto-Fold is enabled.

Walk-Away Lock is set to off by default. To turn on/off the Walk-Away Lock, enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Locks > Walk-Away Lock. Please only use Walk-Away Lock in familiar and safe areas. After Walk-Away Lock is turned on, be sure to carry an authenticated smart key fob with you and check that the vehicle is successfully locked as you walk away.

Warning 离开车辆时请确认车辆已成功自动上锁,保障车内财产安全。
  • When Walk-Away Lock is turned on, ensure that no child or pet is left in the vehicle so as to avoid any accidents.

  • When using Walk-Away Lock, please ensure the vehicle is locked via the lock sound or visual checks (headlights, side mirrors or the NIO app), so as to protect the property inside your vehicle.

  • When there is another authenticated smart key fob in the vehicle or any other condition for locking is not met (such as a door, the hood, or the liftgate not being closed or turning Walk-Away Lock off on the center display), Walk-Away Lock will fail.

  • Please do not place your smart key fob close to a mobile phone, Bluetooth headset, or other communication devices. Otherwise, the vehicle may be locked by mistake due to signal interference.

  • Equipment with a strong magnetic field such as DC chargers or high voltage substations may interfere with the smart key fob’s signal, which may lock the vehicle by mistake in certain cases. It is recommended to carry your smart key fob with you to avoid any inconvenience caused by the unintended locking of the vehicle.

Locking with the NIO App

You can remotely unlock the doors when you are still away from the vehicle by tapping Doors in My Car on NIO app.

To lock the doors on the NIO app, ensure that the following conditions are met:
  1. The user must be the vehicle's owner or a user authorized by the owner.

  2. The vehicle is in PARK and all doors are closed.

  3. The vehicle is connected to the Internet.

Note 如果用户因故无法使用手机 APP 执行上锁操作,可以呼叫蔚来汽车服务中心寻求帮助。

If you are unable to lock the doors using the NIO app, please contact NIO for assistance.

Locking With NFC

When the vehicle is in PARK and the doors, hood, and liftgate are closed, you can lock the vehicle using the NFC card or .

Place the NFC card close to the NFC detection zone on the driver’s side B pillar and hold it for 10 seconds to lock the vehicle automatically. If successful, the door handles will retract automatically with a locking sound.

Caution NFC卡片功能的检测距离小于 10mm,建议将手机贴近 NFC 识别处上方并停留 2 秒,以进行 NFC 上锁操作。
  • The NFC's detection range is less than 10 millimeters. It is recommended to place your mobile phone or NFC card near the NFC detection area for a short period of time to lock the vehicle.

  • After locking the vehicle via NFC, you can still unlock it using other methods (e.g. your smart key fob or emergency key). We recommend carrying your smart key fob with you.

  • Please keep your NFC card safe. Protect it from impact, bending, high temperatures, strong vibration and damage from liquids.

  • You cannot use the NFC feature during vehicle updates. Please carry the smart key fob with you to lock the vehicle.

Locking From the Inside

When the vehicle is unlocked and all doors are closed, you can lock the vehicle from the inside by pressing the central lock. After locking, a Vehicle Locked icon appear on the center display and the button turns green

Drive-Away Lock

The vehicle automatically locks while driving.

If the vehicle is unlocked and all doors, hood, and liftgate are closed, the vehicle is locked automatically while driving at a speed over 15 km/h.

Note 车辆由静止到行驶的过程中,只能触发一次自动上锁功能。

Drive Away Locking will only be activated once the vehicle transitions from being stationary to moving.

Anti-Theft Alarm System

After the vehicle is locked (including the hood and liftgate) from the outside with the smart key fob, NIO app, NFC key or emergency key, the anti-theft alarm system is activated automatically.

When someone tries to open the door without carrying an authenticated smart key fob (or carries one without a valid authorization), the anti-theft alarm will be triggered. At this time, the turn signals flash and the horn honks. You can unlock the vehicle from the outside with the smart key fob, NIO app or NFC key to deactivate the anti-theft alarm.

Caution 智能钥匙亏电时,若使用物理应急钥匙解锁车辆,需在解锁后 15 秒内将智能钥匙水平放置(按键朝向车尾)在中控台前杯托处,然后就座并关闭主驾车门或踩下制动踏板,否则车辆将自动启动防盗警报。

If the key fob’s battery is low and you need to unlock the vehicle with the emergency key, please place the key fob level on the front cup holder next to the center console within 15 seconds and ensure the button on the side of the key fob is facing the rear of the vehicle. Next, sit in the driver’s seat and close the driver’s side door or press the brake pedal. Otherwise, the anti-theft alarm will be activated.

Emergency Locking

When you are unable to lock the vehicle from the outside with one of the aforementioned methods, you can use the emergency key to lock the driver's door. All other doors will be locked at the same time.

Caution 请将物理应急钥匙带出车外并妥善保管,以备紧急解锁或上锁时使用。

Do not leave the emergency key in your vehicle. Please keep it safe in case of emergency.

To use the emergency key:

  1. Push the front end of the exterior handle on the driver’s door.

  2. Pull the door handle and insert the emergency key into the lock. Rotate the key counterclockwise to lock the driver's door.

When the 12V battery level is low, only the driver's side door will be locked by the emergency key. If you want to lock the other doors, you can toggle the switch at the keyhole down and close the door to lock it. In this case, the door cannot be opened from outside.

Exterior Rearview Mirror Auto Folding

When your vehicle is locked from the outside, the exterior rearview mirrors can be folded automatically. They will extend automatically the next time the driver is seated in the driver seat (the driver's door needs to be closed or the brake pedal depressed).

You can set the automatic folding of the exterior rearview mirrors to be turned on by going to the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tapping Driving > Rearview Mirrors > Auto-Fold Mirrors After Locking.

If you want to fold the exterior rearview mirrors manually through the knob, your vehicle speed must be below 40 km/h, and the manual operation of the knob is required to resume the deployment of the exterior rearview mirrors.

Side Mirror Manual Fold and Heating

When driving on narrow roads (at below 40 km/h), you can manually fold or unfold the side mirrors. The side mirrors are equipped with a heating feature to quickly dry rain or snow on them.

  1. Folding side mirrors

    Turn the side mirror knob to the folding position to fold the side mirrors, and turn the knob to other positions to unfold them.

  2. Controlling side mirror heating

    Turn the knob to the heating position from another position to turn on the side mirror heating. The heating will not be turned on if the knob stays in the heating position.

    The side mirror heating automatically turns off after 30 minutes.

Auto-Dimming Rear-View Mirror

When the driver's seat is occupied, the rear-view and side mirrors feature auto-dimming (not available when the vehicle is in PARK or the front reading lights are on) to reduce the glare of headlights from vehicles behind you.

When the driver's seat is occupied, the rear-view features auto-dimming (not available when the vehicle is in PARK or the front reading lights are on) to reduce the glare of headlights from vehicles behind you.

Charging Instructions

You can charge the vehicle before leaving it. In order to maintain the vehicle in good condition, please promptly charge the vehicle when the battery level is low.

Caution 车辆在驻车状态时才可进行充电,车辆处于驾驶状态(将挡位置于R挡或D挡时)及软件升级状态时不可进行充电。

The vehicle can only be charged in PARK. It cannot be charged in DRIVE or REVERSE, or during software updates.

The charge port is on the right side of the vehicle. The vehicle can be charged in two ways:
  1. By standard charging (AC), which takes a longer time to charge the vehicle.

  2. By fast charging (DC), which takes a shorter time to charge the vehicle.

Warning 为避免出现意外,请不要在有易燃气体或液体的地方进行充电作业,请到通风处进行充电。 因高压危险,充电作业时请与充电桩保持一定距离。
  • To avoid accidents, do not charge the vehicle near any flammable gases or liquids and make sure to charge the vehicle in a ventilated area.

  • During charging, stay a safe distance from the charger to avoid any risks due to high voltage. Do not touch the charging connector’s metal pins or the charge port. Doing so may result in injury.

  • Minors are prohibited from using the charging equipment or approaching it during charging.

  • Charging equipment which shows signs of damage, rust, moisture or foreign matter should not be used for charging the vehicle.

  • Unauthorized modification or disassembly of the charging connector or equipment is prohibited.

  • Please use charging equipment that complies with local standards when charging the vehicle. Otherwise, it may result in a charging failure or cause damage to the vehicle, the charging equipment, or personal injury.

  • Do not charge the vehicle in heavy rain or extreme weather conditions. Doing so may result in a charging failure or cause damage to either the vehicle or the charging equipment.

  • Before charging, please check the charging connector and the vehicle’s charge port for any deformation, burn marks, or erosion. If any abnormality is found, do not charge the vehicle. Otherwise, it may result in damage to the vehicle, the charging device, or personal injury. Please contact NIO if necessary.

  • Before charging, please check the charging connector and the vehicle’s charge port for any dirt or foreign matter. The connector should be kept clean and failure to do so may result in a charging failure or damage to the vehicle’s charge port.

  • If the charging equipment malfunctions, please contact the charging equipment manufacturer. Do not attempt to fix it yourself.

  • After rain, please check if there is water in the charge port before charging the vehicle. Do not charge the vehicle when there is an obvious indicator of water in the charge port. Doing so may result in a charging failure or cause damage to either the vehicle or the charging equipment.

  • Do not use high pressure washers to clean the charge port while charging. Doing so may result in a charging failure or cause damage to either the vehicle or the charging equipment.

  • During fast charging, patients who are dependent on cardiac pacemakers should stay away from the vehicle in order to avoid electromagnetic interference between the cardiac pacemaker and the charging equipment. .

  • If the vehicle has a peculiar smell or emits smoke while charging, stop charging and contact NIO immediately.

  • Do not remove the charging connector before charging is completed. Doing so may cause an electric arc.

Caution 请勿同时为车辆进行快充和慢充,以免损坏车辆。环境温度过高或过低时都将影响充电时间,车辆长时间处于低温下将影响电池容量。下雨天仍可为车辆充电,但在充电枪插拔过程中请注意充电枪口及车辆充电口的遮雨防护。
  • Do not carry out slow charging and fast charging simultaneously. Doing so may damage the vehicle.

  • If the environmental temperature is too high or too low, the charging time will be affected. If the vehicle is kept in a low temperature environment for a long period of time, the battery capacity will be affected.


You can charge your vehicle with Power Home, a public charger, or portable charging connector.

Charging Process

  1. Shift into PARK, press the charge port cover, or swipe right on the center display and tap Charge Port to deploy the charge port cover. The charge port indicator is in solid blue.

    Caution 充电口饰板旋转运动过程中请勿用力拨动,以免损坏充电口饰板。打开充电口盖时请确保已关闭车辆高压电源。

    Do not forcefully adjust the charge port cover when it is active or open. Doing so may damage the cover.

  2. Check if the charging equipment and connector are in good condition and plug the charging connector into the charge port on the vehicle. At this time, the charge port and charging connector start pairing. A blue charge port indicator lights up to indicate the charge port is operating correctly. If the charge port and charging connector fail to pair correctly or pairing times out, the indicator will flash blue and then go out. In this case, plug the charging connector again.

  3. Power on the charging equipment to start charging. You can check the current charging status by touching My ES8 > Battery on the center display or on the NIO app. The blue charge port indicator will indicate the current charging progress.

  4. If you need to stop the charging manually, you need to unlock the vehicle and stop the charging by touching My ES8 > Battery on the center display or on the NIO app). Then, remove the charging connector after the charge port indicator turns into solid green.

    When charging completes, you need to unlock the vehicle using your key fob or from the center display before removing the charging connector.

    Caution 交流充电时车辆如全车上锁,将无法拔出充电枪,切勿强行拔下充电枪。

    During AC charging, whether the vehicle is locked or not, the charging connector cannot be removed from the vehicle. In this case, do not forcibly unplug the connector.

  5. If the charge port indicator flash red during the charging process, try another charger. If it continues to flash red, stop charging immediately and contact NIO.

  6. After removing the charging connector, return it to its original position and press the close button near the charge port or tap the Charge Port on the center display to close it automatically.

    Note 使用蔚来家充桩充电时,充电口饰板将在充电枪从桩上拔下时自动打开,在充电枪从车辆拔下后自动关闭。如充电口饰板自动旋转关闭过程中卡滞在充电枪上,可长按5秒钟充电口关闭按钮,此时充电口饰板将自动打开。

    When you charge your vehicle using NIO Power Home, the charge port cover will automatically open if you remove the charger from the port and will automatically close if you remove the charger from your vehicle. If the charge port cover is stuck on the charger while rotating to close automatically, press+hold the close button for 5 seconds, and the charge port cover will open automatically.

When Unable to Remove the Connector

If the charging connector cannot be removed after the vehicle is unlocked, please try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the charging connector unlock button is popped up by firmly plugging the connector in, lock and then unlock the vehicle again, press and hold the charging connector unlock button for one to two seconds, and then unplug the connector after the indicator on the charge port turns solid green.

  2. Open the hood, pull the emergency unlock cable to unlatch the charge port, and try to remove the charging connector.

  3. If the problem persists, please stop charging immediately and contact NIO.

Battery Level and Charging Display

The current state of the high voltage battery and battery-related warning messages are displayed on the digital instrument cluster.

  1. Current power

    Indicates the current power of the high voltage battery or power gained through regenerative braking.

  2. Energy bars

    The blue energy bar indicates the power of the high voltage battery. The green energy bar indicates the power gained through regenerative braking.

  3. Remaining range

    Indicates the estimated driving range available.

    When the remaining driving range is less than 60 kilometers, the icon will turn yellow; when the remaining driving range is less than 10 kilometers, the icon will turn red.

You can press the menu button on the right side of the steering wheel and select "Vehicle Info" to check the current and voltage of the high voltage battery.

The battery-related indicators on the digital instrument cluster are:



Low battery level

Indicates that the high voltage battery level is low. Please promptly charge the battery or contact NIO when necessary.

High voltage battery cutoff

Indicates that the vehicle's high voltage power is off. Please contact NIO when necessary.

12V battery charging fault

Please contact NIO immediately when this indicator lights up.

High voltage battery fault

Please stop the vehicle and contact NIO immediately when this indicator lights up.

High voltage battery overtemperature

Please stop the vehicle and contact NIO immediately when this indicator lights up.

Icy/Snowy road

Indicates that the current ambient temperature is too low and may affect high voltage battery performance.

Charging cable connected

Indicates that a charging cable is connected.

Battery Warmup

The charging speed of high voltage batteries tends to decrease at low temperatures such as in winter. When Battery Warmup is turned on, the battery can be pre-heated before the vehicle arrives at the charging point (charging station ) to improve the charging efficiency.

Low-Temperature Battery Warmup

Low-Temperature Battery Warmup is turned on by default. To turn it off, enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display and select Battery. With this feature on, if a charging station is set as the destination or a waypoint for navigation, the vehicle will automatically pre-heat the battery for improved charging efficiency when there is enough power to get to the station. Low-Temperature Battery Warmup can be used to preheat the battery and will not cause energy waste.

In the Navigation Mode, Low-Temperature Battery Warmup will be automatically activated when the following conditions are met, with the preconditioning status displayed on the top status bar of the center display:

  • A charging station or a service area with a charging station is set as the navigation destination or a waypoint.

  • The driver is seated.

You can manually turn off this feature by selecting "Turn Off This Time" (on by default next time) or "Turn Off".

The preconditioning process will end automatically when any of the following conditions is met (the feature remains on):

  • The charging connector is connected.

  • The navigation is turned off or the navigation to the charging station is stopped.

  • The power is not enough to cover the remaining 20 km to the destination with preconditioning turned on.

Manual Battery Warmup

Manual Battery Warmup is turned off by default. It is recommended that you turn it on at low temperatures on the Battery page on the center display if you are familiar with the route to the charging point and can get there without navigation. This allows the high voltage battery to be pre-heated for improved charging efficiency.

You can turn on or off this feature on the center display , and preconditioning status will be displayed on the top status bar of the center display.

The preconditioning process will end automatically when any of the following conditions is met (the feature remains off):

  • The charging connector is connected.

  • The battery has been pre-heated to the set temperature and maintained for 1 hour.

Caution 手动充电预热功能
  • Enabling battery warmup may consume some power. Please plan your travel properly or turn it off as needed.

  • When Low-Temperature Battery Warmup is activated, manual preconditioning will not be available.

  • Manual Battery Warmup cannot determine the remaining range with preconditioning turned on. Please make sure that the power is enough for the trip to the destination before turning on this feature.

Follow Me Home

When you walk away from the vehicle after locking it and preparing for charging, the Follow Me Home will illuminate the road ahead of you.

When you leave your vehicle at night, the low beams and position lights turn on to illuminate the road ahead for you. Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Lights > Courtesy Headlights, and set how long the lights stay on after locking.

If you have turned on the wheel arch lights by touching Lights > Wheel Arch Lights, the wheel arch lights will be turned on automatically when the vehicle is locked to improve the visibility of the surrounding environment.

Vehicle Health Status

Please check the vehicle status regularly to keep it in the best condition. You can touch My ES8 > Health on the center display to check vehicle health status.

On this interface, the vehicle performs a self-inspection and displays the current health status.

Maintenance Instructions

To ensure that the vehicle can operate normally and bring a good driving and riding experience, you need to conduct regular vehicle maintenance.

In light of the complexity of vehicle systems and the after-sales service requirements of electric vehicles, we recommend you to bring your vehicle to NIO's service center for routine maintenance regularly and required inspection annually. If you have any inquiries about the vehicle inspection, please contact NIO at any time.

If your vehicle is left unused for a long time or has been flooded, we recommend you to bring your vehicle to NIO's service center for a comprehensive inspection and maintenance. If you have any inquiries, please contact NIO.

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring vehicle performance, reducing vehicle usage costs, and extending the vehicle's service life. It is recommended that you visit the NIO Service Center regularly for maintenance according to the following requirements.

Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance is a very important measure to ensure driving safety and reduce vehicle malfunctions. Before driving, you shall check the following items. If you find any abnormalities, please contact the NIO Service Center in time.

  • Check the status of the high voltage battery on the center display or NIO APP.

  • Check all external lights, horns, turn signal lights, and hazard warning lights.

  • Check the wipers and windshield washers.

  • Check the operation of the brakes, including the parking brake.

  • Check the operation of the seat belts.

  • Check if there are indicator lights abnormally lit or text warning messages on the instrument cluster.

  • Check each tire's tire pressure and for damage and abnormal wear.

  • Check if there is any abnormal accumulation of fluid under the vehicle body (it is normal for water to accumulate due to dehumidification by the air conditioning system).

  • Check the vehicle body for pollutants that can damage the paint (such as bird droppings, resin, asphalt spots, insects, and industrial dust).

  • Check each switch for any abnormal operation.

Maintenance schedule

In normal driving conditions, it is recommended that you follow the following maintenance items and intervals according to the usage of your vehicle to ensure that your vehicle is always in optimal performance.

Based on the overall market performance of the vehicle, NIO may adjust the suggested maintenance schedule for regular maintenance. When the maintenance schedule is adjusted, the user manual will be updated synchronously. Please refer to the latest maintenance schedule.

  • Perform a NIO standard regular inspection every year or every 20,000 kilometers.

  • Replace the front wiper blades every year or every 20,000 kilometers, and the rear wiper blades (if any) depending on their conditions.

  • Check the coolant every year or every 20,000 kilometers, and add it if necessary.

  • Check the brake discs every year or every 20,000 kilometers, and replace them if necessary.

  • Check the brake pads every year or every 20,000 kilometers, and replace them if necessary.

  • Replace the air conditioning filter every year or every 20,000 kilometers.

  • Replace the gearbox oil every 20,0000 kilometers.

  • Check the brake fluid every year and replace it every three years.

  • Check the 12V battery every year and replace it every two years.

  • Replace the central controller battery every five years.

If your vehicle is frequently driven in the following harsh environments, additional maintenance items or shorter maintenance intervals may be required. For specific information, please contact the NIO Service Center.

  • Driving in a dusty environment.

  • Driving in cold (below -20 ℃) or high temperature (above 40 ℃) environments.

  • Driving in a humid environment or frequently wading in water.

  • Driving on roads with high salt content or corrosive materials.

  • Braking frequently or driving in mountainous areas.

  • Often used for special purposes such as high load usage.

  • Adding or retrofitting without authorization from NIO.

    In cold regions, it is recommended to clean and lubricate the calipers annually orevery 20,000 kilometers.

Event Data Recording System

Many electronic components in the vehicle retain data to temporarily or permanently store technical information about the vehicle status, events, and faults. This technical information usually includes the status of the following components, modules, systems, and environments:
  • Status of the vehicle and its individual components, such as wheel revolutions/speed, deceleration, and lateral acceleration.

  • Functional status of important system components, such as seatbelt buckles.

  • Vehicle responses under special driving conditions, such as airbag deployment or stability control system intervention.

  • Data for a period of time before and after a collision (which triggers airbag), such as braking, acceleration, and steering.

This data is only a natural attribute for identifying and fixing faults and optimizing vehicle features. It cannot be used to reproduce movements on the road. When performing service-related tasks, such as repair, servicing, warranty inspection, and quality assurance, service personnel and manufacturers can read this technical data from the memory of events and fault data with special diagnostic devices. After troubleshooting, the system deletes or continues to overwrite the information in the memory storage.

When using the vehicle, these technical parameters and other information related to the vehicle, such as accident records, vehicle damage, and evidence (which may require the intervention of a specialist), can be read through the diagnostic devices at NIO.

Note NIO在未经车主允许的情况下不会将数据记录系统的信息透露给第三方人员使用。

NIO will not disclose any information recorded in the system to a third party without your permission or consent.

System Update

Your vehicle comes with a remote update system. When the vehicle is connected to the Internet, you can enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap General > System Update to update the vehicle system software and keep your vehicle's systems up to date. You will be notified when a software update is available. You can choose to start the update immediately or . During the update, the center display shows the time needed to complete the process (which depends on the size of the update package).

Caution Do not perform system upgrades while the vehicle is in charging process.
  • The system upgrade function is only available for the vehicle owner's account.

  • The system upgrade can only be carried out when the vehicle is in the parked state (in the P gear) and connected to the network.

  • The system upgrade process will consume a certain amount of power. Before the system upgrade, please ensure that the battery level of the vehicle is greater than 20% and your trip has been reasonably planned.

  • If the system upgrade is performed for the vehicle during the charging process, the charging process will stop automatically. After the system upgrade is completed, you can resume the charging process manually.

  • During the system upgrade process, the vehicle can also be unlocked/locked with the NFC/mobile Bluetooth key in addition to the smart key. The vehicle cannot be driven.

  • System upgrades may result in updates or additions of some features, as well as changes in the usage habits of certain features. Please read the upgrade instructions carefully to understand the updated or added features after the system upgrade is completed. Please use the updated function with caution if you are unfamiliar with it to avoid personal injury or property damage due to a misoperation.

  • If the system upgrade cannot be started or is not completed successfully, please contact the NIO service center immediately.

  • Do not modify vehicle components or software by yourself to avoid personal injury or property damage due to a system upgrade failure.

Reset All Settings

When you need to sell the vehicle, you can erase all content and settings by entering Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch General > Reset All Settings.

The following data and settings will be erased, including vehicle settings (such as settings for seats, side mirrors, air conditioning, etc.), driving settings (such as driver assist, driving mode, etc.), NOMI settings, system settings (such as time, date, etc.), Navigation settings, media playlists, photos and videos, etc.

Caution 恢复出厂设置
  • Reset All Settings is only accessible to the main user and must be performed while the vehicle is not in motion.

  • During the reset, the instrument cluster and center display will go dark and flash. Do not drive the vehicle at this time because it may cause unanticipated consequences.

  • After the reset, the vehicle will be returned to inactive status and must be reactivated before it may be used.

  • All application data and system settings will be reset following a reset. All images and videos stored in this vehicle will be deleted. It is recommended that users back up any necessary files in advance. You can access Photos from the application center on the center display, choose the files you wish to save, and then tap Export to USB drive.

  • Reset All Settings will not delete the user's personal cloud data, such as driving preferences, frequently visited destinations in Navigation and music playlists.

Replacing Front Wiper Blades

The front wipers can clean raindrops and stains on the windshield (when used together with windshield washer fluid). The procedure to replace the front wiper blades is as follows:
  1. Enter the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tap Driving > Front Wiper Service Mode to move the front wipers to the replacement position.

  2. When the front wipers move to the replacement position, they can be lifted up. Press and hold the lock button on the front wiper blade and slide the blade down perpendicular to the wiper arm to remove the wiper blade.

  3. Insert the new wiper blade until you hear a click sound to confirm that the front wiper blade is securely installed.

Replacing Rear Wiper Blade

The rear wiper cleans raindrops on the rear windshield. The procedure to replace the rear wiper blade is as follows:
  1. Lift the rear wiper arm and remove the rear wiper blade.

  2. Install a new wiper blade and pull the wiper blade to confirm that it is securely installed.

Refilling Windshield Washer Fluid

Windshield washer fluid is used to maintain good visibility through the windshield. The procedure to refill the windshield washer fluid is as follows:
  1. Open the washer fluid container cover and cap, and add an appropriate amount of washer fluid (we recommend you stop refilling when the fluid level is about to reach the inlet).

    Caution 加注风窗洗涤液时请对准壶口,缓慢加注;若洗涤液不慎洒落请及时擦拭干净。

    When topping up the windshield washer fluid, please fill the reservoir carefully to avoid spilling and wipe up any spills immediately.

  2. After refilling the fluid, close the cap and cover securely.

Refilling Coolant

Warning 添加冷却液需打开前盖,请联系服务中心进行操作,以免意外触及高压部件造成人身伤害。

To avoid the risk of high voltage electric shock when opening the hood, please contact NIO to top up the vehicle’s coolant.

The coolant maintains the operation of the vehicle power system within an appropriate temperature range. The procedure to refill coolant is as follows:
  1. Open the hood handle cover in the cabin (Figure 1) and pull the release cable to unlatch the hood (Figure 2).

  2. Toggle the hook under the hood to release it and lift the hood up.

  3. Take out the hood prop rod from the clip and position it appropriately to support the hood.

  4. Open the coolant cap and add an appropriate amount of coolant (above the MIN and below the MAX indicators).

  5. Close the coolant cap tightly. When closing the hood, hold the hood with your hands and lower it to an appropriate angle. Then, push the hood down firmly until it is completely closed.

Caution 请勿直接猛力关闭前盖或使其自由落下。

Do not slam or drop the hood.

Refilling Brake Fluid

Warning 添加制动液需打开前盖,请联系服务中心进行操作,以免意外触及高压部件造成人身伤害。

To avoid the risk of high voltage electric shock when opening the hood, please contact NIO to top up the vehicle’s brake fluid.

Brake fluid is the medium for transmitting brake pressure in the hydraulic brake system. The procedure to refill brake fluid is as follows:
  1. Open the hood handle cover in the passenger compartment (Figure 1) and pull the hood release cable to release the hood (Figure 2).

  2. Toggle the hook under the hood to release it and lift the hood up.

  3. Take out the hood prop rod from the clip and position it appropriately to support the hood.

  4. Open the brake fluid cap and add an appropriate amount of brake fluid (above the MIN and below the MAX indicators).

  5. Close the brake fluid cap tightly. When closing the hood, hold the hood with your hands and lower it to an appropriate angle. Then, push the hood down firmly until it is completely closed.

Caution 请勿直接猛力关闭前盖或使其自由落下。

Do not slam or drop the hood.

Tire Inspection and Maintenance

Do not drive on damaged, over-worn, or incorrectly inflated tires. For driving safety, please check the tires on a regular basis:
  • Inspect the tires frequently for damage (punctures, cuts, tears, and bulges), and remove foreign matter embedded in the tire tread.

  • A puncture will cause the tire to lose pressure, so it’s important to check the tire pressure frequently. Repair or replace punctured or damaged tires as soon as possible. If you feel sudden shaking or bumps while driving, or suspect that the tires are damaged, slow down immediately while avoiding heavy braking or sudden steering. Stop after confirming that it is safe, and then contact the NIO Service Center for assistance immediately.

  • If the tire valve dust cap is lost, please replace it as soon as possible.

  • Keep the tires away from oil, grease or fuel.

  • Always store wheels in a cool, dry and dark place. Separate tires that are not on wheels should be stored upright.

  • Do not store summer tires or park a vehicle with summer tires in ambient temperatures below -15 °C.

Check the tread pattern for wear marks on a regular basis, especially before and after long drives. If the tire is worn down to 1.6mm or less, a wear mark will appear, by then the ground grip of the tire will be greatly reduced, and the tire will need to be replaced immediately to prevent the risk of an accident occurring.

For safety reasons, tires must be replaced if they show the following damage:
  • Damage such as cuts, splits, and cracks down to the carcass, and bulges that indicate inner ply damage.

  • Frequently leaks, or irreparable damage due to the size or location of the cut or other damaged locations.

  • Punctures, bulges and damage to tire sidewalls.

  • Deformation or corrosion of tires caused by long-term parking.

If you are not sure, please consult the NIO Service Center.
Caution 若轮胎磨损不均匀,建议您到服务中心进行轮胎动平衡检查。

If tire wear is uneven, we recommend that you contact NIO to have the tires checked for dynamic balancing.

In order to reduce tire wear and prolong the service life of the tires, the tires should be cared for according to your driving habits and road conditions:
  • New tires are in the run-in period during the first 500 kilometers. Running in at a moderate speed and with a careful driving style will prolong the service life of the tires.

  • When passing a curb or similar sections of road, keep the wheels perpendicular to the curb as much as possible, and drive slowly.

  • Hard impacts of the tires against curbs or objects with sharp edges, such as rocks, or impacts against sharp edges can cause imperceptible tire damage that will add up in the future. Depending on the severity of the impact, it may damage the rim flange.

  • Turning too fast, over acceleration and hard braking will increase tire wear.

  • New tires, after they are replaced, must undergo a dynamic balance check.

  • If the vehicle cannot remain straight or keeps deviating while driving, please go to the NIO Service Center to check the wheel alignment parameters and make adjustments if necessary.

  • It is recommended to swap the front and rear tires every 10,000 km.

Winter Tires

In cold environments, tire performance is reduced, grip is reduced and susceptibility to impact damage is increased. High performance tires may temporarily stiffen in cold weather, and a rolling noise may be heard for the first few kilometers before the tires warm up. To have your vehicle perform optimally, using winter tires in winter is recommended. Please choose the applicable winter tires or stud tires according to the national laws in your country.

It is recommended to install winter tires for your vehicle when the ambient temperature is below 7 °C. The driving performance of summer tires will be reduced at low temperatures, and the comfort will also be reduced. For example, there may be rattling noises caused by the tires when maneuvering on dry and slippery surfaces, or when accelerating out of corners.

Extremely cold temperatures below about -15 °C may cause permanent damage to summer tires.

Use winter tires of the same brand and tread pattern on all wheels to ensure safe maneuvering characteristics.

Brand Dimension Speed symbol & load index Pattern
Nokian 255/55R19 111R XL Hakkapeliitta R2 SUV
255/50R20 109R XL Hakkapeliitta R2 SUV
265/45R21 108R XL Hakkapeliitta R2 SUV
255/55R19 111R XL Hakkapeliitta R3 SUV
255/50R20 109R XL Hakkapeliitta R3 SUV
265/45R21 108R XL Hakkapeliitta R3 SUV
pirelli 255/55R19 111H S-WNT(AO)
255/50R20 109H XL WNT(AO)
Caution 冬季胎
  • The tires will be damaged if the vehicle speed is above the maximum speed rating. As a result, the tires are likely to burst. Please do not drive over the speed limit allowed by the tires.

  • Winter tires with a tread pattern depth of less than 4 millimeters must be replaced immediately. These tires are no longer suitable for winter because they cannot provide sufficient grip. As a result, you may lose control of the vehicle and potentially cause an accident.

Brake Pad and Disc Inspection and Maintenance

Lightly press the brake pedal occasionally when driving on rainy or icy roads so that the heat generated by friction warms up and dries the brake pads. The same should be done when driving in extremely wet or cold weather.

Take your vehicle for a quick ride after a car wash to dry the brake discs and avoid rusting.

The wear of brake pads and discs is largely determined by your driving habits and road conditions. The driving distance may not be used to decide the degree of wear.

The high-performance braking system is used to realize the best comprehensive braking performance at various vehicle speeds and temperatures. Therefore, under certain vehicle speeds, braking force and environments (such as temperature and humidity), the braking system may make a squeaky sound.

If the instrument cluster reminds you to replace the brake pads, please contact NIO for a replacement as soon as possible.

Air Filter Inspection and Maintenance

Maintain and replace the air filter according to the specified service intervals to keep the air in the cabin fresh. After replacement, enter Settings from the bottom left of the center display, and touch Cabin Comfort > Air Filter Reminder to reset the reminder.

Keep the grille clear of any obstructions (e.g. leaves, snow) before driving.

12V Battery Maintenance

The 12V battery is mainly used to power the starting and electrical equipment of the vehicle. It can be accessed by opening the panel on the left side of the trunk. To extend the service life of the battery, please keep a sufficient battery level.

Warning 蓄电池液具有腐蚀性,若不慎入眼或皮肤,请立即使用大量水冲洗并送医。

12V battery fluid is corrosive. If the fluid gets into the eyes or on the skin, rinse the eyes or skin with running water and seek medical attention immediately.

Caution 蓄电池亏电严重(如长时间不使用车辆时),请联系服务中心,请勿自行更换蓄电池。当您离开车辆时请确保关闭车辆用电设备,如灯光、媒体等。
  • If the 12V battery is severely drained (e.g. having been left unused for a long time), please contact NIO for assistance and do not replace it yourself.

  • Before leaving the vehicle, please ensure that all electric systems, such as lights and the media center, are turned off.

Note 断开并重新连接蓄电池后,车窗自动升降及防夹功能、天窗防夹功能将不可用。

After disconnecting and reconnecting the 12V battery, the automatic windows, window anti-pinch and sunroof anti-pinch features will not be available.

High-voltage Battery Maintenance and Recycling

High-voltage Battery Maintenance

The high-voltage battery is a critical driving component of the vehicle. When utilizing it, please pay attention to the following:
  • Avoid parking the vehicle in excessively high or low temperature environments as it can directly impact the lifespan of the high-voltage battery. Do not leave the vehicle parked in high or low temperatures for more than 8 hours;

  • To reduce the risk of accidental fires, avoid parking the vehicle near high temperatures or heat sources;

  • The vehicle should be parked in a dry location, avoiding damp or watery parking spots;

  • It is recommended not to stay in deep water (preferably not exceeding the battery base plate) for a long time when the vehicle is wading, as it may cause damage to the high-voltage components of the vehicle;

  • It is recommended to refrain from using high-power DC fast charging techniques frequently in order to preserve the lifespan of the high-voltage battery;

  • If the vehicle will be unused for an extended period, ensure that the high-voltage battery's charge level is above 50% (as indicated on the instrument cluster) and park it in a cool, dry place to preserve the battery life; It is recommended to check the battery level weekly and use the vehicle at least once a month;

  • For proper charging, use equipment that complies with the charging specifications and adhere to the guidelines supplied by the charging station; and

  • To prevent harming the vehicle's undercarriage or battery pack, be cautious when driving on uneven terrain, across gravel or over speed bumps. If you hear any sounds of impact or collision from the bottom of the vehicle, contact the NIO Service Center immediately for a safety inspection of the chassis and high-voltage battery pack components.

Warning 动力电池属高压部件,请勿私自触碰、移动、拆解动力电池及其相应线路,以免发生人身伤害。
  • For information on remaining battery power and vehicle range, please consult the instrument cluster; other display terminals (including but not limited to App, NIO Phone, Watch and other wearable devices) may not provide the most recent information and should only be used for reference purposes.

  • Battery is a high-voltage component. To avoid injury, do not touch, move or disassemble it and its wiring.

  • If the vehicle's range is 0 kilometer (as indicated by the instrument cluster display), be sure to charge the vehicle within 24 hours. In this case, the charging speed may be slow until the high-voltage battery is charged to 50% in order to restore the performance of the battery. Failure to charge the high-voltage battery within 72 hours may cause irreversible damage to the battery.

High-voltage Battery Recycling

Proper recycling is required for used high-voltage batteries. During vehicle maintenance and repair, high-voltage batteries meeting the following conditions are determined to be in need of recycling:

  1. The capacity and condition of the high-voltage battery should be assessed during their maintenance and servicing at NIO Service Center. For batteries that are required to be recycled according to relevant laws and regulations, NIO takes primary responsibility and conducts recycling based on the current market conditions;

  2. When batteries are found to be unsuitable for continuous use but are still in acceptable condition, they go through minor repairs before being recycled for cascaded utilization; or

  3. If the battery experiences severe failures or damages that prevent cascaded utilization, it will enter the recycling process for regeneration.

    Caution 请勿随意处理或丢弃废旧动力电池,以免对环境造成严重污染。

    Properly dispose of or discard the used high-voltage battery to avoid serious environmental pollution.

The high-voltage battery recycling process involves collection and subsequent processing carried out by NIO or designated third-party recycling organizations.

Underhood Fuse Box

Caution 请勿安装额定电流值更高的保险丝,只可用相同电流强度和相同尺寸的保险丝更换损坏的保险丝。

Do not use fuses with a nominal current higher than the rated current. Only replace the blown fuse with a fuse of the same nominal current and size.

No. Rated value Description
1 60A UR06 relay power supply fuse
2 10A High voltage integrated component
3 20A Washer pump fuse
4 15A UR05 relay power supply fuse
5 10A Vehicle communication controller/high voltage charging indicator fuse
6 15A UR04 relay power supply fuse
7   (Reserved)
8   (Reserved)
9 15A UR07 relay power supply fuse
10   Front motor cooling water pump relay
11   Rear motor cooling water pump relay
12   Battery cooling water pump relay
13   Cooling fan relay
14   (Reserved)
15 40A Brake control module (control unit) fuse
16 40A Brake control module (motor) fuse
17   (Reserved)
18 15A Vehicle controller (KL87) fuse
19 10A Climate control system fuse
20 10A UR04 coil/UR05 coil/UR06 coil/UR07 coil/fan/brake switch/active grille shutter/high voltage battery pack heating/three-way valve/four-way valve fuse
21 10A Left high beam fuse
22 10A Right high beam fuse
23 10A ADAS main controller power supply 2 fuse
24 15A UR08 relay power supply fuse
25 10A Left low beam fuse
26 20A Battery management system power supply fuse
27 15A Front power control unit fuse
28 10A Central gateway controller power supply 2 fuse
29 10A Right low beam fuse
30   Right low beam relay
31   Left low beam relay
32   Horn relay
33   High beam relay
34 10A High voltage power distribution box/gear shifter module fuse
35   (Reserved)
36   Main relay
37   (Reserved)

Instrument Panel Fuse Box

Caution 请勿安装额定电流值更高的保险丝,只可用相同电流强度和相同尺寸的保险丝更换损坏的保险丝。

Do not install fuses with a higher rated current. Replace the damaged fuse with a fuse of the same current and size.

Number Rated value Description
1   IF02/IF29/IF26 fuse (KL15 power supply) relay
2   (Reserved) relay
3   TR03 and appliance power supply/TR06 relay coil/IF01/IF25/IF27/IF30/IF43/TF01/TF25 fuse (KL15 power supply) relay
4   (Reserved)
5   (Reserved)
6 10A Brake booster/electric power steering-1 (KL15 power supply) fuse
7 15A Driver side heating/ventilation/lumbar support/massage module (KL15 power supply) fuse
8 10A KL15-Trailer
9 10A Electronic parking brake controller/electric power steering-2 (KL15 power supply) fuse
10 10A IR04 relay (coil)/right front headlamp/rearview mirror assembly/left front headlamp (KL15 power supply) fuse
11 15A Passenger-side heating/ventilation/lumbar support/massage module (KL15 power supply) fuse
12 10A Airbag controller (KL15 power supply) fuse
13 10A Radar sensor/parking radar controller/central gateway controller (KL15 power supply) fuse
14 15A Steering wheel heating (KL15 power supply) fuse
15 10A Climate control module/front body controller/central gateway controller/vehicle controller/ECALL/DAB box/DAB adaptor (KL15 power supply)/side mirror memory feedback + fuse
16   (Reserved)
17   (Reserved)
18 30A Electronic parking brake controller 1 (KL30 power supply)
19   (Reserved)
20 25A IR02 relay power supply fuse
21   (Reserved)
22 25A Front body controller (front wipers) KL30 power supply fuse
23 40A Sunroof/sunshade motor (KL30 power supply) fuse
24   IF28 fuse (KL15 power supply) relay
25   (Reserved)
26 30A Front body control module 1 fuse
27 30A Front body control module 2 fuse
28 10A Digital instrument cluster display/head-up display/smart robot/ECALL power supply (KL30 power supply) fuse
29 10A Climate control unit/rear climate control panel fragrance system (KL30 power supply) fuse
30 10A Body control module (safe box lock power supply) /DAB box fuse
31 10A Steering column module power supply fuse
32 10A Brake switch (KL30 power supply) fuse
33 10A Driver door control switch/rain and light sensor/wireless charging power supply (air suspension model) fuse
34 20A Infotainment system console (KL30 power supply) 1 fuse
35 10A Vehicle controller (KL30 power supply) fuse
36 30A IR04 relay switch power supply fuse
37   (Reserved)
38   (Reserved)
39 60A Brake booster fuse
40 30A Electronic parking brake controller 2 (KL30 power supply)
41   Left side mirror glass left tilt adjustment relay
42 10A Climate control unit (KL30 power supply) fuse
43 20A Battery management unit (KL30 power supply) fuse
44 10A Center display (KL30 power supply) fuse
45 10A Electronic gear selection module (KL30 power supply) fuse
46 30A Front body control module (center console lock) fuse
47 10A IR06/IR08/IR09 relay fuse
48 10A ADAS main controller (KL30 power supply) fuse
49 10A Diagnosis interface (KL30 power supply) fuse
50 10A IR10/IR11/IR12 relay fuse
51 10A IR07/IR13 relay fuse
52 15A IR05 relay fuse
53 10A Central gateway controller (KL30 power supply) fuse
54   Side mirror unfolding relay
55   (Reserved)
56   Left side mirror glass right tilt/up tilt relay
57   Left side mirror glass down tilt adjustment relay
58   Right side mirror glass left tilt adjustment relay
59   Right side mirror glass right tilt/down tilt relay
60   Right side mirror glass up tilt adjustment relay
61   Side mirror folding rely

Trunk Fuse Box

Caution 请勿安装额定电流值更高的保险丝,只可用相同电流强度和相同尺寸的保险丝更换损坏的保险丝。

Do not use fuses with a nominal current higher than the rated current. Only replace the blown fuse with a fuse of the same nominal current and size.

No. Rated value Description
1   TF02/TF27 fuse power supply relay
2   KL15 power supply
3   Rear blower (KL30 power supply) relay
4   Front blower (KL30 power supply) relay
5   (Reserved)
6 10A Wheel arch light/ambient lighting/safe box limit switch fuse
7 15A Left front and rear exterior door handle deploy + /retract - fuse
8 15A Left front and rear exterior door handle deploy - /retract + fuse
9 15A Right front and rear exterior door handle deploy - /retract + fuse
10 10A Liftgate taillight/body taillight/sunroof switch/vanity mirror light/puddle light fuse
11 10A USB hub (KL15 power supply) fuse
12 15A Right front and rear exterior door handle deploy + /retract - fuse
13 10A Right side mirror heating fuse
14 10A Left side mirror heating fuse
15 10A Second row seat USB fuse
16   (Reserved)
17   (Reserved)
18 25A Left front/right rear window regulator motor (KL30 power supply) fuse
19 60A TR01 relay contactor power supply fuse
20 30A Passenger seat adjustment fuse
21 30A Driver seat adjustment fuse
22 40A Air suspension controller (air pump) KL30 power supply fuse
23 30A Liftgate control module (motor) fuse
24   TF42/TF43 fuse power supply
25   (Reserved)
26 20A Air suspension controller (KL30 power supply) fuse
27 15A CC2 charge port motor power supply fuse
28 15A TR07 relay power supply fuse
29 10A Rear inverter (KL30 power supply) fuse
30 10A Liftgate control module fuse
31 20A Infotainment system console (KL30 power supply) 2 fuse
32 30A TR04 relay switch power supply fuse
33 30A TR05 relay switch power supply fuse
34 30A Rear body controller power supply 1 fuse
35 10A Kick sensor/TR04 coil/TR05 coil/TR08 coil/TR09 coil/TR11 coil fuse
36 30A Amplifier control unit fuse
37 25A TR03 relay power supply fuse
38 40A TR11 relay contactor power supply fuse
39 30A TR02 relay contactor power supply fuse
40 25A Right-front/left-rear window regulator motor (KL30) fuse
41   Second row seat heating relay
42 10A Vehicle controller power supply fuse
43 15A Rear wiper fuse
44 15A TR10 relay/TR12 relay fuse
45 30A Rear body controller power supply 2 fuse
46 25A TR06 relay contactor power supply fuse
47 25A TR08 relay contactor power supply fuse
48 25A TR09 relay contactor power supply fuse
49   (Reserved)
50 10A TR13 relay fuse
51 20A Trailer control module power1
52 20A  Trailer control module power2
53   (Reserved)
54   TF29/TF28 fuse power supply
55   (Reserved)
56   TF26 fuse/TF30 fuse/front 12V power socket power supply
57   Rear 12V power socket
58   Second row left seat easy entry relay
59   Rear defogger relay
60   Second row right seat easy entry relay
61   Liftgate lock relay

Rear Pre-Fuse Box

Caution 请勿安装额定电流值更高的保险丝,只可用相同电流强度和相同尺寸的保险丝更换损坏的保险丝。

Do not use fuses with a nominal current higher than the rated current. Only replace the blown fuse with a fuse of the same nominal current and size.


Rated value




Pyrotechnic safety switch power supply



Electric power steering gear power supply



DC/DC converter power supply



Trunk fuse box power supply



Instrument panel electrical box power supply



Underhood electrical box power supply

Cleaning and Maintaining the Exterior

Regular cleaning and waxing can protect the vehicle exterior from damage from the external environment. The frequency of cleaning and waxing depends on the frequency of use, parking conditions (whether the vehicle is parked in a garage, under a tree, or in direct sunlight), and weather conditions.

Bird droppings, insect residues, tree resins, industrial emissions, tar spots, cinders, and other deposits on the body and roof will cause damage to the paint. Such corrosion intensifies at high temperatures and in strong sunlight. Therefore, a weekly cleaning may be necessary. Wet the stains with sufficient water and then remove them.

Warning 请勿在车辆充电时清洗车辆。

Do not wash the vehicle when it is in charging.

Caution 洗车和打蜡时请选用专用的清洁剂和养护剂,使用前请注意保质期,使用后务必存放于儿童无法触及的地方。

Please use specialized cleaners or conditioners when washing or waxing the vehicle. Pay attention to the expiry date before use and keep out of reach of children.

Manual Cleaning

When cleaning the vehicle manually, use sufficient water to wet the vehicle exterior and rinse away as many stains as possible. Use a soft sponge, cloth, or soft brush to carefully clean the vehicle from top to bottom. Use cleaners to remove stubborn stains. When the sponge or cloth gets too dirty, replace it. After cleaning the vehicle, rinse it thoroughly with clean water and wipe it with a towel. After salt spreading in winter, clean the underside of the vehicle thoroughly.

In order to protect the environment, please clean the vehicle on a specialized cleaning platform. If such equipment is not available, please choose a proper place to clean the vehicle.

Note 请勿在阳光直射处清洗车辆,否则会有损伤油漆的风险。
  • Do not wash the vehicle under direct sunlight as this may cause damage to the paint.

  • When washing the vehicle with a water hose in cold weather, do not spray water directly on the door handles, charge ports, doors and sunroof. Otherwise, these moving parts may freeze in place.

  • Do not use rough sponges or corrosive cleaners which may damage the paint.

  • Do not use water hotter than 60℃.

  • Do not use a dry cloth or sponge to clean the headlights. Clean them with water or car shampoo instead.

Automatic Cleaning

The vehicle can be cleaned in an automatic car wash, but the structure, filter, and the type of cleaners and conditioners of the car wash equipment will affect the exterior paint. If the body paint looks dull or scratched after a car wash, please inform the car wash operator immediately. If necessary, the car wash equipment should be replaced.

Before using an automatic car wash, the windows and sunroof should be closed, the auto wiper feature disabled, and the side mirrors folded. At the same time, the car wash operator should be notified that the vehicle is equipped with roof racks and a radio antenna.

Caution 车辆进行自动洗车前,请在中控屏应用程序中心,点击。

Before washing the vehicle in an automatic car wash, enter the settings page from the left side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display and tapDriving > N.

High Pressure Cleaning

When using a pressure washer, be sure to follow the operating instructions and maintain a sufficient distance from soft materials (such as rubber hoses or sound insulation materials).

Do not use round beam nozzles or rotary nozzles. Tires must not be cleaned with round beam nozzles. Even if used from a distance and for a short time, such a nozzle may cause damage to the tires.

Do not use a high pressure cleaner to clean the vehicle certification label.

Polishing and Waxing

High-quality wax protects the vehicle paint from environmental damage and even prevents minor scratches. When water drops no longer roll off smoothly from the clean body paint, use a layer of high-quality hard car wax on the body paint. If the vehicle is cleaned regularly with cleaners, we recommend you apply hard wax at least twice a year to protect the body paint.

Polishing is only necessary when the body paint surface has lost its gloss and cannot be restored by waxing. Do not polish plastic parts or parts with matte finish.

Wiper Blades

Wash wiper blades with lukewarm car shampoo. Do not use alcohol or cleaners that contain petroleum products.

Windows and Side Mirrors

Use glass cleaners to regularly clean the inside and outside of all windows.

Clean the inside of the rear windshield with a soft cloth by wiping transversely. Do not scrape the glass or use abrasive cleaners to avoid damaging the heating element.

Clean the side mirrors with car shampoo. Do not use abrasive cleaners to avoid damaging the mirrors.

Plastic Parts

Clean the plastic parts with common cleaning methods. For stubborn stains, only use specialized solvent-free plastic cleaners to avoid corrosion.

Chrome Parts

You can clean the chrome parts with a wet cloth first and then wipe them with a soft dry cloth. For a better effect, use chrome conditioners to clean the chrome parts. When using chrome conditioners, be sure to apply the products completely and evenly. Do not clean or wipe the chrome parts in dusty or sandy environments.


To keep the aluminum alloy wheels in good condition, the wheels require regular maintenance. We recommend you clean them thoroughly once every two weeks to prevent abrasive particles, dirt, or salt particles from attaching to and corroding the wheels. After cleaning, treat the aluminum alloy wheels with specialized acid-free and alkali-free cleaners. Apply hard wax on the wheels once every three months. If the protective paint layer is damaged due to impact, such as from a stone, be sure to retouch the paint immediately. Do not use paint polish or other polishing materials.

Serious stains on the wheels can cause imbalance of the wheels. This will result in wheel vibrations, which will be transmitted to the steering wheel. In some cases, this can cause premature wear on the steering mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean stains on the wheels.

Underbody Protection

The underbody of the vehicle is specially treated to protect against chemical and mechanical damage. However, damage to the protective layer during driving is inevitable. We recommend check the underbody and the protective layer before winter and in spring on a regular basis and repair it when necessary.

Parking Radars

Be careful not to contaminate or damage the sensors on the front/rear bumpers during maintenance.


After using the sunroof in a heavily polluted area for a period of time, please check the sunroof and have it maintained regularly. Fully open the sunroof glass panel and check for any impurities or dirt in the drainage trays of the rails of both sides. You can use a clean soft cloth or brush to gently wipe away any impurities or dirt in the drainage trays of the sunroof rails and add an appropriate amount of lubricant if necessary.

Tilt the sunroof and clean any impurities or dirt in the drainage trays of the rails at the rear part of the sunroof. We recommend you check for and remove any impurities or dirt in the sunroof rails once a month to avoid jamming the drainage holes, which can result in leaks.

If you park your vehicle under trees, please regularly check for and remove any foreign matter on the roof to avoid objects from entering the sunroof rails, jamming the drainage holes, and causing leaks.

Cleaning and Maintaining the Interior

Regularly clean the interior with cleaners or conditioners to maintain the interior appearance. Before using any cleaners, vacuum the interior first.

Note 某些材质有颜色的衣服(例如深色牛仔裤和羊皮服装)可能会弄脏内饰面料。如果发生此情况,务必尽快清洁和护理这些部位的面料
  • Some dyes (such as from dark-washed jeans or sheepskin clothing) may stain the interior materials. When this happens, clean the stained surface as soon as possible.

  • Do not use strong solvents such as cleaning fluids, petrol or petroleum solvents which may damage the interior materials.

  • Do not spray cleaners directly on electronic buttons, switches or parts. Wipe stains with a soft cloth dampened with cleaning fluid.

  • Sharp objects may damage the fabric interior.

Fabric Interior

Only use specialized cleaners, dry foam, and a soft brush to clean the fabric materials on the doors, rear trunk, roof, and other areas.

Leather Interior

You can use a slightly wet cotton or woolen cloth, or a cleaning cloth to clean common dirt on the leather interior. You can use a cloth dipped in mild car shampoo to clean stubborn oil stains. Make sure that the leather material is not fully wet and prevent water from seeping through the stitching. Any remaining water on the leather surface should be quickly wiped off with a soft dry cloth. Stains from ballpoint pens, ink, lipsticks, shoe polish, and other substances on leather surfaces should be removed as soon as possible. We recommend you use a 100% pure polyurethane foam sponge for cleaning Nappa leather.

We recommend limiting the use of leather care products as much as possible, no more than twice a year for light-colored leather and no more than once a year for dark-colored leather.

Note 不可用含溶剂的清洁剂清洁仪表板、气囊饰盖或皮革制品
  • Do not use cleaning solvents to clean the instrument panel, air bag covers, or leather interior.

  • To avoid leather fading, do not leave the vehicle under strong sunlight for long periods of time. If you need to park the vehicle under strong sunlight, please cover all leather material.

  • Sharp objects on clothes such as zips, rivets, and sharp buckles may leave marks or dents on the leather.

  • Avoid drinking coffee or using sunscreen in vehicles with a Nappa leather interior. Remove coffee or sunscreen stains on Nappa leather with mild soapy water as soon as possible.

  • Do not spray formaldehyde cleaners on leather. Doing so may leave white spots on genuine leather which are difficult to remove.

Seat Belts

Only use mild car shampoo to clean the seat belts. Do not remove the seat belts from the vehicle. Allow the belts to dry fully while extended.

Warning Sign Information



Warning Sign



High voltage electricity warning sign

Danger! Do not touch high voltage components.


High voltage components warning sign 1

High voltage components. Danger! Do not touch high voltage components without wearing protective equipment to avoid electric shock.


High voltage components warning sign 2

High voltage components. Danger! Do not touch high voltage components without wearing protective equipment to avoid electric shock and burns.


High voltage battery pack warning sign

Cautions for using the high voltage battery pack


High voltage cable warning sign

High voltage components are connected with orange high voltage harnesses. Do not touch high voltage components without wearing protective equipment.


Mutual compatibility identifiers used for charging the car

Mutual compatibility identifiers to guide you charging the car are found in the car’s charging port. When selecting the charging gun, you must make sure the identifier on the charging gun equals one of the identifiers found in the car’s charging port, either C, K or L.Voltage ranges related to those identifiers are as follows:

  • C: AC ≤ 480 V

  • K: DC 50 V to 500 V

  • L: DC 200 V to 920 V

Instrument Cluster Indicators

If the following indicators do not light up or go out normally, please contact the NIO Service Center for assistance immediately.

Symbol on Instrument Cluster Display



Automatic high and low beam control indicator


High beam indicator


Autohold indicator


Position light indicator


Low beam indicator


Front fog light indicator


Vehicle ready indicator


Left turn signal indicator


Right turn signal indicator


Rear fog light indicator


Ice- and snow-covered road indicator


Brake system fault indicator


Electronic stability control system on/fault indicator


Autohold fault indicator


Low battery indicator of high voltage battery


Trailer connection status indicator


Lane Departure Warning and Assist off warning light


Power limit warning light


Anti-lock brake system fault warning light


Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (dTPMS) warning light


High voltage battery cut-off warning light


Autonomous Emergency Braking/Forward Collision Warning off and fault warning light


Hands-off reminder status indicator


Charging cable connected indicator


Electronic parking indicator


E-Powertrain System fault warning light


Electronic parking fault warning light


Seat belt unfastened reminder warning light


Airbag fault warning light


Drive motor fault warning light


Low voltage battery charging fault warning light


High voltage battery fault warning light


High voltage battery over-temperature warning light


Trailer electrical connection fault warning light


Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Alert fault warning light


Front Crossing Traffic Alert (FCTA)/Rear Cross Traffic Alert with Brake (RCTA-B) fault warning light


Driver Assistance fault warning light


S-APA with Fusion fault warning light


Adaptive Cruise Control fault warning light


Lane Departure Warning and Assist fault warning light

ES8 Information

Customer service hotline

Refer to the contact table

NIO website

Refer to the contact table

The vehicle nameplate is located under the B-pillar on the right side.


The vehicle brand logo can be found in the following places:


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

The vehicle identification number is stamped on the right front shock tower bracket.

You can also find the VIN in the following locations:

  1. Underside of the hood

  2. Upper area at the end of the front driving motor

  3. Left side of the instrument panel beam

  4. Lower-left area of the front windshield

  5. Lower area of the right B-pillar

  6. Lower area of the right rear door frame

  7. Upper area at the end of the rear motor

  8. Upper side of the rear floor

  9. Right side of the liftgate

You can also read the VIN from diagnostic instruments that pair with the vehicle (safety module diagnosis tool BD2):
  1. Connect the diagnostic instrument to the diagnostic interface of the vehicle and turn it on.

  2. Start the diagnostic program and log in to the diagnostic instrument interface.

  3. The diagnostic instrument automatically reads and displays the VIN on the interface of the diagnostic instrument.

There is a radio frequency identification device (RFID) at the front windshield of the vehicle.

Driving Motor Identification Labels

The front driving motor identification label is located on the lower side of the motor.

The rear driving motor identification label is located on the lower side of the motor.

Recommended Fluids and Capacities




Brake Fluid




-40℃ OAT (water-ethylene glycol solution containing inhibitor)





Windshield Washer Fluid

Freezing point<-30℃


Gearbox Oil

Castrol BOT350M3

1.3 liters (front), 1.6 liters (rear)

Instrument Cluster and Controls

1. Interior door handles

8. Control panel for emergency calls, sunroof and sunshade, and reading lights

2. Control panel for side mirrors and windows


3. Steering wheel buttons - left

10. Center display

4. Light control lever for turn signals and headlights

11. Gear selector and center console control panel

5. Digital instrument cluster

12. Wireless charging pad

6. Steering wheel buttons - right

13. Accelerator pedal

7. Wiper and washer control lever

14. Brake pedal

Powertrain Information

Warning 所有高压部件连接器及高压线束均为橙色,非专业人员请勿自行拆卸,否则会有触电风险。

All high voltage connectors and high voltage cables are typically colored orange for easy identification. People who are not professional technicians should not disassemble or replace high voltage components to avoid the risk of electric shock.

High Voltage Battery

ES8 is equipped with a floor-mounted 350 volt lithium-ion high voltage battery. Never breach the high voltage battery when lifting from under the vehicle. When using rescue tools, pay special attention to ensure that you do not breach the floor pan.

DANGER: 对高压电部件进行维修和拆装前,必须进行断电操作,确认已断开紧急切断开关和12V电源,并且断电后车辆静置5分钟以上。

Before servicing or disassembling a high voltage component, you must power off the system. Make sure both the emergency switch and the 12V battery are cut off. After powering off the vehicle, put the vehicle standstill for at least five minutes before carrying out any operation.

DANGER: As the voltage of the battery pack bus reaches about 400V, in the process of removing and installing high-voltage components, it is necessary to obtain the qualification of low-voltage electrician; the operator must wear high-voltage insulating gloves and take other insulation protective measures without carrying any metal objects.

As the voltage of the battery pack bus reaches about 400V, in the process of removing and installing high-voltage components, it is necessary to obtain the qualification of low-voltage electrician; the operator must wear high-voltage insulating gloves and take other insulation protective measures without carrying any metal objects.

Driving Motor

The driving system powers the vehicle by converting the direct current from the high voltage battery into mechanical torque which is distributed to the four wheels. In addition, it can also recover kinetic energy to charge the high voltage battery and operate in reverse to turn the drive shafts backward. The driving system consists of two driving motors. The front motor is mounted on the front subframe, and the rear motor is mounted on the rear subframe.

Low voltage battery

The 12 voltage battery operates the SRS, airbags, windows, door locks, touchscreen, and interior and exterior lights. The high voltage system charges the 12 voltage battery, and the 12 voltage battery supplies power to the high voltage contactors, allowing high voltage current to flow into and out of the high voltage battery.

The 12V battery is located behind the trim panel on the left of the trunk.


The airbag system includes front airbags and side airbags. The front airbags include front head airbags that are located in the steering wheel and on the headliner of the passenger side. The side airbags include front side airbags (located on the outside of the front seats) and curtain airbags (located on the headliner from the A pillar to C pillar on both sides). The locations of the airbags are labeled “AIRBAG”.


Both front and second row outboard seats as well as third row seats feature seat belts with pretensioners and force limiters (dual-stage for the front seats). The pretensioners rapidly retract and latch seat belts the instant a severe collision occurs, thereby providing increased protection to occupants. The force limiter can then prevent the seat belt from exerting too much force on the occupant and minimize belt-inflicted injury.

Air Suspension High Pressure Tank

The high-pressure air tank is mounted at the rear of the vehicle body using a rubber-wrapped bracket. The air tank generates sufficient air for the suspension system. Nominal pressure: 0-15 bar The ride height is adjusted by adjusting the air pressure of the system.

Vehicle Dimensions



Length A (mm)


Width B (mm) (excluding side mirrors)


Width C (mm) (including side mirrors)


Height D (mm)


Wheel Base E (mm)


Front Track F (mm)


Rear Track G (mm)


Front Overhang H (mm)


Rear Overhang I (mm)


Ground Clearance (mm)


Cargo Volume (L)


Cargo Volume - with third-row seats folded down (L)


Cargo Volume - with second- and third-row seats folded down (L)






Mass Parameters

Item Value
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (kg) 3,099
Gross Front Axle Weight Rating (kg) 1295
Gross Rear Axle Weight Rating (kg) 1804
Technically Permissible maximum towable mass of the towing vehicle In case of center-axle trailer(kg) 1500
Technically permissible maximum laden mass of the combination (kg) 4500
Maximum mass of unbraked trailer (kg) 750
Technically permissible maximum mass at the coupling point (kg):
  • of a towing vehicle

  • of a center-axle trailer

Trailer brake connections Mechanical
Version MRO [kg] GVW [kg] Payload when full occupancy [kg] Payload when 2 people [kg] Payload when 4 people [kg] Coupling point mass [kg] Roof capacity [kg]
75kwh-6 Seat 2460 3,099 264 564 414 75 75
75kwh-7 Seat 2475 3,099 174 549 399 75 75
100kwh-6 Seat 2480 3,099 244 544 394 75 75
100kwh-7 Seat 2495 3,099 154 529 379 75 75

The chart is calculated according to 75kg per person as the standard recommended, luggage is also calculated as 75kg.

Motor Specifications






Permanent Magnet Alternating Current Motor

Alternating Current Induction Motor




Rated power/torque (kW/N·m)



Peak power/torque (kW/N·m)



Wheel and Tire Specifications







Tire Pressure (bar)


2.8 (full loaded rear tire)

Camber Angle


Total Front Camber Angle


Front Toe Angle


Front Caster Angle


Total Front Caster Angle


Rear Camber Angle


Total Rear Camber Angle


Total Rear Toe Angle


Approach Angle


Steering Wheel Angle


Front Track Height (mm)


Rear Track Height (mm)


Note: Wheel specifications are subject to the vehicle configurations.

Braking and Suspension Specifications



Brake Pad Thickness (mm)





Brake Disc Thickness (mm)





Brake Pedal Free-Play (mm)


Nominal Pressure of Air Suspension Reservoir (bar)


High Voltage Battery Parameters

Item 100 kwh 75 kwh
High Voltage Battery Cell Type Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium-Ion Battery Cell Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese Lithium-Ion / Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Cell
Nominal Voltage (V) 3.73 3.73/3.22
Nominal Capacity (Ah) 276 237/192
High Voltage Battery Nominal Voltage (V) 358 386
Nominal Capacity (Ah) 280 195
Length*Width*Height (mm) 2,062x1,539x185.6 2,062x1,539x185.6
Number of Cells 96 118
Weight (kg) 555 535

Tire Inflation

Warning 使用胎压过低或过高的轮胎将会引发事故,造成人身伤亡。

Using underinflated or overinflated tires will increase the risk of accident and injury.

To ensure your safety while driving, please check the tire pressure regularly. When checking the tire pressure, make sure the tires are cold (the tire temperature is the same as the ambient temperature or the vehicle has not been moved for three hours after driving). The recommended cold tire inflation pressure label is located on the frame of the driver’s side door. If the tire is hot, the tire pressure is generally 0.3 bar higher than that of a cold tire.

Overinflation will affect your comfort while driving, damage tires, especially on rough roads, and cause blowouts in severe cases. This may lead to unexpected loss of vehicle control and increased risk of injury. Underinflation will cause uneven tire wear, affect the vehicle handling, and result in abnormal energy consumption.

Note Since the 21-inch tires of the vehicle are self-repairing tires, the vehicle can still continue to run within a certain speed range (120 km/h) when the puncture width is less than 5mm and the center display shows that the tire pressure is normal. Please contact NIO Service Center immediately for tire inspection or replacement if a tire puncture exceeds 5mm in width or the tire is severely damaged.

Since the 21\22-inch tires of the vehicle are self-repairing tires, the vehicle can still continue to run within a certain speed range (below 120 km/h) when the puncture width is less than 5 mm and the center display shows that the tire pressure is normal. However, self-repairing tires are not a long-term solution. If you notice any obvious tire leaks, punctures or serious damage, please contact NIO Service Center immediately for tire inspection or replacement.

You can inflate the tires with the tire inflator in the emergency kit. To inflate a flat tire:
  1. Park the vehicle on a safe road, put on the reflective vest and set up the warning triangle properly.

  2. Open the emergency kit cover in the trunk to take out the tire inflator.

  3. Connect the inflation hose on the side of the tire inflater to the valve stem on the tire.

  4. Connect the power plug of the tire inflater to the 12V power socket in the vehicle.

  5. Make sure the vehicle is powered on, turn on the power switch of the tire inflater, and inflate the tire. When the tire pressure reaches 2.6 bar, turn off the tire inflater manually and disconnect it from the power socket.

  6. If the tire is overinflated, press the pressure relief valve on the inflater.

  7. After completing inflation, disconnect the inflater from the vehicle and stow it in the emergency kit.

Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (dTPMS)

ES8 is equipped with a direct tire pressure monitoring system. If the pressure or temperature of one or more tires is abnormal, the tire pressure warning indicator will light up on the digital instrument cluster along with the location of the faulty tire, alerting you to stop as soon as possible and check the tires, and to inflate/deflate the tires to the correct air pressure.

In the event of abnormal tire pressure or rapid air leakage, the tire pressure warning indicator will light up along with a “Beep” tone, alerting you to check the tires; if the Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (dTPMS) fails or the tire temperature exceeds the safe value, the tire pressure warning indicator will flash for 75 seconds and then stay on, along with a “Beep” tone. In this case, please stop the vehicle as soon as possible and contact the NIO Service Center immediately.

You can tap My ES8 > Health on the main page of the center display to check the current tire pressure detected by the Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (dTPMS). If it shows that the current tire pressure is “--”, it means that no valid tire pressure value has been obtained. In such a case, drive at a speed above 25 km/h for 10 minutes and check again. If the tire pressure is too low, the tire is overheated or the Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (dTPMS) fails, the corresponding tire will be highlighted along with the specific fault information.

The tire pressure monitoring system is based on tire temperature and atmospheric temperature. It may be necessary to inflate the tire to achieve a slightly higher pressure in order to clear the low tire pressure message.

If radio transmitting devices (e.g., wireless headsets, walkie-talkies) are used in or near the vehicle, the operation of the Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System (dTPMS) may be subject to interference.

Tire Chains

The ES8 does not come with tire chains, but you can purchase them yourself. Please pay attention to the following points when using tire chains:
  • Improper tire chains can damage the tires, wheels, and brake system of the vehicle. Please carefully check the specifications of the original equipment (OE) tires and the relevant instructions provided by the tire chain manufacturer. Only the 20-inch original equipment (OE) tires are suitable for tire chains. Tires chains are not recommended on other tires.

    We recommend Maggigroup TRAK SUV 4X4 and Konig K-Summit XXL size K67 for ES8.

  • Do not drive over 50 km/h or the speed limit specified by the tire chain manufacturer (whichever is lower).

  • Drive carefully and slowly to avoid bumps, potholes, sharp turns, or wheel lock-up, which may impair the functionality of or cause damage to the vehicle.

  • To avoid tire damage and excessive tread wear, tire chains must be removed when driving on roads without snow.

Set Up Warning Signs

In the event of an emergency, drive the vehicle to a safe area while ensuring safety, then step on the brake pedal to stop the vehicle; put the vehicle in Park, and turn on the hazard warning lights on the center console to alert the surrounding people and vehicles.

  1. Park gear switch

  2. Hazard warning lights

Open the cover at the bottom of the rear trunk's storage space, and inside you will see the vehicle kit, take out the warning triangle and reflective vest, put on the reflective vest and place the warning triangle within 50 meters to 100 meters behind the vehicle (when it’s on an expressway, place it 150 meters behind the vehicle; when it’s at night, place it 100 meters further than the normal distance; in the event of rain and fog, place it 200 meters behind the vehicle).

  1. Warning triangle

  2. Reflective vest

How to assemble the warning triangle:

  1. Unfold the bracket under the triangle.

  2. Unfold the sides of the triangle.

  3. Fasten the snap button on the top of the triangle.

Call for Road Assistance

In case of accidents such as collisions, floods, or the risk of a battery pack fire, please set up the warning triangle and leave your vehicle as soon as possible when the surrounding environment is safe. Maintain a certain safe distance (over 15 meters) and call the NIO hotline for a rescue, and the rescue team will come as soon as possible to provide assistance.

Warning 如遇电池起火风险,车辆将自动切断动力,仪表及中控屏将弹出警示信息,请您尽快驶离危险地带后停车(如高速快车道),而后立即离开车辆并呼叫救援。

In the event of a battery fire risk, the vehicle will automatically cut off power and the instrument cluster and center display will display a warning message. Make sure the surrounding area is safe and promptly leave the vehicle to call for help.

  • If the vehicle is connected to the network, you can press the SOS button on the roof to call for road assistance (long press once, or short press twice), and you can cancel the call on the center display within 8 seconds after making the call. The backlight of the SOS button indicates the status of the SOS feature: a green light means that the SOS feature is available; a green flashing light means that road assistance is being called; a red light means that the SOS feature is unavailable, in such a situation you need to contact NIO Service Center immediately.

Note 车辆在连接网络状态下,当发生事故且安全气囊弹出时,车辆将自动呼叫救援,为您的生命安全护航。

When your vehicle is connected to the network, if an accident occurs and the airbag is deployed or the seat belt pretensioner is triggered, your vehicle will call for rescue automatically to protect your life.

The 112-based E-Call In-vehicle System

The 112-based eCall in-vehicle system is mandatory for new vehicle models in all EU countries. In the event of a severe accident, the eCall system can connect you to an appropriate PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) via an audio link automatically if the vehicle safety system is triggered, or manually if you press the SOS button on the roof console.

The 112-based eCall in-vehicle system is activated by default. It is activated automatically when the activation level for seat belt tensioners or airbags is reached in the event of a severe accident. The 112-based eCall in-vehicle system can also be activated manually, if needed. To activate the eCall manually, press the SOS button on the roof console for over 250 milliseconds and release the button within 10 seconds. The manual trigger is designed in such a way as to avoid mis-operation. To terminate the calling, press and release the SOS button again within five seconds after it is pressed the first time.

In the event of a critical system malfunction, the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system may be impaired. The backlight of the SOS button indicates the status of the emergency call. Solid green indicates the eCall system functions normally; flashing green indicates an emergency call is in progress; flashing red indicates the eCall system has a minor fault but can still be activated; solid red indicates the eCall system has a major fault and cannot be activated. In this case, you can find the fault notification on the center display, and contact NIO if needed.

The processing of personal data through the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system is in line with the personal data protection rules stipulated in Directives 95/46/EC (1) and 2002/58/EC (2) of the European Parliament and of the Council, and in particular, is based on the necessity to protect the vital interests of the individuals in accordance with Article 7(d) of Directive 95/46/EC (3). The processing of such data is strictly limited to the purpose of handling the emergency call made to the single European emergency number 112 in emergency situations within the meaning of Article 5(2) of Regulation (EU) 2015/758.

The 112-based E-Call in-vehicle system may collect and process only the following data:

  • Vehicle Identification Number

  • Vehicle type (passenger vehicle)

  • Vehicle propulsion storage type (gasoline/diesel/CNG/LPG/electric/hydrogen)

  • Vehicle last three locations and direction of travel. The recent vehicle locations are selected by random so as to ensure that the IVS is not traceable and not subject to any constant tracking.

  • Estimated number of occupants onboard

  • Log file of E-Call activation of the system and its timestamp

Recipients of data processed by the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system are the relevant public safety answering points of the area where the vehicle is located. The data may be shared with other parties such as police stations, fire stations, hospitals limited for emergency aid purposes.

The 112-based eCall in-vehicle system is designed in such a way as to ensure that:

  • Data stored in the system is not available outside the system before an eCall is triggered.

  • The system is not traceable and not subject to any constant tracking in its normal operation status.

  • Data stored in the system is automatically and continuously removed.

  • The vehicle location data is constantly overwritten in the internal memory of the system so as to keep the last three up-to-date locations of the vehicle necessary for the normal functioning of the system.

  • The log of activity data in the system is kept for no longer than necessary for attaining the purpose of handling the emergency call and in any case no longer than 13 hours after an emergency call is triggered.

With regard to the arrangements for exercising data subjects' rights as well as the contact service responsible for handling access requests, please kindly contact NIO for support. For contact details, please refer to our Connected Vehicle Privacy Notice or contact details in this manual. NIO GmbH

Data Protection

Montgelasstrasse 14

81679 Munich


00 8000 999 6699 (EU) / 800 24 789 (Norway)

Tire Repair

Warning 若在轮胎穿刺漏气的情形下继续行驶车辆,容易发生爆胎事故,危及人身安全。
  • Do not drive with a punctured tire, as it may lead to a tire blowout and endanger your safety.

  • Tire sealant can irritate the eyes and skin. Keep out of reach of children. When using tire sealant, ignition, open flames, and smoking are prohibited.

  • If the tire sealant gets on the skin or in the eyes, rinse the affected part of the body off i immediately and thoroughly with plenty of water. Change soiled clothing immediately. Get medical attention immediately in the event of an allergic reaction. If sealant was swallowed, thoroughly rinse out the mouth without delay and drink plenty of water. Do not induce vomiting.

Caution Before using tire sealant, please check the expiry date marked on the tire sealant tank to ensure that it is used before its expiry date. - 20 inch
  • Before using tire sealant, please check the expiry date marked on the tire sealant tank to ensure that it is used before its expiry date.

  • When the puncture width of a 20-inch tire is less than 6 mm, it is recommended to take out the puncturing object and repair the tire. If the puncture width is greater than 6 mm or the tire is even more seriously damaged, please do not continue to drive, and contact the NIO Service Center in a timely manner to replace the tire.

  • If the tire is repaired while the puncturing object is not taken out, the tire can make abnormal noises while driving after the repair, and air leakage may occur during long-distance driving.

  • If self-repairing tires or silent cotton tires are used, it is not recommended to repair tires with tire sealant. Please contact the NIO Service Center.

Note Since the 21-inch tires of the vehicle are self-repairing tires, the vehicle can still continue to run within a certain speed range (120 km/h) when the puncture width is less than 5 mm and the center display shows that the tire pressure is normal. However, self-repairing tires cannot be used as permanent tire repair measures. If any tire is found to have a nail in it or is seriously damaged, please contact the NIO Service Center in a timely manner for tire inspection or replacement.
  • If the tires used on the vehicle are self-repairing tires, the vehicle can still continue to run within a certain speed range (below 120 km/h) when the puncture width is less than 5 mm and the center display shows that the tire pressure is normal. However, self-repairing tires cannot be used as permanent tire repair measures. If any tire is found to have a nail in it or is seriously damaged, please contact the NIO Service Center in a timely manner for tire inspection or replacement.

  • When repairing, please try to orient the tire so that the punctured spot is at the top of the tire.

  • Tire sealant can only be used to repair the tread area.

Park the vehicle safely on a flat and solid road as far away from traffic as possible and shift into PARK. After putting on the reflective vest, setting up the warning triangle and turning on the hazard warning lights, you can start repairing 19-inch and 20-inch tires with the tire sealant and tire inflator in the emergency kit:
  1. Park the vehicle on a safe road and set up the warning triangle in an appropriate location.

  2. Open the emergency kit in the trunk and take out the tire sealant canister and the tire inflator.

  3. Remove the speed limit label from the tire sealant canister and place it on the steering wheel to remind yourself not to drive over 80 km/h.

  4. Connect the tire sealant canister to the wheels, remove the tire valve cap, and connect the tire sealant hose to the valve (1). Take out the inflation hose on the side of the tire inflator and connect it to the tire sealant canister inlet valve (2). Turn the tire sealant canister upside down and slide it into the slot on the tire inflator (3).

  5. Connect the power plug of the tire inflator to the 12V power socket in the vehicle.

  6. Make sure the vehicle is powered on, turn on the tire inflator and start to inject tire sealant into the tire. Observe the pressure gauge, and turn it off when the pointer reaches ≥2.2 bar (which will take around five to 10 minutes). Turn off the tire inflator and disconnect the power plug from the 12V power socket.

    Note 充气泵开始工作时,胎压指针可能会短暂最高指示至6bar, 随后压力恢复正常。

    When the tire inflater begins operating, the pressure gauge will initially display a high pressure up to six bar, after which the pressure will drop to a normal range.

  7. Remove the inflation hose of the tire inflator from the tire valve and stow it in the emergency kit.

  8. Drive the vehicle 3 to 10 km (or about five to ten minutes) at under 80 km/h to evenly spread the tire sealant and plug the puncture.

  9. Park the vehicle on a safe road, set up the warning triangle, and check the tire pressure readings on the center display. Continue driving if the tire pressure is ≥2.2 bar. Inflate the tire to ≥2.2 bar if the tire is under-inflated and drive the vehicle at a speed no higher than 80 km/h for 3 to 10 km (or around 5 to ten minutes). Check the tire pressure again. If the tire pressure is still below 2.2 bar which means the tire is severely damaged or the tire sealant cannot seal the tire, park the vehicle in a safe place and contact NIO immediately.

Caution 若修补轮胎过程中胎压在12分钟内一直无法达到绿色区域,说明破损严重请将车辆安全停靠后呼叫救援
  • If the tire pressure cannot reach the designated range within 12 minutes during the tire repair process, this indicates severe damage. Please park your vehicle safely and call for assistance.

  • Repairing with tire sealant is only for temporary emergency processing. After repairing the tire, you can continue driving for up to 200 kilometers or 3 days. Please go to the nearest workshop as soon as possible to have the tire repaired and the tire sealant wiped dry.

  • After repairing the tire by using tire sealant, please contact the NIO Service Center for replacement of the inflation pump hose assembly.

Jump Starting the Vehicle

When the vehicle cannot start because the 12V battery is drained, you can jump start the vehicle by connecting the jumper cables to the 12V battery of another vehicle.

Caution 通过跨接电缆启动车辆时,两车切勿相互接触,否则一旦连接两车低压蓄电池正极,电流可能立即导通,造成车辆损坏。
  • When jump starting a vehicle, make sure the two vehicles are not in contact with each other. Otherwise, the current generated when the positive terminals of the two vehicles are connected will damage the vehicle.

  • Connect the positive terminals first, and then the negative terminals.

To avoid short circuits or other damage, we recommend you observe the following procedure when you jump start the vehicle:

  1. Put the vehicle in PARK, cut off the power supply of the 12V battery, make sure the jumper cables are correctly connected to the vehicle electrical system, and remove the cover of the 12V battery on Vehicle A.

  2. Connect one end of the red cable to the positive (+) terminal on the 12V battery on Vehicle A.

  3. Remove the cover of the 12V battery on Vehicle B and connect the other end of the red cable to the positive (+) terminal on the 12V battery of Vehicle B.

  4. Connect one end of the black cable to the negative (-) terminal on the 12V battery of Vehicle B.

  5. Connect the other end of the black cable to a proper earthing point of the 12V battery on Vehicle A.

  6. Start Vehicle B and let it run for a few minutes. Then, start Vehicle A to check whether it can start up normally.

  7. After Vehicle A starts up normally, power off Vehicle B, remove the jumper cables in the opposite order they were connected, and stow all equipment.

Emergency Unlocking From the Outside

When the vehicle cannot be unlocked by conventional methods (such as a smart key fob, keyless entry, NIO app, or NFC), you can use the emergency key to unlock the driver’s side door, which will simultaneously unlock all other doors.

Caution 请将物理应急钥匙带出车外并妥善保管,以备紧急解锁或上锁时使用。

Do not leave the emergency key in your vehicle. Please keep it safe in case of emergency.

To use the emergency key:
  1. Push the front end of the exterior handle on the driver’s door.

  2. Pull the door handle and insert the emergency key into the lock. Rotate the key counterclockwise to lock the driver's door.

  3. To lock the driver's door, rotate the key counterclockwise.

Emergency Unlocking From the Inside

In case of emergency, you can pull the interior door handle twice to open the corresponding door.

Caution 车辆蓄电池亏电时,使用物理应急钥匙仅可解锁主驾驶侧车门,其余车门只能通过连续两次拉动车内门把手进行解锁。
  • If the 12V battery is drained, you can only unlock the driver's door using the emergency key. Other doors can be unlocked and opened from the inside by pulling the corresponding interior door handle twice.

  • When the Child Lock is on, the rear doors cannot be opened from the inside and can only be opened from the outside when the vehicle is unlocked.

Liftgate Button

When you are carrying a smart key fob, you can open the liftgate by gently pressing the button on the liftgate handle.

While the liftgate is opening, press and hold the button to automatically save the current liftgate height.

Caution 打开尾门前需清除尾门上的附着物,如雪和冰。否则可能导致尾门打开后再次突然关闭。

Before opening the liftgate, ensure that it is clear of objects such as snow and ice. Otherwise, the liftgate may suddenly close on its own.

Emergency Evacuation

In case of danger or emergency situations with the vehicle, please evacuate the vehicle as soon as possible and call for assistance while ensuring personal safety.

Collision Accidents

If your vehicle is involved in a severe collision accident and you can safely exit the vehicle, please leave the vehicle promptly and move to a safe area to avoid further harm.

Vehicle Fire or Abnormal Temperature

If your vehicle is smoking, on fire or experiencing any other emergency situation, quickly evacuate the vehicle and move to a safe area to ensure your personal safety.

If your vehicle's center display shows warnings about abnormal vehicle or battery pack malfunctions, please ensure your safety while parking the vehicle. Quickly exit the vehicle and evacuate to a safe area to ensure your personal safety.

Vehicle Submerged in Water

If your vehicle gets trapped in a heavily flooded area, such as an underpass or a low-lying road, promptly evacuate the vehicle and move to a safe area to ensure your personal safety.

Severe Vehicle Breakdown

If your vehicle experiences a severe breakdown during driving or if the center display indicates a serious vehicle malfunction, please ensure your safety while parking the vehicle. Then, quickly exit the vehicle and call for assistance.


Other scenarios where it is necessary to evacuate the vehicle promptly.

First Aid Kit

If your vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit, the first aid kit will be located in the rear trunk storage box. The first aid kit contains rescue items required for emergencies. See the instructions in the first aid kit for specific directions.

The first aid kit is valid for 5 years. After expiration, please contact NIO to purchase another one.

Tire Replacement

When the vehicle is subject to a severe air leakage that cannot be repaired urgently with the tire sealant, park the vehicle on a flat and solid road and put it in Park, stay away from busy and congested roads, then put on your reflective vest and place the warning triangle, turn on the hazard warning lights, then contact NIO Service Center for a tire replacement.

Warning 更换轮胎时需选用与原车轮胎规格相同的新轮胎,选用规格不一致的轮胎将可能影响车辆操纵性而导致车辆失去控制。
  • When replacing a tire, the new tire must comply with the specifications of the original one. Using a tire with different specifications may affect the vehicle’s handling and result in a loss of vehicle control.

  • Never get underneath the vehicle when it is lifted on a jack as this may cause severe injury or even death.

  • Do not lift the vehicle when people are inside.

  • The vehicle can only be lifted at specified lift points on the vehicle's underside.

  • Do not place any object above or underneath the jack when it is lifting the vehicle.

  • Never use a jack to lift the vehicle on an uphill or downhill slope or on a roadway that slopes to one side.

  • Jacks should only be used to raise vehicles when changing tires.

How to replace the tire:
  1. Have a jack and a spare tire of the right specification ready for the tire replacement.

  2. Place a block in front of the tire diagonally to the flat tire to prevent the vehicle from sliding.

  3. Go to the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driving > Jack Mode, and now the current vehicle suspension height can be locked to avoid any changes in the body suspension height during the tire replacement process.

  4. Use the wheel hub cover remover in the vehicle kit to remove the wheel hub covers, and loosen the nuts counterclockwise with the wheel wrench.
    Use the nut cover remover in the vehicle kit to remove the wheel hub covers, and loosen the nuts counterclockwise with the wheel wrench.
    Caution 轮圈外观有特殊保护涂层,在拆装螺母、轮胎或轮圈的过程中,应对轮圈施工区域进行合理防护,以免拆装过程中硬物意外划伤轮圈表面。

    Tire rims have a special protective coating. When removing or installing lug nuts, tires or rims, take reasonable precautions to protect the rim’s surface from accidental scratches caused by hard or sharp objects.

  5. Place the jack below the correct jacking spot on the vehicle.

    Warning 确认将千斤顶设置在正确的顶起点上,不正确的顶起点将损坏车辆或导致车辆从千斤顶上滑落并造成人员受伤。

    Make sure the jack is positioned correctly under the jack point. Failure to do so may damage the vehicle, or the vehicle may slip off the jack and cause injury.

  6. Jack the vehicle up to a tire changing height. As the jack touches the vehicle and jacks it up, double check to make sure that the jack is in the correct position.

  7. Remove the wheel nuts and replace the tire. When installing the wheel, make sure the nuts are aligned with the mounting holes, and that the metal side of the wheel is properly activated with the mounting surface.

  8. After installing the wheel nuts, lower the vehicle completely to the ground (use a jack to lower the vehicle and exit jack mode on the center display), then use a wrench to tighten all the nuts clockwise, and then use a torque wrench to tighten the vehicle nuts to the specified torque value.

  9. Check the tire pressure after the tire is replaced, inflate to the specified tire pressure if necessary, then install the tire valve cap.

  10. Put the tools, jack, and the flat tires away in a secure manner.

Protective Equipment for Rescue Operations

The E-powertrain system of the vehicle is driven by the high voltage battery, which may cause high voltage electricity leakage or battery fluid leakage in the event of a serious collision accident. Therefore, the vehicle shall be rescued by professional rescue personnel and they shall wear the corresponding protective equipment to ensure their personal safety during rescue operations.

Warning 对车辆进行操作时请确保身上未携带金属制品(如项链、手表等),以免发生电击伤害。

Remove all metal objects (such necklaces and watches) before carrying out any operation. Failure to do so may increase the risk of electric shock.

Electrical protection

Please wear the following protective equipment to avoid high voltage electric shock injuries:
  • Insulated rubber gloves (capable of insulating voltages above 500V)

  • Goggles

  • Insulated rubber shoes

  • Tools with insulated protective sleeves

Chemical protection

If there is a risk of a battery leakage or a potential battery leakage, please wear the following protective equipment to prevent damage to your skin and face:
  • Protective mask

  • Solvent resistant gloves

High Voltage Cutoff

To cut off the high voltage circuit, disconnect the emergency high voltage cutoff plug (located under the hood and near the coolant reservoir), and then disconnect the cable connected to the negative terminal of the 12V battery (located in the left area of the trunk).

To cut off the high voltage circuit:
  1. Open the hood handle cover in the cabin (Figure 1) and pull the hood release cable to unlatch the hood (Figure 2).

  2. Toggle the hook under the hood to release it and lift the hood up.

  3. Take out the hood prop rod from the clip and position it appropriately to support the hood.

  4. Disconnect the emergency high voltage cutoff plug to cut off the high voltage circuit. Remove the plug and stow it appropriately.

  5. Remove the 12V battery cover on the left side of the trunk and disconnect the cable connected to the negative terminal of the battery. Wrap the cable with a protective layer to avoid conduction due to accidental contact.

Towing a Vehicle that Had an Accident

Caution This vehicle is not suitable for traction with wheels on the ground. Do not use a traction chain to tow the vehicle directly.
  • This vehicle is not suitable for traction with wheels on the ground. Do not use a traction chain to tow the vehicle directly.

  • When the vehicle is on snow, mud, or sand, or when the wheels are locked and unable to rotate freely, do not use a towing hook to tow the vehicle. Please contact the NIO service center.

If you need the vehicle to be towed, please call a flatbed trailer to transport the vehicle. How to tow a vehicle:
  1. Take out the hitch from the vehicle kit in the rear trunk.

  2. Press the lower end of the front towing flap of the vehicle to open it (1 in the picture), insert the hitch into the hole and rotate until the hitch is firmly seated (2 in the picture). The rear hitch is installed in the same way as the front hitch.

  3. Depress the brake pedal while the vehicle is in the P gear, go to the Settings page from the leftmost side of the control bar at the bottom of the center display, and tap Driving > "N" Mode. Now your vehicle will release the parking brake and enter traction mode.

  4. Power the vehicle off before towing, turn on the hazard warning lights, make sure that there is no one in the vehicle and lock the entire vehicle.

  5. Install the tow chain on the hitch and slowly tow the vehicle onto the flatbed.

  6. After the vehicle is towed to the designated location on the flatbed, use brake stops and wheel straps to fix the tires.

  7. Before using a flatbed truck to transport your vehicle, exit the "N" Mode on the center display, then tap Driving > Jack Mode. Now the current vehicle suspension height can be locked to avoid damage caused by bumps during transportation.

Warning Only when there is no safety risk to the vehicle can it be towed away from the site.
  • Only when there is no safety risk to the vehicle can it be towed away from the site. If the vehicle battery pack is deformed, leaking liquid, or emitting smoke, safety risks shall be eliminated first.

  • If you are unable to enter the Trailer/Wash Mode normally, you can try restarting the 12V battery. If the parking brake cannot be released, the vehicle can be transported in as short a distance as possible by using tire slides or wheeled trailers.

  • Do not depress the brake pedal or accelerator pedal hard while exiting the Trailer/Wash Mode on the center display.

  • When the parking brake is released and the vehicle can be towed, there is a risk that the vehicle may slide down on a slope. If necessary, please use brake wedges in conjunction with the parking brake.

Rescuing the Vehicle in Water

Caution 车辆在涉水行驶时建议不要长时间处于深水内(以不超过电池底板为宜),否则容易对车辆高压部件造成损坏。

It is recommended not to stay in deep water for a long time (preferably not exceeding the battery base plate) when the vehicle is wading, as it may cause damage to the high-voltage components of the vehicle.

If the vehicle body and chassis are not damaged, the vehicle will not experience a greater risk of electric shock due to short-term immersion in water. However, professional rescue personnel shall wear appropriate rescue protective equipment when dealing with immersed vehicles. On the premise of ensuring insulation protection, pull the vehicle out of the water, open the door, power off the vehicle, and then clean the water stains inside the vehicle. After checking for an electricity leakage, cut off the high voltage circuit in a normal manner.

Warning 处理浸水车辆时,若救援人员未穿戴适当的救援防护装备将带来严重伤害甚至死亡。

When dealing with submerged vehicles, failure to wear proper rescue protective equipment by the rescuers can result in serious injury or even death.

Rescuing Vehicle Fire

Warning 如果车辆发生火灾,切勿直接触摸车上任意部分。请穿戴正确的防护装备对其进行操作。
  • In the case of a vehicle fire, do not directly touch any part of the vehicle. All rescue operations should be performed by professionals who must wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

  • The gas stored in the side curtain airbag cylinder and the high pressure air suspension tank may expand and explode under high temperatures. Please act with caution to avoid injury.

If the vehicle fire doesn't involve the high voltage battery, you can use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

If the vehicle fire is caused by the high voltage battery or the high voltage battery is overheated, deformed, cracked, or damaged in the fire, use a large amount of water or foam extinguishing agent mixed with water (F-500 EA is recommended) to cool down the high voltage battery. After the battery is completely cooled down (which may take up to 24 hours), monitor it for one more hour to ensure the battery does not heat up again. Then, drive the vehicle to an open and flat area and set up a 15-meter safety zone to keep people away from the vehicle.

Warning 对着火的高压电池采取降温措施后需警惕高压电池有复燃风险,避免运输过程中造成二次伤害。

Be aware that a high voltage battery may re-ignite even after it is cooled down. Particular attention should be paid when transporting the battery.

Rescuing the Vehicle with Battery Leakage

Warning 若车辆发生碰撞事故导致高压电池液体泄漏应由专业救援人员操作,且务必佩戴防护面罩以及溶剂隔离手套,切勿直接碰触液体。

If leakage from a high voltage battery is caused due to an impact, the rescue should be performed by professionals who must wear protective face shields and chemical-resistant gloves. Never make direct contact with the fluids.

When the high voltage battery leaks, it can generate high temperatures and even cause a fire. Please cool the high voltage battery before handling the leaked liquid:
  • When a small amount of leakage occurs, use a suction pad to absorb the leakage and place it in a closed container, or dispose of it by incineration.

  • When a large amount of leakage occurs, please handle the leaked liquid as hazardous chemicals by spraying calcium gluconate solution onto it.

Caution 若人体不慎接触泄露液体时,应尝试消除污染的衣物并立即用肥皂和大量水冲洗15分钟,直到没有化学物质残留。若无改善或出现不适症状,请立即就医。

If any fluids accidentally get on the skin, remove the contaminated clothes, and rinse the skin with soap under running water for 15 minutes until all chemical residues are removed. Seek medical attention immediately if the irritation or discomfort doesn’t improve.

Vehicle Cutting Area

Warning 专业救援人员对车辆进行切割操作时务必使用液压切刀等合适的工具,并穿戴适当的个人防护装备,避免造成严重的人身伤害。

When professional rescuers perform cutting operations, they must use appropriate tools such as a hydraulic cutter and wear appropriate personal protective equipment to avoid serious injury.

The vehicle columns are reinforced with cast aluminum alloy to protect the safety of the driver and passengers. If cutting is required during rescue, appropriate tools should be used. The high-voltage and high-pressure areas of the vehicle shall not be cut, such as airbag-related components, high-voltage components, etc., as shown by the red areas in the figure below.